◆学术与社会服务 Ø 亚洲触觉会议(AsiaHaptics 2020)大会主席(General Chair) Ø IEEE 触觉技术委员会(IEEE Technical Committee on Haptics, TCH) 执行委员会主席,2014年8月至2017年12月, (//www.worldhaptics.org/executive-committee ) Ø IEEE Transactions on Haptics编委(Associate Editor),2014年12月至今 Ø IEEE 触觉技术委员会执行委员会副主席,2011年8月至2014年8月 Ø Digital medicine国际期刊编委,2016年6月至今 Ø 虚拟现实与智能硬件期刊编委,2018年1月至今 Ø IEEE高级会员,中国计算机学会高级会员,中国机械工程学会高级会员 Ø 中国计算机学会人机交互专业组委员 Ø 2015年IEEE世界触觉会议编辑委员会副编辑(IEEE World Haptics Conference 2015, Associate Editor) Ø 2015年IEEE国际机器人与自动化大会分会主席(IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2015, Session Chair) Ø 2014年欧洲触觉会议国际咨询委员会委员,International advisory committee, EuroHaptics Conference 2014, Paris, France(触觉领域三大主流会议之一) Ø 2014年欧洲触觉会议程序委员会委员,Program Committee, EuroHaptics Conference 2014, Paris, France(触觉领域三大主流会议之一) Ø 2014年机器人科学与系统程序委员会委员,Program Committee, Robotics Science and Systems (RSS) 2014, Berlin, Germany(机器人领域知名会议) Ø Member of International Program Committee, 10th Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation (VRIPHYS 2013). Lille, France. (//vriphys2013.inria.fr/committees/) Ø 2013年IEEE世界触觉会议编辑委员会副编辑(IEEE World Haptics Conference 2013, Associate Editor) Ø 2013年IEEE世界触觉会议组织委员会成员(IEEE World Haptics Conference 2013 Organizing Committee member, Publicity Co-Chair)(触觉领域顶级会议) Ø 2011年IEEE世界触觉会议评奖委员会成员(IEEE World Haptics Conference 2011 Award Committee member)(触觉领域顶级会议) Ø 2011年IEEE国际机器人与自动化大会触觉分会主席(IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2011, Session Chair of Haptics Session) Ø 国际期刊审稿人,包括IEEE Transaction on Haptics, ACM Transaction on Graphics, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics--Part C: Applications and Reviews, Journal of Computer Science and Technology等期刊; 专著 1. D. Wang, J. Xiao, and Y. Zhang, Haptic rendering for fine manipulation, Springer, 2014, ISBN 978-3-662-44949-3. //www.springer.com/computer/hci/book/978-3-662-44948-6 期刊论文 1. D. Wang, K. Ohnishi and W. Xu, "Multimodal Haptic Display for Virtual Reality: A Survey", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2020, Vol. 67, No. 01, pp. 610-623 2. D. Wang, M. Song, A. Naqash, Y. Zheng, W. Xu, and Y. Zhang, Toward Whole-hand Kinesthetic Feedback: A Survey of Force Feedback Gloves, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, VOL. 12, NO. 2, APRIL-JUNE, 2019, pp. 189-204 3. Z. Wang, D. Wang, Y. Zhang, J. Liu, L.Wen, W. Xu, and Y. Zhang, A Three-Fingered Force Feedback Glove using Fiber reinforced Soft Bending Actuators, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2020, In press 4. Y. Zhang, D. Wang, Z. Wang, Y. Zhang and J. Xiao, Passive Force-feedback Gloves with Joint-based Variable Impedance Using Layer Jamming, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, In press 5. X. Guo, Y. Zhang, W. Xu, and D. Wang, Effect of Temperature on the Detection and Discrimination Thresholds of Voltage on Electrovibration Tactile Display, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, In press 6. R. Chu, Y. Zhang, H. Zhang, W. Xu, J. Ryu, D. Wang, Co-actuation: a Method for Achieving High Stiffness and Low Inertia for Haptic Devices, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, In press 7. D. Wang, K. Ohnishi, and W. Xu, Novel Emerging Sensing, Actuation, and Control Techniques for Haptic Interaction and Teleoperation. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 67, No. 01, pp. 624-626, January 2020 8. D. Wang, T. Li, N. Afzal, et al. Haptics-mediated Approaches for Enhancing Sustained Attention: Framework and Challenges. Sci China Inf Sci, 2020 9. Y. Zheng, D. Wang, Y. Zhang, Y. Tang. Enhancing attention by synchronizing respiration and fingertip pressure: a pilot study using functional near infrared spectroscopy. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2019, In press 10. Y. Zheng, D. Wang, Y. Zhang and W. Xu, Detecting Mind Wandering: An Objective Method via Simultaneous Control of Respiration and Fingertip Pressure. Frontiers in Psychology, 2019, 10:216. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00216 11. C. Peng, D. Wang, Y. Zhang, and J. Xiao, "A Visuo-Haptic Attention Training Game With Dynamic Adjustment of Difficulty", IEEE Access, 2019, 7, pp. 68878-68891 12. C. Peng, D. Wang, and Y. Zhang, Quantifying Differences among Ten Fingers in Force Control Capabilities by a Modified Meyer Model. Symmetry, 2019, 11, 1109; doi:10.3390/sym11091109 13. D. Wang, Y. Guo, S. Liu, Y. Zhang, W. Xu, J. Xiao. Haptic display for virtual reality: progress and challenges. Virtual Reality & Intelligent Hardware, 2019, 1(2): 136—162 14. M. Liu, J. Zhang, W. Jia, Q. Chang, S. Shan, Y. Hu, D. Wang, Enhanced Executive Attention Efficiency after Adaptive Force Control Training: Behavioural and Physiological Results, Behavioural Brain Research (2019), 15. X. Guo, Y. Zhang, D. Wang, L. Lu, J. Jiao, and W. Xu, "The Effect of Applied Normal Force on the Electrovibration," IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 2019, In press 16. Y. Zheng, D. Wang, Z. Wang, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, W. Xu, Design of a Lightweight Force Feedback Glove with a Large Workspace, Engineering (2018), Vol. 4, Issue 6, Dec. 2018, pp. 869-880 17. J. Jiao, D. Wang, Y. Zhang, D. Cao, Y. Visell, X. Guo, et al., "Detection and Discrimination Thresholds for Haptic Gratings on Electrostatic Tactile Displays," IEEE Transactions on Haptics, pp. 1-1, 2018 18. D. Wang, C. Peng, N. Afzal, W. Li, D. Wu, Y. Zhang, Localization Performance of Multiple Vibrotactile Cues on Both Arms, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 2017, PP(99):1-1. 19. D. Wang, T. Li, G. Yang, Y. Zhang, Effect of Concurrent and Delayed Visual Feedback on Motor Memory Consolidation, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 2017 Feb 22. doi: 10.1109/TOH.2017.2672549 20. G. Liu, X. Sun, D. Wang, Y. Liu, and Y. Zhang, Effect of Electrostatic Tactile Feedback on Accuracy and Efficiency of Pan Gestures on Touch Screens, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 2017, PP(99):1-1. 21. T. Li, D. Wang, C. Peng, C. Yu, and Y. Zhang, “Speed-Accuracy Tradeoff of Fingertip Force Control with Visual/Audio/Haptic Feedback,” Int. J. Human Computer Studies, vol. 110, pp. 33–44, Oct. 2018. 22. D. Wang, X. Zhao, Y. Shi, Y. Zhang and J. Xiao, Six Degree-of-Freedom Haptic Simulation of a Stringed Musical Instrument for Triggering Sounds, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, DOI: 10.1109/TOH.2016.2628369 23. D. Wang, X. Zhao, Y. Shi, Y. Zhang and J. Xiao, Six Degree-of-Freedom Haptic Simulation of Probing Dental Caries within a Narrow Oral Cavity, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, DOI: 10.1109/TOH.2016.2531660 24. S. Zhang, D. Wang, N. Afzal, Y. Zhang, R. Wu, Rhythmic Haptic Stimuli Improve Short-term Attention, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, DOI: 10.1109/TOH.2016.2531662 25. D. Wang, J. Jiao, G. Yang, Y. Zhang, Force Maintenance Accuracy Using a Tool: Effects of Magnitude and Feedback, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, In Press 26. G. Yu, D. Wang, Y. Zhang, and J. Xiao, Simulating sharp geometric features in six degrees-of-freedom haptic rendering, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2015, pp. 67-78 27. D. Wang, Y. Zhang, X. Yang, G. Yang, and Y. Yang, Force Control Tasks with Pure Haptic Feedback Promote Short-Term Focused Attention, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, Vol. 7, No. 4, 2014, pp. 467-476 28. D. Wang, Y. Shi, S. Liu, Y. Zhang and J. Xiao, Haptic Simulation of Organ Deformation and Hybrid Contacts in Dental Operations, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2014, pp. 48-60 29. D. Wang, X. Zhang, Y. Zhang and J. Xiao, Configuration-based Optimization for Six Degree-of-Freedom Haptic Rendering for Fine Manipulation, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2013, pp. 167-180 (IDS: 157EA; WOS:000319877500004) 30. D. Wang, J. Guo, C. Sun, M. Xu, and Y. Zhang, A Flexible Concept for Designing Multi-Axis Force/Torque Sensors using Force Closure Theorem, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 62, No. 7, 2013, pp. 1951-1959 31. D. Wang, C. Yang, Y. Zhang and J. Xiao, Towards in-vivo force and motion measurement for vascular surgery, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 63, No. 8, 2014, pp.1975 - 1982 32. D. Wang, Y. Zhang, J. Hou, Y. Wang, P. Lv, Y. Chen, H. Zhao, iDental: A haptic-based dental simulator and its preliminary evaluation, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2012, pp. 332-343 33. D. Wang, Y. Zhang, W. Zhou, H. Zhao, Z. Chen, "Collocation Accuracy of Visuo-Haptic System: Metrics and Calibration," IEEE Transactions on Haptics , Vol. 4, No. 4, Oct. –Dec., 2011, pp. 321-326 34. D. Wang, Y. Zhang, C. Yao, J. Wu, H. Jiao and M. Liu, “Toward force-based signature verification: a pen-type sensor and preliminary validation,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Volume 59, Number 4, April 2010, pp: 752-762 (SCI:000275368500002) 35. D. Wang, Y. Zhang et al., “Cutting on Triangle Mesh Local Model based haptic display for dental preparation surgery simulation,” IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, No. 6, 2005, p671-683 (SCI 检索号: 962VN) 36. D. Wang, L. Wang, Y. Zhang, P. Lv, Y. Sun and J. Xiao, Preliminary study on a miniature laser manipulation robotic device for tooth crown preparation, The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 2014 Dec. 10(4):482-94. doi: 10.1002/rcs.1560. Epub 2014 Jan 6 37. L. Wang, D. Wang, Y. Zhang, L. Ma, Y. Sun, and P. Lv, An automatic robotic system for three- dimensional tooth crown preparation using a picosecond laser, Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 2014 Sep. 46(7):573-81. doi: 10.1002/lsm.22274 38. D. Wang, S. Zhao, T. Li, Y. Zhang, X. Wang, Preliminary Evaluation of a Virtual Reality Dental Simulation System on Drilling Operation, Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, Accepted 39. D. Wang, T. Li, Y. Zhang, J. Hou, Survey on Multi-sensory Feedback Virtual Reality Dental Training Systems, European Journal of Dental Education, In press 40. F. Yuan, P. Lv, D. Wang, L. Wang, Y. Sun, Y. Wang, Controlling Dental Enamel–Cavity Ablation Depth with Optimized Stepping Parameters Along the Focal Plane Normal Using a Three Axis, Numerically Controlled Picosecond Laser, Photomedicine and Laser Surgery 02/2015; 33(2):92-7. DOI:10.1089/pho.2014.3840 41. Y. Sun, F. Yuan, P. Lv, D. Wang, L. Wang, Y. Wang, Method to control depth error when ablating human dentin with numerically controlled picosecond laser: a preliminary study. Lasers in Medical Science 06/2014; 30(5). DOI:10.1007/s10103-014-1596-2 42. Dangxiao Wang, Yuru Zhang, Jun Wu, “A hierarchical model of motor skill for haptic-assisted virtual reality training,” The International Journal of Virtual Reality, 2010, 9(3):75-81 43. DangXiao Wang , YuRu Zhang, Yong Wang, PeiJun Lü, RenGe Zhou and WanLin Zhou, “Haptic rendering for dental training system,” Science in China Series F: Information Sciences, Volume 52, Number 3, MAR 2009, pp: 529-546 (王党校,张玉茹等,面向牙科手术培训的力觉合成技术, 中国科学[F],2009年第39卷第1期:159~174) (SCI:000264106500013) 44. Jun Wu, Dangxiao Wang, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Yuru Zhang. “Toward stable and realistic haptic interaction for tooth preparation simulation,” ASME Transactions - Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, vol.10, no.2, 021007 (9 pages), June 2010 (SCI:000278575300007) 45. D. Wang, Y. Zhang et al., “Strokes-based modeling and haptic skill display for Chinese calligraphy simulation system,” Springer Virtual Reality Journal, (2006) 9: 118-132 46. Jun Wu, Yuen-Shan Leung, Charlie C.L. Wang, Dangxiao Wang, and Yuru Zhang, “Smooth force rendering on coarse polygonal meshes,”Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, Special Issue of 23rd International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents, Saint-Malo, France, May 31 - June 2, 2010, vo.21, no.3-4, pp.235-244 (SCI:000280135400011) 47. Guanyang Liu,Yuru Zhang, Dangxiao Wang,Townsend, “Stable haptic interaction using a damping model to implement a realistic tooth-cutting simulation for dental training,”Springer Virtual Reality Journal , Springer London 2008.3. (EI 082411306091) 48. 王党校,戴晓伟,张玉茹. 让虚拟世界真实可触——2012 IEEE 触/力觉研讨会介绍. 中国计算机学会通讯, 2012,8, 8(8):71-76 49. 邹愉, 张玉茹, 王党校. 求解柔索驱动并联机构最大任务空间的区间分析法[J]. 机械工程学报, 2014, 50(5):10-16. 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Yuan Guo, Dangxiao Wang, Ziqi Wang, Xiuping Yang, Haitong Wang, Yuru Zhang, Weiliang Xu,“Achieving High Stiffness Range of Force Feedback Gloves using Variable Stiffness Mechanism,” IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC), Tokyo, Japan, July 9-12, 2019. 76. Yilei Zheng, Dangxiao Wang, Lijun Wang, et al. "Monitoring Neural Activity during Motion-Force Control Task Using Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy," IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC), Tokyo, Japan, July 9-12, 2019. 77. Jian Jiao, Yuru Zhang, Dangxiao Wang, Xingwei Guo, Xiaoying Sun. HapTex: A Database of Fabric Textures for Surface Tactile Display [C]. IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC), Tokyo, Japan, July 9-12, 2019 78. Y. Zhang, D. Wang, Z. Wang, Y. Wang, L. Wen, and Y. Zhang, A Two-Fingered Force Feedback Glove using Soft Actuators, IEEE Haptics Symposium 2018, Mar. 25-28, San Francisco, US. 79. Jian Jiao, Yuru Zhang, Dangxiao Wang, et al. Data-Driven Rendering of Fabric Textures on Electrostatic Tactile Displays. IEEE Haptics Symposium, 2018, pp. 169-174 80. Jian Song, Yuru Zhang, Hongdong Zhang, Dangxiao Wang, Weiliang Xu. Improvement in Stiffness Performance of Force Feedback Devices with Ultrasonic Motors. IEEE Haptics Symposium, 2018, 78-83. 81. P. Zhang, D. Wang, Y. Zhang. Analysis of Correlation between Image Texture and Friction Coefficient of Materials[C]. IEEE Intl Conf on Image Systems and Techniques, Oct.18-20, 2017, 352-357 82. L. Lu, Y. Zhang, X. Guo, D. Wang, A Surface Texture Display for Flexible Virtual Objects. AsiaHaptics Conference, Incheon, Korea, 2018 83. X. Guo, Y. Zhang, D. Wang, L. Lu, J. Jiao, and W. Xu, "Correlation Between Electrovibration Perception Magnitude and the Normal Force Applied by Finger," EuroHaptics, 2018, pp. 91-101 84. C. Peng, D. Wang, Y. Zhang, T. Li, Quantifying Differences between Five Fingers in Speed-Accuracy Tradeoff for Force Control Tasks, IEEE World Haptics Conference 2017, The 7th Joint Eurohaptics Conference and IEEE Haptics Symposium, Jun. 05~09, 2017, Munich, Germany. 85. H. Zhang, Y. Zhang, D. Wang, and L. Lu, DentalTouch: A Haptic Display with High Stiffness and Low Inertia, IEEE World Haptics Conference 2017, The 7th Joint Eurohaptics Conference and IEEE Haptics Symposium, Jun. 05~09, 2017, Munich, Germany. 86. X. Guo, Y. Zhang, D. Wang, and J. Jiao, Absolute and Discrimination Thresholds of a Flexible Texture Display, IEEE World Haptics Conference 2017, The 7th Joint Eurohaptics Conference and IEEE Haptics Symposium, Jun. 05~09, 2017, Munich, Germany. 87. M. W. Uddin, X. Zhao, D. Wang, A pneumatic-driven haptic glove with force and tactile feedback, IEEE International Conference on Virtual Reality and Visualization, 2017:304-311 88. D. Zhang, D. Wang, WALS-Robot: A Compact and Transformable Wheel-Arm-Leg-Sucker Hybrid Robot, 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2016). Daejeon, Korea, Oct.09-Oct. 14, 2016 89. X. Yang, D. Wang and Y. Zhang, An Adaptive Strategy for an Immersive Visuo-Haptic Attention Training Game, EuroHaptics Conference 2016, Jul.4-7, London, UK 90. J. Song, Y. Zhang, H. Zhang and D. Wang, Co-Actuation: Achieve High Stiffness and Low Inertia in Force Feedback Device, EuroHaptics Conference 2016, Jul.4-7, London, UK 91. M. Xu, D. Wang, Y. Zhang, D. Wu, "Effect of Vibrotactile Cues for Guiding Simultaneous Procedural Motion of Two Joints on Upper Limbs.", 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2015). Hamburg, Germany, Sep. 28-Oct. 02, 2015 92. T. Li, D. Wang, S. Zhang, Y. Zhang, and C. Yu, Speed-Accuracy Tradeoff of Controlling Absolute Magnitude of Fingertip Force, IEEE World Haptics Conference 2015, The 6th Joint Eurohaptics Conference and IEEE Haptics Symposium, Jun. 22~25, 2015, Chicago, US. 93. M. Xu, D, Wang, Y. Zhang,J. Song and D, Wu, Performance of simultaneous motion and respiration control under guidance of audio-haptic cues, IEEE World Haptics Conference 2015, The 6th Joint Eurohaptics Conference and IEEE Haptics Symposium, Jun. 22~25, 2015, Chicago, US. 94. G. Yang, D. Wang, and Yuru Zhang, Comparing the Effect of Concurrent and Delayed Visual Feedback on Consolidating Motor Memory in Force Control, IEEE World Haptics Conference 2015, The 6th Joint Eurohaptics Conference and IEEE Haptics Symposium, Jun. 22~25, 2015, Chicago, US. 95. D. Wang, H. Tong, Y. Shi, Y. Zhang, Interactive haptic simulation of tooth extraction by a constraint-based haptic rendering approach, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2015, May 26 – May. 31, 2015, Seattle, US 96. L. Ma, D. Wang, Y. Zhang, L. Wang, P. Lv, Y. Sun, 3D Path Planning of a Laser Manipulation Robotic System for Tooth Preparing, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2014, May 31 – Jun. 07, 2014, Hong Kong, China 97. G. Yu, D. Wang, Y. Zhang, Accelerating Optimization-based Haptic Rendering by Parallel Quadratic Programming Method, 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2013). Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 03-08, 2013 98. L. Wang, D. Wang, L. Ma, Y. Zhang, F. Yuan, Y. Sun, Preliminary experiments of a miniature robotic system for tooth ablation using ultra-short pulsed lasers, 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2013). Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 03-08, 2013 99. D. Wang, C. Yang, Y. Zhang, J. Xiao, Y. Dong, T. Wang, A novel design of a wearable device for measuring force and torque in vascular surgery, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2013, May 6 - 10, 2013, Karlsruhe, Germany 100. D. Wang, M. Xu, Y. Zhang, J. Xiao, Preliminary study on haptics-stimulation based brainwave entrainment, IEEE World Haptics Conference 2013, The 5th Joint Eurohaptics Conference and IEEE Haptics Symposium, April 14~17, 2013, Daejeon, Korea. 101. D. Wang, Y. Shi, S. Liu, Y. Zhang, J. Xiao, The influence of master-slave mapping uncertainty on force/torque fidelity of 6-DOF haptic rendering, IEEE World Haptics Conference 2013, The 5th Joint Eurohaptics Conference and IEEE Haptics Symposium, April 14~17, 2013, Daejeon, Korea. 102. D. Wang, S. Liu, J. Xiao, J. Hou, Y. Zhang. Six Degree-of-Freedom Haptic Simulation of Pathological Changes in Periodontal Operations. 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2012). Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal October 7-12, 2012. pp. 39-45 103. G. Yu, D. Wang, Y. Zhang, X. Zhang, Six Degree-of-Freedom Haptic Simulation of Sharp Geometric Features using a Hybrid Sphere-tree Model, 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2012), Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal October 7-12, 2012. pp. 3314-3319 104. D. Wang, C. Yang, J. Shi, Y. Zhang. A portable in-vivo device of friction force and torque measurement for vascular surgery, IEEE International Conference on Virtual Environments, Human-Computer Interfaces and Measurement Systems (VECIMS), July 2-4, 2012, Tianjin, China, pp. 190 – 195. 105. Z. Chen, Y. Zhang, D. Wang, et al. iFeel6-BH1500: a Large Scale 6-DOF Haptic Device. IEEE International Conference on Virtual Environments, Human-Computer Interfaces and Measurement Systems (VECIMS), July 2-4, 2012, Tianjin, China, pp. 121 – 125. 106. D. Wang, S. Liu, X. Zhang, Y. Zhang and J. Xiao, Six-degree-of-freedom Haptic Simulation of Organ Deformation in Dental Operations, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2012, May 14-18, 2012, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, pp. 1050-1056. 107. D. Wang, X. Zhang, Y. Zhang and J. Xiao, Configuration-based Optimization for Six Degree-of-Freedom Haptic Rendering for Fine Manipulation, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2011, May 9-13, Shanghai, China (Best Manipulation Paper Award - Finalist) 108. Zhixiang Wang, Dangxiao Wang, Yuru Zhang and Ming C. Lin, Analysis on Increasing Transparency for Penalty-based Six Degree-of-Freedom Haptic Rendering, Proc. of the World Haptics Conference 2011, Istanbul, Turkey, Jun. 21-24, 2011, pp. 83-88 109. Xin Zhang, Dangxiao Wang, Yuru Zhang and Jing Xiao, Configuration-based Optimization for Six Degree-of-Freedom Haptic Rendering Using Sphere-trees, Proc. of the IEEE International conference on Intelligent robot and systems, IROS 2011, September 25-30, 2011, San Francisco, California, U.S., pp. 2602-2607 110. Dangxiao Wang, Lei Fang, Mu Xu and Jiaqi Yu. Flexible Building Blocks: Modularized Design Concept of A Six-Axis Force/Torque Sensor [C]. International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA2011). Aug. 07-10, 2011, Beijing, China 111. Ge Yu, Dangxiao Wang, Yuru Zhang, Visio-haptic simulation for detection of dental cavity profile. In ICMA 2011: Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, 7-10 Aug, Beijing, 1315 – 1320 (2011) 112. Jiao Huimin, Wang Dangxiaio, Zhang yuru. Template Construction for Function-based Signature Verification. The 6th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA2011), Jun. 21, 2011 - Jun. 23, 2011, Beijing, China 113. Muli Liu, Dangxiao Wang, Yuru Zhang, A Novel Haptic Rendering Algorithm for Stable and Precise 6-DOF Virtual Assembly, ASME 2010 World Conference on Innovative Virtual Reality (WINVR2010), May 12-14, 2010, Ames, Iowa, U.S. 114. Hui Zhao, Dangxiao Wang, Soft Tissue Simulation with Bimanual Force Feedback, 2010 International Conference on Audio, Language and Image Processing(ICALIP2010), vol.1, pp.903-907. (EI: 20110713662953) 115. Lei Fang, Dangxiao Wang, Huimin JIAO, On-line Signature Verification Based on Three-dimensional Force Signals at Critical Points, 2010 International Conference on Audio, Language and Image Processing(ICALIP2010), vol.1, pp.543-547 (EI: 20110713662675) 116. Dangxiao WANG, Jiting LI, Chao LI, An Adaptive Haptic Interaction Architecture for Knee Rehabilitation Robot, IEEE ICMA 2009, 2009 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, August 9 - 12, 2009, Changchun, Jilin, China 117. 王党校,周万琳,赵辉,侯建霞, 陈永刚, 王勇, 吕培军,牙周操作力反馈模拟技术的评价方法,中国计算机大会论文集,CNCC2009,中国天津,2009.10.23-24. pp. 842-854 118. Jun Wu, Ge Yu, Dangxiao Wang, Yuru Zhang, Charlie C.L. Wang. Voxel-based Interactive Haptic Simulation of Dental Drilling. In Proceedings of ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. August 30-September 2, 2009, San Diego, USA 119. Xiaowei Dai, Yuru Zhang, Dangxiao Wang, Maximum Virtual Stiffness Distribution Analysis and Measurement for Haptic Device, 2009 ASME/IDETC, Proceeding of ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE), 2009,San Diego, CA,USA 120. Jun Wu, Dangxiao Wang, Yuru Zhang. Virtual Fixture based Haptic Rendering of Handwriting. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Virtual Environments, Human-Computer Interfaces, and Measurement Systems. May 11-13, 2009, Hong Kong, China. pp. 16-21 (EI: 20094312391258) 121. Huimin JIAO, Dangxiao WANG, Yuru ZHANG, Different role of friction and normal force for force-based signature verification, The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Image and Signal Processing (CISP 2009) , TianJin, China, 17-19 October, 2009 122. Dangxiao WANG, Yuru ZHANG, Yu WANG, Analysis of registration accuracy for collocated haptic-visual display system, Proc. of the 16th Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environments and Teleoperator Systems, Reno, Nevada, U.S. Mar. 13-14, 2008 (EI检索号:083511479770) 123. Renge Zhou, Dangxiao Wang, Yuru Zhang, Haptic Rendering of Tissue Boundary for Surgical Training, IEEE/ASME Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Xi’an, China, July 2-5, 2008(EI检索号:084011617633) 124. Xiaowei Dai, Yuru Zhang, Yonggang Cao, Dangxiao Wang, Current Closed Loop Control for Increasing Virtual Stiffness in Haptic Interaction, 2008 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronics and Embedded Systems and Applications,2008,Beijing, China (EI: 20090911933697) 125. Xiaowei DAI, Yuru ZHANG, Yonggang CAO and Dangxiao WANG. Stable Multirate Control Algorithm for Haptic Dental Training System. International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications(2008ICIRA) (EI 084911762297) 126. Dangxiao Wang, Yuru Zhang, Jun Wu, A novel haptic file format for sharing haptic sensation by record-play method, Proc. of 2007 International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, HCII, Beijing, China, Jul. 22-27, 2007 127. Chao Li, Dangxiao Wang, Yuru Zhang, Experimental Study on Enlarged Force Bandwidth Control of a Knee Rehabilitation Robot, Proc. of 2007 International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, HCII, Beijing, China, Jul. 22-27, 2007(ISTP:000248533200082)(EI: 20080411042530) 128. Yonggang Cao, Yuru Zhang, Yunzhong Ma, Dangxiao Wang. Design and Analysis of A New Six DOF Haptic Device for Dental Training,IEEE ROMAN 2007 Conference, Jeju, Korea, Aug. 26~29, 2007 (EI 20083311449938) 129. D. Wang, Y. Zhang, C. Yao, Machine-mediated motor skill training method in haptic-enabled Chinese calligraphy simulation system,Proceedings of 2006 IEEE International conference on Intelligent robot and systems, IROS 2006,Beijing, China,Oct. 9~15,2006 (EI: 20072510665539) 130. D. Wang, Y. Zhang, Y. Wang, G. Liu, Spatial-domain consistency between haptic and visual display under geometrical transform,Proceedings of EuroHaptics 2006, Paris, France, July 3-5, 2006 131. D. Wang, Y. Zhang, Y. Cao, Dynamic unilateral constraint (DUC) Unified model for VE-induced instability analysis in haptic system,Proceedings of EuroHaptics 2006, Paris, France, July 3-5, 2006 132. D. Wang, Y. Zhang, Y. Cao, Modeling of Intelligent Behaviour in Haptic Enabled Tug-of-War Simulation,The Multiconference on "Computational Engineering in Systems Applications",CESA 2006,Beijing, China,Oct. 4~6,2006 133. Dangxiao WANG, Yuru ZHANG, Zhitao SUN, “Multi-modal virtual reality dental training system with integrated haptic-visual-audio display”,2006 International Conference on Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation (RWIA’2006), Shanghai,China, December 8-11, 2006 134. D. Wang, Y. Zhang et al., Virtual Tug-of-War Example of Intelligent Virtual Environment in Haptic Interaction, Proc. of the World Haptics Conference 2005, Pisa, Italy, March 15~18, 2005 135. G. Liu, Y. Zhang, D. 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Luo Yangyu, Wang dangxiao, Zhang Yuru, Development of a Haptic Interface, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Instrumentation Science and Technology, Jinan, PR.China, 2002, pp. 272-276 发明专利 1. 授权发明专利,王党校,张玉茹,吕培军,王勇,陈永刚,王治翔,“虚拟现实牙科手术触感训练支撑平台”(专利号:ZL 200910242042.5),2011年5月4日 2. 授权发明专利, 王党校,张玉茹,姚冲,吴俊,面向签名防伪的多维力觉信息测量数字笔(专利号:ZL 200710064434.8),2010年1月6日 3. 授权发明专利,王党校,张玉茹,王瑜, 周万琳,吴俊,“面向手眼协调操作的力觉视觉融合显示平台”(专利号:ZL200810056484.6),2009年8月19日 4. 授权发明专利,王党校,张玉茹,吴俊,姚冲,“书写训练设备及处理方法”(专利号:ZL 200710303776.0),2010年9月8日 5. 授权发明专利,王党校,张玉茹,刘冠阳,“虚拟空间的触觉力觉反馈人机拔河系统”,(专利号:ZL200810055892.X),2010年4月21日 6. 授权发明专利,张玉茹,曹永刚,王党校,马运忠,"六自由度力觉人机交互装置"(专利号:ZL 200710062916.X),2008.11.12 7. 授权发明专利,王党校, 方磊, 徐牧, 于佳琦, 张玉茹,一种能够实现六维空间力测量的力矩传感器,专利号:ZL201110190280.3 8. 授权发明专利,王党校, 王治翔, 宋涛,一种用来模拟力觉交互设备操作过程的接触刚度生成装置,专利号:ZL 201110256640.5 9. 授权发明专利,王党校,杨彩玲,张玉茹. 一种实时测量心血管介入手术中导管介入力和力矩的装置. 专利号:ZL 201210185159.6,2013-09-18 10. 授权发明专利,王党校,张欣,刘帅,张玉茹,面向虚拟现实牙科操作训练的多点接触力觉反馈系统,专利号:201110278879.2 11. 授权发明专利,吕培军,王党校,王勇,张玉茹,孙玉春,宋涛,陈中元,王磊. 一种激光式口腔内微型牙体预备自动切削装置. 专利号:ZL 201210193871.0 12. 授权发明专利,郭卫东,王党校,刘冠阳,刘斌,宋传涛,周墨渊,飞机驾驶盘力反馈系统,中华人民共和国发明专利, 专利号:ZL 201010292220.8(申请日2010.9.26) 13. 申请发明专利,王党校,杨彩玲,张玉茹. 一种心血管介入手术中的实时导管介入信息测量装置. 申请号:201310156819.2 公开(公告)号:CN103239791A 14. 申请发明专利,张玉茹、刘军传、王党校、李朝斌.一种新型的六自由度力反馈装置.申请号:201210225663.4 15. 申请发明专利,王党校,徐牧,张玉茹,杨潇潇,杨高峰,穿戴式力觉交互设备及系统,中国发明专利,受理号: 2014100006525 16. 申请发明专利,王党校,徐牧,张玉茹,杨潇潇,杨高峰,用于模块化力觉交互设备的音乐调制处理方法,中国发明专利,受理号:2014100009805 17. 申请发明专利, 王党校,王磊,张玉茹,马磊,一种口腔内微型自动化牙体预备的切削装置,申请号 201310671482.9 18. 申请发明专利,王党校,杨潇潇,张玉茹,徐牧,杨高峰,一种基于精确力量控制和触觉反馈及难度自适应的注意力训练方法,申请号:2015100023474 19. 申请发明专利,王党校,彭聪,杨潇潇,张玉茹,一种沉浸式视觉和离散力控制任务结合的注意力训练系统,中国发明专利,申请号:201610417385.0 20. 申请发明专利,王党校,李腾,张玉茹,杨潇潇,彭聪,一种纯触觉反馈和连续力控制任务结合的注意力训练系统,中国发明专利,申请号:201610780267.6 21. 申请发明专利,王党校,李腾,张玉茹,杨潇潇,彭聪,一种纯声音反馈和连续力控制任务结合的注意力训练系统,中国发明专利,申请号:201610786655.5 22. 申请发明专利,王党校,宋梦,张玉茹,一种气压驱动的力反馈和触觉反馈装置,申请号:201610597525.7,2016年7月27日 23. 申请发明专利,王党校,郑宇铠,宋梦,张玉茹,一种气压驱动的多指协同力反馈和触觉反馈手套装置 24. 王党校, 郑一磊, 刘诗怡. 一种基于呼吸和力触觉协同控制的注意力训练方法及系统:中国,201910080456.6[P]. 2019-01-28. 25. 王党校,郭园,杨修平,王海同,张玉茹.一种动支点杠杆式变刚度机构和单指力反馈手套:中国,201910400829.3. 26. 王党校,郭园,王海同,杨修平,张玉茹.一种可调尺寸的变刚度力反馈手套:中国,201910400828.9. 27. 王党校,郭园,王子琦,张玉茹.一种基于高密度柔性电磁线圈阵列驱动的主动纹理呈现装置:中国,201910307279.0. 28. 王党校, 焦健, 张玉茹, 郭兴伟. 一种低摩擦高精度的触觉纹理信息测量系统, 中国发明专利, 201910393700.4., 2019 29. 王党校,王子琦,张昱,张玉茹.一种基于软体驱动器的力反馈手套:中国,201811237973.1. 2018-10-24 30. 王党校,张昱,王子琦,张玉茹.一种多元触觉反馈手套:中国,201811237961.9. 2018-10-24 31. 王党校,张昱,王子琦,张玉茹.一种基于软体变刚度关节驱动器的力反馈手套:中国,201811112345.0. 2018-09-25 32. 王党校,张昱,王子琦,张玉茹.一种移动式多元融合触觉反馈装置: 中国,201811239153.6. 2018-10-24 33. 王党校,张昱,王子琦,张玉茹.一种基于网状结构的纹理反馈装置:中国,201811441321.X. 2018-11-29 34. 王党校,郭琦琦,张玉茹,一种具有多种振动模式的触觉交互装置 35. 王党校,郭琦琦,张玉茹,一种具有多点独立温度反馈的触觉反馈手柄 36. 王党校,张玉茹,郭琦琦,龚翌洁,一种多元触觉融合反馈手柄,申请号:201810843718.5,申请日:2018年7月27日 37. 张玉茹,王党校,陆磊,郭兴伟,一种柔性物体表面触觉反馈装置,申请号:201810842851.9 38. 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