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优质大类核心课程优质教师奖; ■ 2016年度北京市大学生工程设计表达竞赛优秀指导教师; ■ 2次奖教金二等奖(西飞、凡舟); ■ 北航优秀主讲教师提名奖(2014); ■ 北航教学成果一等奖2项(2015); ■ 主编教材2部。 科研方面: 曾入选北京市科技新星计划,北航拔尖人才计划,先后主持了5项国家自然科学基金,针对检测对象复杂、数学约束条件弱化、成像几何参数不可直接测量等极端条件下的层析成像方法,以CT实现过程中的数据获取与标定—>重构与处理—>测量与分析—>维度拓展与信息增容为研究主线,累计发表第一作者SCI论文19篇,第一通讯作者SCI论文8篇,其中Q1区17篇,获批发明专利13项。在工程开发与应用方面,主持国家重大科学仪器开发专项子课题“板状结构层析系统开发”,研制出我国首台CL(Computed Laminography)层析扫描成像系统,获得了2017年度辽宁省科技进步二等奖(本人排名第1);主持国家重大科学仪器开发专项子课题“高频超高压过程层析系统在力学加载中的应用”, 相关成果获得了2015年度教育部技术发明二等奖(本人排名第2);主持国家科技支撑计划课题“放射影像模体检测标准装置设计开发”,将多模式层析方法用于医学影像模体的检测及CT量值溯源,获得了2016年度中国体视学学会科技进步一等奖(排名第1)。目前已累计主持国家级/省部级课题、横向课题60余项,先后为中国工程物理研究院、中国矿业大学(北京)、中国计量科学研究院、丹东奥龙射线仪器集团等多家用户开发了30余套显微CT扫描成像系统、3D-ICT层析扫描系统、板状结构层析扫描系统、X射线GPU加速实时成像系统。 现主持的主要科研项目: [1] 国家重大科学仪器开发专项子课题:高频超高压过程层析系统在力学加载中的应用; [2] 国家重大科学仪器开发专项子课题:板状结构层析分析系统开发; [3] 国家科技支撑计划项目子课题:放射影像模体检测标准装置设计开发; [4] 国家自然科学基金(面上):高温气冷堆燃料颗粒包覆层厚度高精度测量及其空间分布状态表征方法研究; [5] 国家自然科学基金(面上):中子/X射线双模式原位CT层析关键技术研究; [6] 国家自然科学基金(面上):加速器中子成像低衬度图像增强及多模式层析方法研究。 主要学术论文: [1] Min Yang, Qi Liu, Hongsheng Zhao, et al. Automatic X-ray inspection for escaped coated particles in spherical fuel elements of high temperature gas-cooled reactor. Energy, 68(2014):385-398. [2] Min Yang, Jing Pan, Jianhai Zhang, et al. Center of rotation automatic measurement for fan-beam CT system based on sinogram image features. Neurocomputing, 120(2013):250-257. [3] Min Yang, Jingkun Liang, Jianhai Zhang, et al. Non-local means theory based Perona–Malik model for image denosing. Neurocomputing, 120(2013):262-267. [4] Min Yang, Rui Li, Jinghui Duan, et al. Analysis of DR testing blind zone of spherical fuel elements for 10 MW high-temperature gas-cooled reactor. NDT&E International, 60(2013):77-86 . [5] Min Yang, Jianhai Zhang, Sung-Jin Song, et al. Imaging and measuring methods for coating layer thickness of TRISO-coated fuel particles with high accuracy. NDT&E International, 55 (2013): 82-89. [6] Min Yang, Jianhai Zhang, MaodanYuan, et al. Calibration method of projection coordinate system for X-ray cone-beam laminography scanning system. NDT&E International,52 (2012): 16-22. [7] Min Yang, Haidong Gao, Xingdong Li, et al. A new method to determine the center of rotation shift in 2D-CT scanning system using image cross correlation. NDT&E International, 46 (2012): 48-54. [8] Min Yang, Jianhua Zhu, Qi Liu, Shengling Duan, Lihong Liang, Xingdong Li, Wenli Liu, Fanyong Meng . A Practical Method to Calibrate the Slant Angle of Central X-ray for Laminography Scanning System. NDT&E International, 64 (2014): 13-20. [9] MinYang, Jianhai Zhang, Fanyong Meng, et al. Denoising method of X-ray phase contrast DR image for TRISO-coated fuel particles. Particuology,11 (2013): 695-702. [10] Min Yang, Shengling Duan, Jinghui Duan, et al. Extra projection data identification method for fast-continuous-rotation industrial cone-beam CT. Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology, 21 (2013): 467-479. [11] Min Yang, Yimin Yang, and Changsui Wang. A new 3D information acquisition method of micro-drilling marks on ancient perforated stone bead through micro-CT. Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology, 19(2011):333-343. [12] Min Yang, Gao Wang, and Yongzhan Liu. New reconstruction method for X-ray testing of multilayer printed circuit board. Opt Eng, 49(2010) 056501. [13] Min Yang, Zhongchuan Li, Lihong Liang, et al. Automatic Measurement of Rotation Center for Laminography Scanning System without Dedicated Phantoms. Journal of electronic imaging, 23(2014):053018. [14] Yang Min, JIN Xu-Ling and LI Bao-Lei. A new method to determine the projected coordinate origin of a cone-beam CT system using elliptical projection. CPC(HEP & NP), 34(2010): 1665-1670. [15] Yang Min, Chen Hao, Meng Fan-Yong, et al. Novel correction method for X-ray beam energy fluctuation of high energy DR system with a linear detector.CPC(HEP & NP), 35(2011): 1074-1078. [16] Yang Min, Wang Xiaolong, Liu Yipeng, Meng Fanyong, Li Xingdong, Liu Wenli, Weidongbo. Automatic calibration method of voxel size for cone-beam 3D-CT scanning system, CPC(HEP & NP), 38(2014): 046202. [17] Min Yang, Jiawei Liu, Zhongchuan Li, Lihong Liang, Xiaolong Wang, Zhiguo Gui. Locating of 2π-projection view and projection denoising under fast continuous rotation scanning mode of micro-CT, Neurocomputing, 207(2016):335-345. [18] Min Yang, Wen Zhang, Xiaojun Wu, Dongtao Wei, et al. Consecutive Short-scan CT for Geological Structure Analog Models with Large Size on In-situ Stage. Plos One, 2016: 0161358. [19] Min Yang, Xu Han, Xiaojun Wu, Gang Zhao, et al. Artifacts correction method for fan-beam CT with projections asymmetrically truncated on both sides. NDT&E, 87(2017):24-30. |