袁松梅 |
出生年月 |
籍贯 |
辽宁 |
职称 |
教授 |
学历 |
工学博士 |
电话 |
010-82339630 |
办公室 |
系别 |
机械制造及自动化系 |
职务 |
北京市“高效绿色数控加工工艺及装备”工程技术研究中心主任 |
电子信箱 |
yuansm@18crzb.com |
传真 |
010-82339630 |
个人主页 |
◆学习经历 |
✈1994.9-2000.11 哈尔滨工业大学 机械制造及其自动化系 工学博士 ✈1990.9-1994.7 哈尔滨工业大学 精密仪器系 工学学士 |
◆工作经历 |
✈2001.1-2003.6: 清华大学,精密仪器系,博士后 ✈2003.6-2005.7:北京航空航天大学,讲师 ✈2004.1-2005.1:新加坡国立大学(NUS),访问学者 ✈2005.7-2011.7:北京航空航天大学,副教授 ✈2011.4-2011.7:香港中文大学(CUHK),访问学者 ✈2013.6-2013.8:加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学(The University of British Columbia),高级研究学者 ✈2014.8-2014.9:法国南特大学(UNIVERSITE DE NANTES),访问学者 ✈2015.5:美国密歇根大学(University of Michigan),访问学者 ✈2016.4-2016.5:德国多特蒙德大学(Technische Universität Dortmund,Dortmund polytechnic university),访问学者 ✈2011.7-现在: 北京航空航天大学,教授 |
◆研究领域 |
✈先进加工技术及装备(难加工材料及复合材料加工技术及装备、数控装备、微量润滑技术) ✈超声驱动技术在工业和医疗领域的应用(加工用超声换能器、工业喷涂技术、喷泵阀、流体传输、微小型执行器等) ✈ 医工结合(装置、工具、仪器及系统) |
◆荣誉及奖励 |
✈ 中国机械工业科学技术特等奖,排名第四,中国机械工业联合会,中国机械工程学会,2017年 ✈ 北京航空航天大学优秀留学生指导教师,北京航空航天大学,2018年 ✈ 第十九届全国发明展览会金奖,2010年 ✈ “蓝天科研新星”,北京航空航天大学,2006年 ✈ 青年教师课堂教学比赛暨青年教师教学基本功比赛二等奖,北京航空航天大学, 2008年 ✈ “我爱我师-评选我心中最爱戴的老师”活动“优秀教师奖”,北京航空航天大学,2010年 |
◆开授课程 |
✈ 本科生必修课、专业核心课《机电控制工程基础》 ✈ 本科生选修课《微纳米制造技术基础》 ✈ 本科生校级选修课《智能材料、结构与器件》 ✈ 研究生选修课《智能结构、器件及其应用》 ✈ 本科生校级选修课《绿色制造技术概论》 |
◆人才培养 |
✈ 已培养研究生38人,其中博士研究生5人,硕士研究生33人 ✈ 目前在读研究生19人,其中博士研究生7人,硕士研究生12人 ✈ 目前在读留学生4人,其中博士留学生1人,硕士留学生3人 ✈ 所指导的研究生获得包括“中国政府优秀来华留学生奖学金”、“博士生创新基金”、“研究生国家奖学金”、 “校长奖学金”、“优秀研究生”、“优秀毕业生”、“优秀学生干部”、“优秀团员”、“全国工程硕士优秀实践成 果获得者”、“校级优秀硕士学位论文”等各种奖学金及荣誉称号50余人次。 |
◆教学及科研成果 |
作为负责人主持了国家自然科学基金重点、面上及青年基金各1项,国家高档数控机床与基础制造装备科技重大专项课题,教育部高等学校科技创新工程重大项目培育资金项目,国家科技支撑计划重点项目子课题,教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金等国家和省部级科研计划项目课题多项。作为课题副组长承担国家自然科学基金重大项目课题1项,承担企业合作课题多项。 目前面向重大需求及行业应用,主持重大重点项目及课题多项。 发表论文100余篇,其中SCI收录论文30余篇,已授权发明专利30余项,参编著作4部。 |
◆科研项目 |
Ø 作为负责人主持以下项目: 1. 国家自然科学基金航天联合基金重点项目 2. 高档数控机床与基础制造装备国家科技重大专项项目 3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 4. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目 5. 教育部高等学校科技创新工程重大项目培育资金项目 6. 国家科技支撑计划子课题 7. 多个企业横向合作课题 Ø 作为课题副组长承担以下项目: 1. 国家自然科学基金重大项目课题 2. 国家“863”计划子课题 |
◆代表性论文 |
1. Yu Zhang, Songmei Yuan, Lizhi Wang. Investigation of capillary wave, cavitation and droplet diameter distribution during ultrasonic atomization [J]. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2021, 120:110219(Q2, SCI收录号:000579846200005) 2. Fangfei Lin, Songmei Yuan, Wenliang Han. Effective prevention of Escherichia coli biofilm on materials by nano-vibration [J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2021, 608:125610(Q2, SCI收录号:000596079600002) 3. Guangyuan Zhu, Songmei Yuan, Xiaoyao Kong, et al. Flow and aeroacoustic characteristics evaluation of microjet noise reduction concept in the nozzle design for minimum quantity lubrication [J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration,2020, 488:115638(Q1, SCI收录号:000577425800012) 4. Haiyan Shi, Songmei Yuan, Zhen Li, et al. Evaluation of surface roughness based on sampling array for rotary ultrasonic machining of carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites [J]. Measurement,2019,138:175-181(Q1, SCI收录号:000464636400016) 5. Songmei Yuan, Xuebo Hou, Li Wang, Bochuan Chen. Experimental Investigation on the Compatibility of Nanoparticles with Vegetable Oils for Nanofluid Minimum Quantity Lubrication Machining [J].Tribology Letters,2018,66:106(Q2, SCI收录号:000439530800001) 6. Cong Zhu, Xiangcheng Chu, Songmei Yuan, Zuojin Zhong, Yanqiang Zhao, Shuning Gao. Development of an ultrasonic linear motor with ultra-positioning capability and four driving feet [J]. Ultrasonics,2016,72:66-72(Q1, SCI收录号:000383943900008) 7. Yuan S, Fan H, Amin M, et al. A cutting force prediction dynamic model for side milling of ceramic matrix composites C/SiC based on rotary ultrasonic machining [J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016, 86(1-4):37-48. (Q2, SCI收录号:000382174400005) 8. Songmei Yuan, Yanqiang Zhao, Xiangcheng Chu, et al. Analysis and Experimental Research of a Multilayer Linear Piezoelectric Actuator [J]. Applied Sciences, 2016, 6(8):225-237 (Q2, SCI收录号:000385517300020) 9. Yanqiang Zhao, Songmei Yuan, Xiangcheng Chu, et al. Ultrasonic micro-motor with multilayer piezoelectric ceramic and chamfered driving tips [J]. Review of Scientific Instruments,2016, 87(7):095108 (Q2, SCI收录号:000385634500071) 10. Chong Zhang, Songmei Yuan, Muhammad Amin, et al. Development of a cutting force prediction model based on brittle fracture for C/SiC in rotary ultrasonic facing milling [J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016, 85(1):573-583. (Q2, SCI收录号:000378875500050) 11. Songmei Yuan, Cong Zhu, Xiangcheng Chu, Yanqiang Zhao, Muhammad Amin, and Yanglei Fan. A novel linear piezoelectric actuator with two working principles of standing and traveling wave vibration mode [J]. AIP ADVANCES 5, 107213 ,2015,5(10).(Q3, SCI收录号:000364228800062) 12. Yuan SM, Zhang C, Amin M, et al. Development of a cutting force prediction model based on brittle fracture for carbon fiber reinforced polymers for rotary ultrasonic drilling [J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2015, 81(5-8): 1223-1231.(Q2, SCI收录号:000363718600045) 13. Yuan SM, Zhang C, Hu JJ. Effects of cutting parameters on ductile material removal mode percentage in rotary ultrasonic face machining [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2015, 229:1547-1556.(Q3, SCI收录号:000360836400007) 14. Songmei Yuan, Lutao Yan, Weidong Liu, Qiang Liu. Effects of Cooling Air Temperature on Cryogenic Machining of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy [J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2011, 211(3):56-362.(Q2, SCI收录号:000286954200005) 15. L.T.Yan, S.M.Yuan and Q.Liu. Influence of Minimum Quantity Lubrication Parameters on Tool Wear and Surface Roughness in Milling of Forged Steel [J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering,2012,25(3):419-429.(Q4, SCI收录号:000302282100002) 16. Yuan Songmei, Tang Zhuangyun. A Novel Piezoelectric Device, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2010,24(15-16): 2417-2422.(Q4, SCI收录号:000282197000032) 17. 严鲁涛,袁松梅,刘强.绿色切削高强度钢的刀具磨损及切屑形态研究[J].机械工程学报, 2010,46(9):187-192 18. Songmei Yuan, Zhaoying Zhou, Guohui Wang. Experimental research on piezoelectric array microjet [J]. Sensors and Actuators, vol 108(1-3),pp182-186,2003.(Q1, SCI收录号:000186955600032) 19. Yuan Songmei, Zhou Zhaoying, Wang Guohui, Liu Changgeng. MEMS-Based Piezoelectric Array Microjet [J]. Microelectronic Engineering, vol 66/1-4,pp767-772 , 2003.(Q2, SCI收录号:000182725500113) |
◆代表性发明专利 |
1. 用于喷涂的流体引导装置、喷涂系统及喷涂方法, 授权专利号:ZL201911414839.9,授权时间:2021.6.15,发明人:袁松梅,欧阳新路,王立志,张羽 2. 无喷嘴式喷涂装置,授权专利号:ZL201911402365.6,授权时间:2021.6.11,发明人:袁松梅,邵梦博,王立志,张羽 3. 导管抗菌系统及其使用方法,授权专利号:ZL201911115442.X,授权时间:2021.4.30,发明人:袁松梅,韩文亮,林芳菲 4. 用于导管的抗菌装置、抗菌导管,授权专利号:ZL201911114491.1,授权时间:2021.2.26,发明人:袁松梅,林芳菲,韩文亮 5. 一种异质材料切削区域温度控制装置,授权专利号:ZL201810594564.0,授权时间:2019.11.29,发明人:袁松梅,王莉,朱光远 6. 一种超高压水射流加工中材料去除模型获取方法及系统,授权专利号:ZL201811140955.1,授权时间:2020.10.9,发明人:袁松梅,李真,李麒麟 7. 复合材料铣削温度测量方法及装置,授权专利号:ZL201811115859.1,授权时间:2019.10.8,发明人:袁松梅,李麒麟,李真,韩文亮 8. 一种智能抗菌导尿装置,授权专利号:ZL201720594740.1,授权时间:2019.6.28,发明人:袁松梅,贾一剑,林芳菲,韩文亮 9. 一种旋转超声振动铣磨的全域切削力建模方法与装置,授权专利号:ZL201810380084.4,授权时间:2019.6.21,发明人:袁松梅,李真,李麒麟 10. 喷嘴定位系统和机床,授权专利号:ZL201811115859.1,授权时间:2017.12.29,发明人:袁松梅,陈博川,侯学博 11. 一种微量润滑系统,授权专利号:ZL201720525491.0,授权时间:2017.12.26,发明人:袁松梅,侯学博 12. 一种纵扭复合超声振动加工装置,授权专利号:ZL201410157974.0,授权时间:2016.3.2,发明人:袁松梅,刘明,张翀 13. 准干切削系统供液喷嘴,授权专利号:ZL200810075778.3,授权时间:2012.6.20,发明人:袁松梅,严鲁涛,刘强 14. 一种旋转超声切削刀具,授权专利号:ZL201410157974.0,授权时间:2015.6.3,发明人:袁松梅,胡俊杰,张翀 15. 一种基于拓扑优化的仿生蜘蛛网夹层筋板复合结构设计方法,授权专利号:ZL201010529625.9,授权时间:2013.12.25,发明人:袁松梅,吕茂斌,刘学浩 16. 一种收缩式阿基米德型线涡流管喷嘴,授权专利号:ZL201010289379.4,授权时间:2013.9.11,发明人:袁松梅,刘伟东,张贺磊 17. 一种微量润滑系统,授权专利号:ZL201110113334.6,授权时间:2013.6.26,发明人:袁松梅,刘思,严鲁涛 18. 一种低温微量润滑系统,授权专利号:ZL201010128275.5,授权时间:2012.5.23,发明人:袁松梅,严鲁涛,刘伟东,刘强 19. 一种微量润滑系统,授权专利号:ZL200810118857.8,授权时间:2010.6.2,发明人:袁松梅,刘晓旭,严鲁涛 |
◆主要参与著作 |
✈ 《机械制造传统工艺绿色化》编委,第6章“典型高效绿色切削加工技术”第1编者。单忠德,胡世辉主编,机械工业出版社,2013年1月,第6章第1编者 ✈ 《装备制造业节能减排技术手册》编委,第8章“切削加工节能减排技术”主编,机械工业出版社, 2013年8月,第8章主编 ✈ 《纳米材料和器件》编委,参编编著:第10章“微系统和纳系统”,清华大学出版社,2003年4月 |
◆学术与社会服务 |
✈ 中国机械工程学会环境保护与绿色制造技术分会第五届委员会副主任委员 ✈ 绿色制造产业技术创新战略联盟理事 ✈ 中国机械制造工艺协会理事 ✈ 机械装备工业节能减排产业技术创新战略联盟理事 ✈ 编委:《振动、测试与诊断》 ✈ 中国机电一体化技术应用协会教育培训工作委员会副主任委员 ✈ 全国绿色制造技术标准化技术委员会委员 ✈ 中国机械工程学会机械工业自动化分会第八届委员会委员 ✈ 《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》、《机械工程学报》、《航空学报》、《International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》、《北京航空航天大学学报》等刊物审稿人 ✈ 北京市“高效绿色数控加工工艺及装备”工程技术研究中心主任 ✈ 机械制造及自动化系 原系主任 |
◆课题组欢迎有志于:先进加工技术及装备,医工结合方法、技术、仪器及装备,超声及激光加工相关技术的学生加入; ◆课题组博士后职位常年有效。 |

Songmei Yuan |
Date of Birth |
Native place |
Liaoning (Province) |
Title |
Full Professor |
Education |
Ph.D. |
Telephone |
86-10-8233-9630 |
Office room |
Department |
Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation |
Position |
Director of Beijing Engineering Technological Research Center of High-efficient & Green CNC Machining Process and Equipment |
Email |
yuansm@18crzb.com |
Fax |
86-10-8233-9630 |
Homepage |
◆Education |
✈ 1994.09-2000.11, Ph.D., Department of Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China. ✈ 1990.09-1994.07, B.S., Department of Precision Instruments, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China. |
◆Work Experience |
✈ 2001.1-2003.6, Postdoctoral, Department of precision instruments, Tsinghua University, China. ✈ 2003.6-2005.7, Lecturer, Beihang University, China. ✈ 2004.1-2005.1, Visiting Scholar, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore. ✈ 2005.7-2011.7, Associate Professor, Beihang University, China. ✈ 2011.4-2011.7, Visiting Scholar, Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), China. ✈ 2013.6-2013.8, Senior Research Scholar, University of British Columbia, Canada. ✈ 2014.8-2014.9, Visiting Scholar, University of Nantes (UNIVERSITÉ DE NANTES), France. ✈ 2015.5, Visiting Scholar, University of Michigan, America. ✈ 2016.4-2016.5, Visiting Scholar, University of Dortmund, Germany. ✈ 2011.7-now, Professor, Beihang University, China. |
◆Research Interests |
✈ Advanced processing technology and equipment (difficult-to-machine materials and composite materials processing technology and equipment, CNC equipment, micro lubrication technology). ✈ Ultrasonic driving technology for industrial and medical applications (ultrasonic transducers for processing, industrial spray technology, spray pump valves, fluid transfer, micro actuators, etc.) ✈ Medical-industrial integration (devices, tools, instruments and systems). |
◆Honors and Awards |
✈ China machinery industry science and technology special prize, ranking fourth, China Machinery Industry Federation, China Society of mechanical engineering, 2017 ✈ Excellent foreign student instructor of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2018 ✈ Gold Award of the 19th national invention exhibition, 2010 ✈ "Blue sky research star", Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2006 ✈ Second Prize of Young Teachers' Classroom Teaching Competition and Young Teachers' Basic Teaching Skills Competition, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2008 ✈ "Outstanding Teacher Award" in "I Love My Teacher - Selecting the Teacher I Love Most", Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2010 |
◆Teaching Activity |
✈ Fundamentals of Mechatronics Control Engineering ✈ Fundamentals of micro nano manufacturing technology ✈ Intelligent materials, structures and devices ✈ Introduction to green manufacturing technology |
◆Personnel training situation |
✈ 38 graduate students have been trained, including 5 doctoral students and 33 master students ✈ At present, there are 19 graduate students, including 7 doctoral students and 12 master students ✈ At present, there are 4 international students, including 1 doctoral student and 3 master's students ✈ The graduate students under her guidance have won various awards, including "Chinese government scholarship for outstanding foreign students in China", "doctoral innovation fund", "national scholarship for graduate students", "President Scholarship", "excellent graduate", "excellent graduate", "excellent student cadre", "excellent League member", "winner of national excellent practical achievements of master of Engineering" "Excellent master's thesis at school level". |
◆Teaching and scientific research achievements |
As the person in charge, she undertook a number of national projects. More than 100 papers have been published, including more than 30 SCI-indexed papers, more than 30 invention patents have been authorized, and 4 books have been co-edited. |
◆Scientific research project |
Ø As the head undertake the following projects: 1. Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China 2. National Science and Technology Major Project of High-Grade CNC Machine Tools and Basic Manufacturing Equipment 3. General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China 4. Young Scientists Fund of National Natural Science Foundation of China 5. The Cultivation Fund of the Key Scientific and Technical Innovation Project, Ministry of Education of China 6. Sub Project of National Science and Technology Support Program Ø As the deputy head undertake the following projects: 1. Major Projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China 2. Sub Project of National "863" Program |
◆ Representative papres |
1. Yu Zhang, Songmei Yuan, Lizhi Wang. Investigation of capillary wave, cavitation and droplet diameter distribution during ultrasonic atomization [J]. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2021, 120:110219(Q2, SCI accession No:000579846200005) 2. Fangfei Lin, Songmei Yuan, Wenliang Han. Effective prevention of Escherichia coli biofilm on materials by nano-vibration [J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2021, 608:125610(Q2, SCI accession No:000596079600002) 3. Guangyuan Zhu, Songmei Yuan, Xiaoyao Kong, et al. Flow and aeroacoustic characteristics evaluation of microjet noise reduction concept in the nozzle design for minimum quantity lubrication [J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration,2020, 488:115638(Q1, SCI accession No:000577425800012) 4. Haiyan Shi, Songmei Yuan, Zhen Li, et al. Evaluation of surface roughness based on sampling array for rotary ultrasonic machining of carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites [J]. Measurement,2019,138:175-181(Q1, SCI accession No:000464636400016) 5. Songmei Yuan, Xuebo Hou, Li Wang, Bochuan Chen. Experimental Investigation on the Compatibility of Nanoparticles with Vegetable Oils for Nanofluid Minimum Quantity Lubrication Machining [J].Tribology Letters,2018,66:106(Q2, SCI accession No:000439530800001) 6. Cong Zhu, Xiangcheng Chu, Songmei Yuan, Zuojin Zhong, Yanqiang Zhao, Shuning Gao. Development of an ultrasonic linear motor with ultra-positioning capability and four driving feet [J]. Ultrasonics,2016,72:66-72(Q1, SCI accession No:000383943900008) 7. Yuan S, Fan H, Amin M, et al. A cutting force prediction dynamic model for side milling of ceramic matrix composites C/SiC based on rotary ultrasonic machining [J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016, 86(1-4):37-48. (Q2, SCI accession No:000382174400005) 8. Songmei Yuan, Yanqiang Zhao, Xiangcheng Chu, et al. Analysis and Experimental Research of a Multilayer Linear Piezoelectric Actuator [J]. Applied Sciences, 2016, 6(8):225-237 (Q2, SCI accession No:000385517300020) 9. Yanqiang Zhao, Songmei Yuan, Xiangcheng Chu, et al. Ultrasonic micro-motor with multilayer piezoelectric ceramic and chamfered driving tips [J]. Review of Scientific Instruments,2016, 87(7):095108 (Q2, SCI accession No:000385634500071) 10. Chong Zhang, Songmei Yuan, Muhammad Amin, et al. Development of a cutting force prediction model based on brittle fracture for C/SiC in rotary ultrasonic facing milling [J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016, 85(1):573-583. (Q2, SCI accession No:000378875500050) 11. Songmei Yuan, Cong Zhu, Xiangcheng Chu, Yanqiang Zhao, Muhammad Amin, and Yanglei Fan. A novel linear piezoelectric actuator with two working principles of standing and traveling wave vibration mode [J]. AIP ADVANCES 5, 107213 ,2015,5(10).(Q3, SCI accession No:000364228800062) 12. Yuan SM, Zhang C, Amin M, et al. Development of a cutting force prediction model based on brittle fracture for carbon fiber reinforced polymers for rotary ultrasonic drilling [J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2015, 81(5-8): 1223-1231.(Q2, SCI accession No:000363718600045) 13. Yuan SM, Zhang C, Hu JJ. Effects of cutting parameters on ductile material removal mode percentage in rotary ultrasonic face machining [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2015, 229:1547-1556.(Q3, SCI accession No:000360836400007) 14. Songmei Yuan, Lutao Yan, Weidong Liu, Qiang Liu. Effects of Cooling Air Temperature on Cryogenic Machining of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy [J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2011, 211(3):56-362.(Q2, SCI accession No:000286954200005) 15. L.T.Yan, S.M.Yuan and Q.Liu. Influence of Minimum Quantity Lubrication Parameters on Tool Wear and Surface Roughness in Milling of Forged Steel [J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering,2012,25(3):419-429.(Q4, SCI accession No:000302282100002) 16. Yuan Songmei, Tang Zhuangyun. A Novel Piezoelectric Device, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2010,24(15-16): 2417-2422.(Q4, SCI accession No:000282197000032) 17. Yan Lutao, Yuan Songmei, Liu Qiang. Study on tool wear and chip morphology of green cutting high strength steel[J]. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2010,46(9):187-192 18. Songmei Yuan, Zhaoying Zhou, Guohui Wang. Experimental research on piezoelectric array microjet [J]. Sensors and Actuators, vol 108(1-3),pp182-186,2003.(Q1, SCI accession No:000186955600032) 19. Yuan Songmei, Zhou Zhaoying, Wang Guohui, Liu Changgeng. MEMS-Based Piezoelectric Array Microjet [J]. Microelectronic Engineering, vol 66/1-4,pp767-772 , 2003.(Q2, SCI accession No:000182725500113) |
◆Representative patents |
1. Fluid guiding device, spraying system and spraying method for spraying, Patent Number: ZL201911414839.9, Time: 2021.6.15, Inventors: Yuan Songmei, Ouyang Xinlu, Wang Lizhi, Zhang Yu 2. Non-nozzle type spraying device, Patent Number : ZL201911402365.6, Time: 2021.6.11, Inventors: Yuan Songmei, Shao Mengbo, Wang Lizhi, Zhang Yu 3. A temperature control device for cutting regions of heterogeneous materials, Patent Number: ZL201810594564.0, Time: 2019.11.29, Inventors: Yuan Songmei, Wang Li, Zhu Guangyuan 4. A method and system for obtaining material removal model in ultra-high pressure water jet processing, Patent Number: ZL 201811140955.1, Time: 2020.10.9, Inventors: Yuan Songmei, Li Zhen, Li Qilin 5. Composite material milling temperature measurement method and device, Patent Number: ZL201811115859.1, Time: 2019.10.8, Inventors: Yuan Songmei, Li Qilin, Li Zhen, Han Wenliang 6. A global cutting force modeling method and device for rotary ultrasonic vibration milling, Patent Number: ZL201810380084.4, Time: 2019.6.21, Inventors: Yuan Songmei, Li Zhen, Li Qilin 7. Nozzle positioning system and machine tool, Patent Number: ZL201811115859.1, Time: 2017.12.29, Inventors: Yuan Songmei, Chen Bochuan, Hou Xuebo 8. A micro lubrication system, Patent Number: ZL201720525491.0, Time: 2017.12.26, Inventors: Yuan Songmei, Hou Xuebo 9. A longitudinal torsion compound ultrasonic vibration machining device, Patent Number: ZL201410157974.0, Time: 2016.3.2, Inventors: Yuan Songmei, Liu Ming, Zhang Zhen 10. Liquid supply nozzle of quasi dry cutting system, Patent Number: ZL200810075778.3, Time: 2012.6.20, Inventors: Yuan Songmei, Yan Lutao, Liu Qiang 11. A rotary ultrasonic cutting tool, Patent Number: ZL201410157974.0, Time: 2015.6.3, Inventors: Yuan Songmei, Hu Junjie, Zhang Zhen 12. A design method of bionic spider web sandwich rib plate composite structure based on topology optimization, Patent Number: ZL201010529625.9, Time: 2013.12.25, Inventors: Yuan Songmei, Lv Maobin, Liu Xuehao 13. A retractable Archimedes type line vortex tube nozzle, Patent Number: ZL201010289379.4, Time: 2013.9.11, Inventors: Yuan Songmei, Liu Weidong, Zhang Helei 14. A micro lubrication system, Patent Number: ZL201110113334.6, Time: 2013.6.26, Inventors: Yuan Songmei, Liu Si, Yan Lutao 15. A low temperature micro lubrication system, Patent Number: ZL201010128275.5, Time: 2012.5.23, Inventors: Yuan Songmei, Yan Lutao, Liu Weidong, Liu Qiang 16. A micro lubrication system, Patent Number: ZL200810118857.8, Time: 2010.6.2, Inventors: Yuan Songmei, Liu Xiaoxu, Yan Lutao |
◆Editing books |
1. The greening of traditional manufacturing technology: The first editor of the sixth chapter Typical efficient green cutting technology. Chief editors: Shan Zhongde, Hu Shihui. Machinery Industry Press, 2013.1 2. Handbook of energy conservation and emission reduction for equipment manufacturing industry: The chief editor of the eighth chapter Energy saving and emission reduction technology for cutting. Machinery Industry Press, 2013.8 3. Nanomaterials and devices: The one of the editors of the tenth chapter Micro and nano systems. Tsinghua university press, 2003.4 4. Technical foundation volume of Handbook of digital control technology for machine tools: The one of the editors of the first chapter Operational principle of CNC machine tools. National key publishing planning project of ‘12th Five-Year Plan’, National Defence Industry Press, 2013.10 |
◆Academic and Social Services |
✈ Vice Chairman: The 5th Committee of Environmental Protection and Green Manufacturing Technology Branch of China Mechanical Engineering Society ✈ Member of a council: Green Manufacturing Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance ✈ Member of a council: Green Manufacturing Council in China Machinery Manufacturing Technology Association ✈ Member of a council: The Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance of Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction in The Mechanical Equipment Industry ✈ Editorial board member: vibration, testing and diagnosis ✈ Vice Chairman: Education and Training Working Committee in China Electromechanical Integration Technology Application Association ✈ Committee member: National Green Manufacturing Technology Standardization Technical Committee ✈ Committee member: The 8th the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society in the Mechanical Industry Automation Branch ✈ Reviewer: Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering; Journal of Mechanical Engineering; Acta Aeronautica ET Astronautica Sinica; International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology; Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. ✈ Director: Beijing Engineering Technological Research Center of High-efficient and Green CNC Machining Process and Equipment ✈ Former head of Department of mechanical manufacturing and automation |