u Education experience: 1985/09-1989/07:Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering, Beihang university 1990/09-1993/03:Baster's degree in Mechanical Engineering, Beihang university 1997/09-2001/07:PH.D in Mechanical Engineering , Beihang University 2007/07-2007/08:Professional course entitled “Design and manufacturing technologies for commercial airplane”, Cranfield University, United Kingdom 2006/10- 2007/10:Visiting Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bath u Work experience 1993/04-1994/07:Assistant Lecturer, Department of Manufacturing Engineering, Beihang University, China 1994/08-1999/07:Lecturer, Department of Manufacturing Engineering, Beihang University, China 1999/08-2009/07:Associate Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Beihang University, China 2002/04-2002/06:Senior Research Associate (SRA), Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management, City University of Hong Kong, China 2012/10-2013/09:Chief designer, Department of Tooling Design and Manufacturing, Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China Ltd, China 2009/08-present :Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Beihang University, China u Teaching Courses u Computer Aided Manufacturing/Digital Design and Manufacturing (for undergraduate students) u Modeling and Simulation for Manufacturing Systems (for graduate students) u Supervisor of graduate students: 13 PhD students,more than 70 Master Science degree students(MS), 5 Master Engineering degree students(ME) u Research Areas and academic services Currently research interests include digital and intelligent manufacturing (CAD/CAPP/CAM/CNC), reconfigurable and flexible smart manufacturing system, dimension metrology and quality control, and manufacturing system modeling and simulation, Digital and smart Factory. He has published more than 150 papers in which include a number of international journal and conference papers. 12 software copyrights and 30+ patents have been authorized by State Intelligent Property office of P. R.C (SIPO). Professor Lianyu Zheng is the Chair Professor of the major of Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering, at School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Beihang University(BUAA). He is also serving for a number of academic committees or organizations as various positions/roles including: member of Editorial Board of Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, vice-dean of the committee of Manufacturing Technologies of CAA( China Automation Association), vice-dean of the committee of Digital Design and Manufacturing of CGA( China Graphics Association), academic member of Beijing key Lab of Digital Design and Manufacturing, academic member of Mechanical Automation Committee of CSME, academic member of Intelligent Manufacturing Committee of Chinese Society of Artificial Intelligence. u Representative Publications u Xuexin Zhang, Liayu Zheng,Wei Fan, et al. Knowledge graph and function block based Digital Twin modeling for robotic machining of large-scale components. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing,2024, 85(102609):1-19.DOI: 10.1016/j.rcim.2023.102609 u Xiong Zhao, Lianyu Zheng, Maoyuan Shi, et al. Unified modelling for continuous–discrete hybrid adaptive machining CPS of large thin-walled parts. International Journal of Production Research, 2023, DOI:10.1080/00207543.2023.2217304. u Wei Fan,Qiang Fu,Yansheng Cao, Lianyu Zheng, et al. Binocular vision and priori data based intelligent pose measurement method of large aerospace cylindrical components. May 2023,Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing.DOI: 10.1007/s10845-023-02143-y u Shuang Meng, Lianyu Zheng, Wei Fan, Jian Zhou. Intelligent layout optimization of reconfgurable fexible fxture for assembling multiple aircraft panels. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, March 2023 u Jian Zhou, Lianyu Zheng, Wei Fan, et al. Adaptive hierarchical positioning error compensation for long-term service of industrial robots based on incremental learning with fixed-length memory window and incremental model reconstruction. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing ,May 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.rcim.2023.102590 u Xinyu Liu, Lianyu Zheng*, Yiwei Wang, et al. Human-centric collaborative assembly system for large-scale space deployable mechanism driven by Digital Twins and wearable AR device. Journal of Manufacturing System, 2022 //doi.org/10.1016/j.jmsy.2022.11.007 u Xiong Zhao, Lianyu Zheng*, Yahui Wang, et al. Services-oriented intelligent milling for thin-walled parts based on time-varying information model of machining. International Journal of Mechanical Science, 2022. u Yahui Wang, Lianyu Zheng, Yiwei Wang*. Event-driven tool condition monitoring methodology considering tool life prediction based on industrial internet. Journal of Manufacturing Systems 58 (2021) 205–222 u Yiwei Wang, Lei Deng, Lianyu Zheng*,Robert Gao. Temporal convolutional network with soft thresholding and attention mechanism for machinery prognostics. Journal of Manufacturing Systems 58 (2021) 205–222 u Xiong Zhao, Lianyu Zheng*, Lu Yu, In-process adaptive milling for large-scale assembly interfaces of a vertical tail driven by real-time vibration data, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics (2021), doi: // doi.org/10.1016/j.cja.2021.01.025 u Xiong Zhao, Lianyu Zheng*. Online First-Order Machining Error Compensation for Thin-Walled Parts Considering Time-Varying Cutting Condition. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 144 (2021): 021006-1~021006-11. u Yiwei WANG, Jian Zhou, Lianyu Zheng*, Christian GOGU.An end-to-end fault diagnostics method based on convolutional neural network for rotating machinery with multiple case studies.Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing,2020 u Wang Qilong, Wei Wang*, Lianyu Zheng, Chao Yun. Force control-based vibration suppression in robotic grinding of large thin- wall shells. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing August 2020. u Wei Fan, Wei Ji, Lihui Wang*,Lianyu Zheng, Yahui Wang. A Review on Cutting Tool Technology in Machining of Ni-Based Superalloys.International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,September 2020. u Shufei Li, Pai Zheng, Lianyu Zheng*. An AR-Assisted Deep Learning Based Approach for Automatic Inspection of Aviation Connectors. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2020,DOI: 10.1109/TII.2020.3000870. u Lianyu Zheng*, Xinyu Liu, Zewu An,et al. A smart assistance system for cable assembly by combining wearable augmented reality with portable visual inspection.Virtul Reality and Intelligent Hardware.February 2020,DOI: 10.1016/j.vrih.2019.12.002 u Wei Fan, Lianyu Zheng*,et al. A machining accuracy informed adaptive positioning method for finish machining of assembly interfaces of large-scale aircraft components. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 67 (2021) 102021. //doi.org/10.1016/j.rcim.2020.102021 u Wei Fan, Lianyu Zheng*,et al. Function block-based closed-loop adaptive machining for assembly interfaces of large-scale aircraft components.Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing,2020,//doi.org/10.1016/j.rcim.2020.101994 u Zewu An, Yiwei Wang, Lianyu Zheng*. Adaptive Recognition of Intelligent Inspection System for Cable Brackets in Multiple Assembly Scenes.The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2020,108(11):3373-3389. DOI: 10.1007/s00170-020-05591-5 u Jian Zhou Lianyu Zheng,Yiwei Wang*,Christian Gogu.A multistage deep transfer learning method for machinery fault diagnostics across diverse working conditions and devices.IEEE Access,2020,DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2990739. u Wei Fang, Lianyu Zheng*. Shop-floor data-driven spatial-temporal verification for manual assembly planning. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing.2019, online 12 Stempber 2019. u Wei Fan, Lianyu Zheng*, et.al. Eddy Current-Based Vibration Suppression for Finish Machining of Assembly Interfaces of Large Aircraft Vertical Tail.Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2019,141:071012-1~071012-16. u Hongbo Zhang, Lianyu Zheng*, et.al.Intelligent configuring for agile joint jig based on smart composite jig model. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2019, //doi.org/10.1007/s00170-019-03803-1 u Yong Zhou,Jian-Jun Yang,Lianyu Zheng*.Multi-agent based hyper-heuristics for multi-objective flexible job shop scheduling: A case study in an aero-engine blade manufacturing plant.Feb 2019,IEEE Access.DOI 0.1109/ACCESS.2019.2897603, u Yong Zhou,Jian-Jun Yang*,Lianyu Zheng.Hyper-heuristic coevolution of machine assignment and job sequencing rules for multi-objective dynamic flexible job shop scheduling.Nov 2018,IEEE Access. u Yahui Wang, Lianyu Zheng*,Yu Hu, Wei Fan.MULTI-SOURCE HETEROGENEOUS DATA COLLECTION AND FUSION FOR MANUFACTURING WORKSHOP BASED ON COMPLEX EVENT PROCESSING.48th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE 48), Auckland, New Zealand, Dec. 2-5, 2018. u Wei Fan,Lianyu Zheng*,Yahui Wang.An automated reconfigurable flexible fixture for aerospace pipeline assembly before welding. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, //doi.org/10.1007/s00170-018-2120-9. u Wei Fang, Lianyu Zheng*.Rapid and robust initialization for monocular visual inertial navigation within multi-state Kalman filter. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics,2018,31(1):148-160. u Pei Lei, Lianyu Zheng*, Lihui Wang, et al. MTConnect compliant monitoring for finishing assembly interfaces of large-scale components: A vertical tail section application. Journal of Manufacturing Systems. 2017, 45: 121–134. // dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmsy.2017.09.001 u Wei Fang, Lianyu Zheng*, Xiangyong Wu. Multi-sensor based real-time 6-DoF pose tracking for wearable augmented reality. Computers in Industry,2017,92:91–103. //dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compind.2017.06.002 u Wei Fang, Lianyu Zheng*, Jiaxing Xu. Self-contained optical-inertial motion capturing for assembly planning in digital factory. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017, DOI: 10.1007/s00170-017-0526-4. u Wei Fang, Lianyu Zheng*, Huanjun Deng and Hongbo Zhang. Real-Time Motion Tracking for Mobile Augmented/Virtual Reality Using Adaptive Visual-Inertial Fusion. Sensors 2017, 17(5), 1037; doi:10.3390/s17051037 u Pei Lei, Lianyu Zheng*. An automated in-situ alignment approach for finish machining assembly interfaces of large-scale components.Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing,2017,DOI:10.1016/j.rcim.2017.01.004 u Pei Lei, Lianyu Zheng*, et at. A closed-loop machining system for assembly interfaces of large-scale component based on extended STEP-NC.International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2017, DOI: 10.1007/s00170-016-9904-6 u Wei Fang, Lianyu Zheng*, et al. Automatic 3D Model Acquisition for Unknown Objects based on Hybrid Vision.International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing. 2017,18(3):275-284. u Wei Fang, Lianyu Zheng*, Xusheng Zhu. A motion tracking method by combining of IMU and camera in mobile devices. International Conference on Sensor Technology, November,2016, Nanjing, China. DOI: 10.1109/ICSensT.2016.7796235 u Hongbo Zhang, Lianyu Zheng*, Xiwei Chen, Haiji Huang. A Novel Reconfigurable Assembly Jig Based on Stable Agile Joints and Adaptive Positioning-Clamping Bolts. 6th CIRP Conference on Assembly Technologies and Systems (CATS). Procedia CIRP 44 (2016): 316 –321。 u Zhu Xusheng, Zheng Lianyu*, Tang Xiaojun. Configuration optimization of laser tracker stations for large-scale components in non-uniform temperature field using Monte-Carlo method[C]. 9th CIRP International Conference on Digital Enterprise Technology - DET 2016 – “Intelligent Manufacturing in the Knowledge Economy Era. Nanjing, China, 2016. Procedia CIRP, 2016, 56:261-266 u Xiao wenlei, Zheng Lianyu*, et al. A complete CAD/CAM/CNC solution for STEP-NC enabled manufacturing, Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2015(31):1-10 u Lei Pei, Zheng Lianyu. Closed-loop calibration method of PPPS mechanism ball joint center position for posture adjustment of large aircraft components. Hangkong Xuebao/Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica, 2016, v 37, n 10, p 3186-3196; u Zheng Lian-Yu; Liu Qing-Jun; Zhang Hong-Bo. Rapid configuration for box-joint assembly jigs based on composite tooling . Jisuanji Jicheng Zhizao Xitong/Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS, 2013,v 20, n 10, p 2426-2439. u Zheng Lianyu, Zhu Xusheng, et al. A novel algorithm of posture best fit based on key characteristics for large components assembly. Procedia CIRP 10, 2013, 162-168. u Zhu, Xusheng, Zheng, Lianyu. Multiple-objective optimization algorithm based on key assembly characteristics to posture best fit for large component assembly. Hangkong Xuebao/Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica, 2012,v 33, n 9, p 1726-1736 u Zheng, L.-Y.,Liang, D.-W.,Lei, P.Research and implementation of closed-loop machining technology based on STEP-NC. Jisuanji Jicheng Zhizao Xitong/Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS. 2011,Volume 17, Issue 11, November 2011, Pages 2389-2398 u Zheng, L.-Y.,Ji, L. Research and implementation of tooling configuration for product family. Jisuanji Jicheng Zhizao Xitong/Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS. Volume 17, Issue 3, March 2011, Pages 585-594 u Ni A.-J.,Zheng L.Y. Optimal configuration method for large-scale measurement systems based on form error uncertainty Jiliang Xuebao/Acta Metrologica Sinica. Volume 32, Issue 4, July 2011, Pages 289-295. u Key characteristics management in product lifecycle management: A survey of methodologies and practices. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B:Journal of Engineering Manufacture,2008,222(B8):989-1008. u Systematic modeling and reusing of process knowledge for rapid process configuration. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing,2008,24(6):763-772. u Zheng, L.-Y.,Wang, S.-C. Approaches to improve the process quality of thin-walled workpiece in NC machining.Hangkong Xuebao/Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica. Volume 22, Issue 5, September 2001, Pages 424-428 u Awards u 1997 Progressive Science and Technology Award (the third grade) from Chinese Aviation Industry Company u 2003 Excellent Youth Paper Award (the third grade) from the Beijing Society of Science and Technology u 2008 Progressive Science and Technology Award (the second grade) from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) of China. u 2008 Progressive Science and Technology Award (the second grade) from Chinese Aviation Industry Company . u 2010 Excellent Teaching Achievement (the second grade), Awarded by Beihang University u 2013 Excellent Supervisor of MSc thesis, awarded by Beihang University ◆ 2014 Excellent Teaching Achievement (the first grade), Awarded by Beihang University u 2015 High Cited paper of Acta Aeronautica Et Astronautica Sinica u 2016 Excellent Paper of Acta Metrogia Sinaica u 2016 Excellent Course for Foreign Students 《Introduction to Advanced Manufacturing Technology》 u Main software copyrights and patents Software: [1] Knowledge System for Process Failure Mode and Effect Analysis(PFMEA). Copyright No: 2005SRBJ0305 [2] Registration System of Manufacturing Metadata. Copyright No: 2006SRBJ0907 [3] Visual Process Planning System V1.0(VISPP). Copyright No: 2008SRBJ0882 [4] Rapid Configuration and Management System of Tooling Resource for Product Family(RTCMS). Copyright No: 2010SRBJ0098 [5] Integrated Large-Volume Measurement Software System (ILVMS). Copyright No:2012SR015505 [6] Design System for Box-joint based Reconfigurable Tooling. Copyright No: 2013SR059108 [7] Process and Fixture Design Software for Body-In-White Assembly and Welding. Copyright No: 2014SR181801 [8] Intelligent adjusting and monitoring for Box-joint based Reconfigurable Tooling.Copyright No 12018R11L112366 [9] Device interconnection and data processing software. Copyright No: 2019SR0529723 [10] Visual inspection software for assembly status of aircraft cable supports. Copyright No: 2019SR1402243 [11] A Digital Twin System for Combining Edge Cloud and Operation and Maintenance of Rotating Machinery Equipment. Copyright No: 2020SR0731607 [12] Collaborative Assembly and Adjustment System for Large-Scale Deployment Mechanisms Assisted by Wearable Devices. V1.0. Copyright No: 2021SR1856656 [13] Visual monitoring software for the assembly process of large slender cylindrical components. V1.0 Copyright No: 2023SR0102613 [14] Software for in-situ visual measurement of the pose of large slender cylindrical components. V1.0 Copyright No: 2023SR0102612 [15] Management and control software for off-machine presetting station. Copyright No: 2023SR0694473 [16] Adaptive machining software for thin-walled parts. V1.0 Copyright No: 2023SR0630221 [17] Multi source heterogeneous data perception and fusion software for cabin docking process. V1.0. Copyright No: 2023SR0762027. [18] Intelligent control software for multi machine collaborative machining units. V1.0. Copyright No: 2023SR0762026. Patents: [1] A reconfigurable tooling for multiple tubes assembly and welding. Patent No:ZL201110279402.6 [2] An automatic configuration method and system of reconfigurable tooling for tubes assembly and welding. Patent No:ZL 201110444781.X [3] A robot posture algorithm for flexible tube assembly and welding based on vision measurement data. Patent No:ZL20141 07377530 [4] A cutting position algorithm of tube allowance for flexible assembly and welding. Patent No:ZL2014107303895 [5] A automatic spots grouping method for body-in-white based on sphere interference. Patent No:ZL2014107302680 [6] A self-locking pneumatic electric drive auxiliary support device. Patent No:ZL201520195582.3 [7] A fixed stroke cam clamping device with monitoring clamping force. Patent No:ZL201520195411.0 [8] Measurement network construction for assembly interfaces machining of large-scale components. Patent No:201510641527.7 [9] Mobile controlling method and system for Laser tracker using smart glass. Patent No:ZL201610610104.3 [10] A mobile controlled laser tracker system based on a mobile server architecture. Patent No:ZL 2016 1 0610428.7 [11] A Least Squares Based Optimization Layout Method for Aircraft Assembly Frame Skeleton. Patent No:ZL 201711032624.1 [12] An Image Acquisition Device for Aviation Wire Number Recognition Based on Monocular Vision. Patent No:ZL 201810945551.3 [13] A method for identifying aviation plug hole positions based on deep learning and multi-objective distribution sorting. Patent No:ZL 201910264451.9 [14] A Visual Based Method for Detecting the Assembly Status of Aircraft Cable Supports. Patent No:ZL 2019 1 0434969.2 [15] Assembly State Perception Method Based on Wearable Devices, Scenarios, and Digital Analog Registration. Patent No:ZL202111122117.3 [16] Microgravity assembly system and method based on collaborative robots and wearable devices. Patent No:ZL201810945551.3 [17] A Method for Aircraft Cable Support Recognition and Parameter Acquisition Based on Deep Learning and Binocular Stereo Vision. Patent No:2019104349777 [18] A method and system for multi-source heterogeneous data fusion in manufacturing workshops based on complex event processing. Patent No:2019104971445 [19] A Parallel Intelligent Robot with Automatic Guidance Function and Its Guidance Method. Patent No:2019112524369 [20] A Monitoring System and Method for Product Intelligent Assembly Production Line Based on FPGA. Patent No:2019112519604 [21] An Automatic Search Method for Rotating Machinery Diagnosis Network Based on Reinforcement Learning. Patent No:ZL202110234810.3 [22] A Hybrid Shrinkage Method for Residual Life Prediction of Rotating Machinery Based on Adversarial Training and Transfer Learning. Patent No:ZL202110234849.5 [23] An Efficient Search Method for Layered Multibranch Network Structure for Fault Diagnosis of Rotating Machinery. Patent No:ZL202110253852.1 [24] A Low Temperature Salt Bath Chromizing Method for 304 Stainless Steel. Patent No:ZL202111251551.1 [25] In-situ Pose Measurement Method for Large Cylinders Based on Binocular Vision and Prior Processing Data. Patent No:ZL202111224890.0 [26] An error compensation method for industrial robots based on incremental learning with fixed length memory windows. Patent No:202210637360.7 [27] A method for adjusting the robotic scanning measurement path of large cylinder local features. Patent No:202310577100.X [28] A New Location Finding Processing System and Method for Large and Thin walled Parts with Multiple Varieties. Patent No:CN202210911709.1 [29] An Adaptive Compensation Method for Industrial Robot Positioning Error Based on Composite Branch Neural Network. Application No:CN202211368818.X [30] A reconfigurable flexible frame for pre assembly of wall panels. Application No:CN202310084545.4 [31] A Multi-robot Collaborative Task Scheduling Method Based on Graph Convolutional Strategy Gradient. Application No:CN202310607252.X [32] A Fast Margin Calculation Method for Large Aspect Ratio Cylinder Assembly Interface Based on Point Cloud Data. Application No:CN202310936808.X [33] Modeling Method for Robot Milling Stability Driven by Hybrid Data Mechanism. Application No:CN2023112501132 |