
成人直播 > 研究生培养 > 博导介绍 > 正文

徐晔 XU Ye

作者:       发布: 2016-09-05      来源:



徐晔,教授,博导,国家级青年人才。2012年毕业于美国耶鲁大学机械工程及材料科学系,获工程与应用科学博士学位。回国工作前先后在美国宾夕法尼亚大学物质结构研究中心及美国埃克森美孚石油公司(ExxonMobil)集团战略研究院工程物理实验室从事研究工作。目前主要研究方向包括软物质物理与力学、柔性智能微纳米材料与结构、微流控装置与系统等。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家科技重大专项等项目/课题。代表性研究成果以第一作者或通讯作者发表在PNASScience AdvancesAdvanced Functional MaterialsResearchBiofabricationNanoscale等高水平期刊上。



办公地点: 北京市航空航天大学沙河校区科研三号楼316

电子邮件: [email protected]

个人主页: //shi.18crzb.com/xuye



耶鲁大学(Yale University   机械工程及材料科学                   博士     2006 ~ 2012

上海交通大学                             材料学                                           硕士     2003 ~ 2006

上海交通大学                             材料科学与工程/自动控制          学士     1999 ~ 2003



北京航空航天大学         成人直播                                     教授                   2016至今

美国埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)集团战略研究院工程物理实验室     资深研究员       2015 ~ 2017

宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)物质结构研究中心      博士后               2012 ~ 2015









1、工程材料学 – Engineering Materials(本科生课程,中/英文)

2、微纳米物理与力学 (本科生课程)

3、科技写作 (本科生课程)





1、  国家自然科学基金委,面上项目, 2021-2024,主持

2、  国家自然科学基金委,面上项目, 2017-2020,主持

3 国家科技重大专项,2018-2022,课题负责人





1.     Shaohua Yang, Dominic Gerber, Yanxia Feng, Nicolas Bain, Matthias Kuster, Laura de Lorenzis, Ye Xu*, Eric R Dufresne*, Robert W Style*; Dehydration drives damage in the freezing of brittle hydrogels. Science Advances (2024)   DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.ado7750

2.     Chen Yang, Xinrui Dong, Bingrui Sun, Ting Cao, Ruipei Xie, Yiyu Zhang, Ziyue Yang, Jing Huang, Ying Lu, Ming Li, Xiaochen Wang, Ye Xu*, Fangfu Ye*, and Qihui Fan*; Physical immune escape: Weakened mechanical communication leads to escape of metastatic colorectal carcinoma cells from macrophages. PNAS (2024)   DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2322479121

3.     Lamei Du, Wei Shi, Han Gao, Hongxing Jia, Qiuting Zhang*, Mingjie Liu*, Ye Xu*; Mechanically Programmable Composite Metamaterials with Switchable Positive/Negative Poisson's Ratio. Advanced Functional Materials (2024)  DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202314123

4.     Zhaoxia Niu, Yiping Zhao, Qiuting Zhang, Zhiyuan Zhao, Dengteng Ge, Jiajia Zhou*, Ye Xu*; Suppression of cracking in drying colloidal suspensions with chain-like particles. The Journal of Chemical Physics (2024)  DOI: 10.1063/5.0203112

5.     Tan Tang, Pengfei Zhang, Qiuting Zhang, Xingkun Man, Ye Xu*; Fabrication of heterocellular spheroids with controllable core-shell structure using inertial focusing effect for scaffold-free 3D cell culture models. Biofabrication (2024)  DOI: 10.1088/1758-5090/ad647e

6.     Luyao Wang, Han Gao, Hongyan Sun, Yiming Ji, Li Song, Lina Jia, Chutian Wang, Chan Li, Deyuan Zhang, Ye Xu*, Huawei Chen*, Lin Feng*; Reconfigurable Vortex-like Paramagnetic Nanoparticle Swarm with Upstream Motility and High Body-length Ratio Velocity. Research (2023)  DOI: 10.34133/research.0088

7.     Chen Yang, Xiaochen Wang, Ruipei Xie, Yiyu Zhang, Tie Xia, Ying Lu, Fangfu Ye, Peipei Zhang, Ting Cao*, Ye Xu*, Qihui Fan*; Dynamically Reconstructed Collagen Fibers for Transmitting Mechanical Signals to Assist Macrophages Tracing Breast Cancer Cells. Advanced Functional Materials (2022)  DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202211807

8.     Lamei Du, Sida Luo, Ye Xu*; Understanding nonlinear behaviors of auxetic foams using X-ray tomography and pore structure analysis. Mechanics of Materials (2022)  DOI:10.1016/j.mechmat.2021.104196

9.     Ye Xu*, Dengteng Ge*, Gabriel A Calderon-Ortiz, Annemarie L Exarhos, Coline Bretz, Ahmed Alsayed, Dave Kurz, JM Kikkawa, Remi Dreyfus, Shu Yang, AG Yodh; Highly conductive and transparent coatings from flow-aligned silver nanowires with large electrical and optical anisotropy. Nanoscale (2020)  DOI:10.1039/C9NR09598E

10.  Y. Xu, W. C. Engl, E. R. Jerison, K. J. Wallenstein, C. Hyland, L. A. Wilen, and E. R. Dufresne*; Imaging in-plane and normal stresses near an interface crack using traction force microscopy. PNAS (2010)  DOI:10.1073/pnas.1005537107



1、  北京航空航天大学成人直播 研究生教学及国际合作副院长(2019至今);

2、  中国微米纳米技术学会微纳米机器人分会理事(2021-2026);

3、  Advanced Functional MaterialsPhysical Review  LettersSoft Matter等国际期刊的审稿人;

4、  国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划、国家科技重大专项评审专家;

5、  “北京软物质科学与工程论坛”发起人及第一届(2019)及第七届(2022)论坛组委会主席


Ye XU, Ph.D.

Beihang University

School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation

[email protected]


Research   Interests

·      Mechanics soft materials: thin films, interfaces, adhesion, and disordered systems

·      Soft matter physics and mechanics: colloids, hydrogels, polymers, etc.

·      Soft nanocomposites

·      Solid-liquid coupling in soft porous medium

·      Microfluidics for biomedical applications


Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA

Ph.D., Engineering and Applied Science, 05/2012


Shanghai Jiao  Tong University, Shanghai, China

M.S., Materials Science, 03/2006

B.S., Materials Science and Engineering with minor in Automation, 06/2003


Research   and Professional Experience

Professor in  the School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation

Beihang  University, Beijing, China                             2016  - present

Senior  Researcher in Corporate Strategic Research

ExxonMobil  Research and Engineering, Annandale, NJ, USA         2015  – 2017

Rhodia/LRSM  Fellow  in Yodh Soft Matter Lab, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy

University of  Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA                  2012  – 2015

Research  Intern in  Materials Science and Processing Division

Unilever  R&D, Trumbull, CT, USA                          06-08/2010and 06-08/2009