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郭伟 GUO Wei

作者:       发布: 2020-03-17      来源:




郭伟     Wei Guo


















[email protected]




1995.09-1999.07    吉林工业大学材料科学与工程成人直播 (焊接)    本科 

2000.09-2003.04    吉林大学    材料科学与工程成人直播 (锻压)    硕士(蔡中义教授)

2003.09-2006.07    吉林大学    材料科学与工程成人直播 (焊接)    博士(赵熹华教授)


2006.12-2009.03    清华大学       机械工程系               博士后(邹贵生教授)

2009.04-至今       北京航空航天大学成人直播     副教授 

2011.11-2012.04    香港城市大学    物理成人直播                访问学者(朱剑豪 Pual Chu

2014.02-2015.02    加拿大滑铁卢大学机械与电子工程          访问学者(周运鸿 Y. Norman Zhou 





工程材料学               本科生课程 

航空航天制造工程基础     本科生课程 

专业综合实验             本科生课程 

钎焊与扩散连接技术         本科生课程 

焊接冶金及测试分析方法   研究生课程 



国家自然科学基金面上项目  基于应变诱发塑性效应的新一代高强钢QP980激光焊接接头微区多相本构及组织性能演变,201901-2022.12 在研

国家自然科学基金面上项目 /碳和钛合金钎缝吸能复合结构的材料本构及多维界面动态冶金行为研究,201701-2020.12 在研

民机科研  民机典型结构激光冲击**研究,201704-至今   在研

民机科研  (合作)激光喷丸成形模型构建及成形过程数值 2018-至今  在研                

科技部智能制造专项 高档数控激光加工机床及其核心器件智能制造数字化车间,2017.01-至今 在研

科工局项目  激光去污技术*化应用研究及专用设备研制  2019.01-至今



1.        Wei Guo,  Zhandong Wan, Qiang Jia, Lixia Ma, Hongqiang Zhang, Caiwang Tan, Peng  Peng*,Laser weldability of TWIP980 with DP980/B1500HS/QP980 steels:  microstructure and mechanical properties, Optics and Laser Technolog, 2020, 124, 105961


2.        Hongqiang  Zhang, Wengan Wang, Hailin Bai, Guisheng Zou*, Lei Liu, Peng Peng, Wei Guo*  *, Microstructural and mechanical evolution of silver sintering die attach  for SiC power devices during high temperature applications, Journal of Alloys  and Compounds, 2019,774 487-494

3.        Jianfei  Sun, Anpeng Su, Tianming Wang, Wuyi Chen, Wei Guo, Effect  of laser shock processing with post-machining and deep cryogenic treatment on  fatigue life of GH4169 super alloy, International Journal of Fatigue, 119,  2019, 261-267

4.        RujianSun, LiuheLi,YingZhu*, PengPeng, QingLi,WeiGuo*, Fatigue of Ti-17  titanium alloy with hole drilled prior and post to laser shock peening, Optics & Laser Technology,  2019, 115: 166-170

5.        Wei Guo,  Hongqiang Zhang, Wenqiang Yuan, Yin Zhu, Hua Zhang, Peng Peng, Bojin Qi, Fei  Li,  The microstructure and mechanical properties of C/C composite/Ti3Al alloy brazed  joint with graphene nanoplatelet strengthened Ag-Cu-Ti filler, Ceramics  International, 2019: 8783-8789

6.        Wei Guo, Hongqiang  Zhang,Kaituo Ma, Yin Zhu, Peng Peng, Hua Zhang, Bojin Qi, Fei  Li,  Reactive brazing of silicon nitride to Invar alloy using Ni foam and AgCuTi intermediate layers,  Ceramics International, 2019, 4511:13979-13987

7.        Peng  Peng, Lihang Li, Peng He, Ying Zhu, Jian Fu,Yongde Huang, Wei Guo*, One-step  selective laser patterning of copper/graphene flexible electrodes,  Nanotechnology, 30 (2019) 185301

8.        Peng  Peng *, Hao Sun, Adrian P. Gerlich, Wei Guo, Ying Zhu, Lei Liu, Guisheng Zou,  Chandra Veer Singh, Norman Zhou, Near-ideal compressive strength of  nanoporous silver composed of nanowires, Acta Materialia, 173 (2019) 163-173

9.        XingwenZhou,WeiGuo,JianFu,YingZhu,Yongde Huang,PengPeng,Laser writing of  Cu/CuxO integrated structure on flexible substrate for humidity sensing, Applied Surface Science,15 2019,19:  684-690

10.      H.  Zhang, W. Wang, H. Bai, G. Zou*, L. Liu, P. Peng, W. Guo*. Microstructural  and mechanical evolution of silver sintering die attach for SiC power devices  during high temperature applications. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2019,  774, 487-494

11.      H.  Zhang, H. Bai, P. Peng, W. Guo, G. Zou, L. Liu*. SiC chip attachment sintered  by nanosilver paste and their shear strength evaluation. Welding in the World  2019, 63 (4), 1055-1063.


12.      Rujian  Sun, Ying Zhu, Wei Guo*, Peng Peng, Liuhe Li, Yu Zhang, Jian Fu, Fei Li,  Lixin Zhang, Microstructural evolution and thermal stress  relaxation of Al2O3/1Cr18Ni9Ti brazed joints with nickel foam, Vacuum, 2018,148:18-26  

13.      Peng  Peng, Li Lihang, Guo Wei*, Hui Zhuang, Fu Jian, Jin Chao, Liu Yangai, Zhu  YingRoom Temperature Joining of  Silver Nanoparticles Using Potassium Chloride Solution for Flexible Electrode  Application, The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 2018, 122 (5): 2704-2711

14.      Weidong  Li , Lixia Ma , Peng Peng , Qiang Jia , Zhandong Wan, Ying Zhu, Wei Guo*, Microstructural  evolution and deformation behavior of fiber laser welded QP980 steel joint, Materials  Science & Engineering A, 2018, 717: 124-133

15.      Wei Guo  , Zhandong Wan , Peng Peng*, Qiang Jia , Guisheng Zou , Yun Peng, Microstructure  and mechanical properties of fiber laser welded QP980 steel, Journal of  Materials Processing Technology, 2018, 256229-238

16.      Qiang  Jia, Lei Liu, Wei Guo, Yun Peng, Guisheng Zou*, Zhiling Tian, Y. Norman Zhou,  Microstructure and Tensile-Shear Properties of Resistance Spot-Welded Medium  Mn Steel, Metals, 2018, 848-61

17.      Rujian  Sun, Liuhe Li, Ying Zhu, Wei Guo*, Peng Peng,  Baoqiang Cong, Jianfei SunMicrostructure, residual stress and tensile properties control of  wire-arc additive manufactured 2319 aluminum alloy with laser shock peening, Journal  of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 747: 255-265

18.      Qiang  Jia, Wei Guo* , Zhandong Wan , Yun Peng , Guisheng Zou*, Zhiling Tian, Y.  Norman Zhou, Microstructure and mechanical properties of laser welded  dissimilar joints between QP and boron alloyed martensitic steels, Journal of Materials Processing Technology,  2018,  259:58-67

19.      Wei Guo, Rujian Sun, Binwen Song, Ying Zhu, Fei Li,  Zhigang Che,  Bo Li,  Chao Guo, Lei Liu, Peng Peng*, Laser shock peening of laser  additive manufactured Ti6Al4V titanium alloy, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2018, 349: 503-510

20.      RujianSun,LiuheLi,WeiGuo*,PengPeng,TongguangZhai,ZhigangChe,BoLi,ChaoGuo,YingZhu, Laser shock peening  induced fatigue crack retardation in Ti-17 titanium alloy, Materials Science  & Engineering A, 2018, 73794-104

21.      Hongqiang  Zhang, Wengan Wang, Hailin Bai, Guisheng Zou*, Lei Liu, Peng Peng,Wei Guo**Microstructural and  mechanical evolution of silver sintering die attach for SiC power devices  during high temperature applicationsJournal of Alloys and Compounds,2019,774: 487-494

22. 孙汝剑,李刘合,朱颖,彭鹏,张利新,于文花,郭伟*,激光冲击强化对TC17钛合金微观组织及拉伸性能的影响,稀有金属材料与工程,Accept.


23.      Shuai Huang, Ying Zhu,  Wei Guo*, Peng Peng, Xungang Diao, Impact toughness and microstructural  response of Ti-17 titanium alloy subjected to laser shock peening, Surface and Coatings Technology2017, 25(327): 32-41

24.      强,郭伟,彭鹏,朱颖,邹贵生,DP980 激光焊接温度场模拟及力学性能,稀有金属材料与工程,2017746):1905-1910 

25.      Rujian Sun, Liuhe Li, Ying Zhu, Lixin Zhang, Wei Guo, Peng Peng*, Bo Li, Chao Guo, Lei Liu, Zhigang Che, Weidong Li, Jianfei Sun and Hongchao Qiao, Dynamic response and  residual stress fields of Ti6Al4V alloy under shock wave induced by laser  shock peening. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering,  25 (2017) 065016.

26.      Wei Guo, Hongqiang Zhang,  Xiaoying Zhang, Lei Liu*, Peng Peng, Guisheng Zou, Y.Norman Zhou, Preparation  of nanoparticle and nanowire mixed pastes and their low temperature  sintering, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 690 (2017) 86-94.

27.      Qiang Jia, Wei Guo,  Weidong Li*, Peng Peng, Ying Zhu, Guisheng Zou, Yun Peng, Zhiling Tian, Experimental  and numerical study on local mechanical properties and failure analysis of  laser welded DP980 steels,  Materials Science & Engineering A 680 (2017) 378–387 

28.       Peng Peng, Wei Guo*,  Ying Zhu, Lei Liu, Guisheng Zou, Y. Norman Zhou, Nanoscale Wire Bonding of  Individual Ag Nanowires on Au Substrate at Room Temperature, Nano-Micro Letters , (2017) 9:  26. DOI 10.1007/s40820-017-0126-8

29.      Chong Peng, Yuzhe Xiao,  Yanzhong Wang, Wei Guo*, Effect of laser shock peening on bending fatigue  performance of AISI 9310 steel spur gear, Optics and laser technology, 10.1016/j.optlastec.2017.03.017  (Q2)

30.      Zhuang Hui, Yangai Liu*,  Wei Guo, Lihang Li, Nan Mu, Chao Jin, Ying Zhu, Peng Peng, Chemical sintering  of direct-written silver nanowire flexible electrodes under room temperature,  Nanotechnology 28 (2017) 285703 (Q1)

31.      Fei Li , Wei Guo*, Bo  Lin, BoJin Qia, Lincong Chen, Wenjung Yu, Ying Zhu, Interfacial  microstructure and mechanical properties of Fe-36Ni invar alloy GTAW joint, Indian  Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences,2017,24:290-294

32.      Guo W, Wang H, Jia Q, Zhu  Y, Peng P. Transient liquid phase bonding of nickel-base single crystal alloy  with a novel Ni-Cr-Co-Mo-W-Ta-Re-B amorphous interlayer. High Temperature  Materials and Processes. 2017 , 36

33.      Zhandong Wan, Wei  Guo,Qiang Jia,Lang Xu,Peng Peng ,Hardness Evolution and High Temperature  Mechanical Properties of Laser Welded DP980 Steel Joints, High Temperature  Materials and Processes. 2017 , 36



34.      Jia Q, Guo W, Li W, Zhu  Y, Peng P, Zou G. Microstructure and tensile behavior of fiber laser-welded  blanks of DP600 and DP980 steels. Journal of Materials Processing Technology  2016; 236: 73-83.

35.      Jia Q, Guo W, Peng P, Li  M, Zhu Y, Zou G. Microstructure-and Strain Rate-Dependent Tensile Behavior of  Fiber Laser-Welded DP980 Steel Joint. Journal of Materials Engineering and  Performance 2016; 25(2): 668-676.

36.      Guo W, Jia Q, Li R, Li W. The superplastic deformation behavior  and phase evolution of Ti-6Al-4V alloy at constant tensile velocity. High  Temperature Materials and Processes 2016. DOI 10.1515/htmp-2015-0205.  

37.      Shuai Huang, Ying Zhu,  Wei Guo*, Hongchao Qiao and Xungang DiaoEffects of  Laser Shock Processing on Fatigue Performance of Ti-17 Titanium Alloy, High  Temperature Materials and Processes 2016.

38.      Guo W, Wang H, Jia Q, Zhu  Y, Peng P. Transient liquid phase bonding of nickel-base single crystal alloy  with a novel Ni-Cr-Co-Mo-W-Ta-Re-B amorphous interlayer. High Temperature  Materials and Processes. Accepted.

39.      Chong Peng, Yujie Meng,  Wei Guo, Influence of Laser Shock Processing on WC-Co Hardmetal, Materials  and Manufacturing Processes, 2016 0: 1-8.


40.      Wei Guo, Tengfei Gao,  Xuefei Cui, Ying Zhu, Paul K. Chu, Interfacial reactions and zigzag groove  strengthening of C/C composite and Rene N5 single crystal brazed joint, Ceramics  International 41 (2015) 11605–11610.

41.      Wei Guo, Lin Wang,  Ying Zhu, Paul K Chu,Microstructure and mechanical properties  of C/C composite/TC4 joint with inactive AgCu filler metal,  Ceramics International 41 (2015) 7021–7027.

42.      Wei  Guo, Zhi Zeng, Xiaoying  Zhang, Peng Peng, Shanping  Tang , Low-Temperature Sintering Bonding Using Silver Nanoparticle  Paste for Electronics Packaging, Journal of Nanomaterials, 2015, Article ID  897142.

43.       Ying Zhu, Dan  Qi,Wei Guo, Hui Kang, Ping Qu, The braze joint between Al2O3 to 1Cr18Ni9Ti  using a nickel foam, Weld World DOI 10.1007/s40194-015-0224-5

44.      郭伟,齐丹,杨建军,李飞,华永平,虞文军, Zr含量对Ti-Zr-Cu-Ni钎料及钎焊接头性能的影响, 北京航空航天大学学报, 2015,41(11):  2029-2034

45.      程战,郭伟,刘磊, 邹贵生, 周运鸿,石英玻璃与硅的飞秒激光微连接及其接头性能研究,中国激光,2015, 42(9): 0906004-1~ 0906004-6

46.      Qi DanZhu Ying, Guo Wei, Li fei, Yu Wenjun, Zhang Wei, New  Ti-Zr-Cu-Ni-La system brazing filler metals for the joining of titanium alloy,  China Welding, 2015 24(2): 6-11(EI, 通讯作者) 

47.      JIN YANG, YULONG LI, HUA  ZHANG, WEI GUO, DAVID WECKMAN, NORMAN ZHOU, Dissimilar Laser Welding/Brazing  of 5754 Aluminum Alloy to DP 980 Steel: Mechanical Properties and Interfacial  MicrostructureMETALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A,  2015, 46A, 5149-5157


48.      Wei Guo, Ying Zhu, Lin Wang,Ping Qu,Hui Kang,Paul K. Chu, Microstructure evolution and  mechanical properties of vacuum-brazed C/C composite with AgCuTi foil, Materials Science and Engineering: A,  2013564:192-198. (Q1)

49.      Guo WeiLi RuitingZhu YingLiu QinQu PingKanghuiTensile  Behavior and Microstructure Evolution of Laser Welded Ti-6Al-4V AlloyRare Metal Materials and Engineering201342S2):74-78.

50.       Guo WeiSong PengZhu YingQu PingKang HuiWang HaiyanEffect of Laser  Welding on Microstructure andMechanical Behavior of Ni-49at%TiRare Metal Materials and Engineering201342S2):78-82.

51.       Song Peng, Zhu  Ying, Guo Wei, Qu Ping, Kang Hui, Wen Kai, Mechanism of Crack  Formation in the Laser Welded Joint between NiTi Shape Memory Alloy andTC4,  Rare Metal Materials and Engineering,2013, 42:6-9.



52.      Guo WeiZou GuishengChai XiaoWu AipingZheng MinghuiJiao YuleiRen JialieThe study of multiple thermal cycle of HTS YBCO bulkPhysica C-Superconductivity and Its Applications201247425-28.


53.      Xiao Chai, Guisheng Zou,  Wei Guo, Hailin Bai, Aiping, Wu, Jialie Ren, Fast Joining YBCO bulks with  melt Ag doped Y-Ba-Cu-O solder, China Welding, 2011, 20(1):12-16.


54.      Guo Wei, Zou Guisheng, Wu  Aiping, Bai Hailin, Ren Jialie,Soldering of Bi-2223/Ag high temperature  superconducting tapes with Sn-Pb-Bi-Ag alloy past, Physica C, 2010, 470(2):  115-119.

55.      Wei Guo, Guisheng Zou,  Aiping Wu, Fangbing Zhou, Jialie Ren, Fabrication of joint Bi-2223/Ag  superconducting tapes with BSCCO superconducting powders by diffusion,  Physica C, 2010, 4709-10: 440-443.

56.      Guo Wei, Zou Guisheng,  Chai Xiao, Wu Aiping, He Jiarun, Bai Hailin, Ren Jialie, Jiao Yulei, Joining  of textured YBCO with YBCO added Ag2O, Physica C, 2010, 47011-1: 482-486 .

57.      Xiao Chai, Guisheng Zou,  Wei Guo, Aiping Wu, Jiarun He, Hailin Bai, Ling Xiao, Yulei Jiao, Ren Jialie,  Fast joining of melt textured Y–Ba–Cu–O bulks with  high quality, Physica C, 2010, 470(13-14), 598-601.

58.      郭伟  邹贵生  何佳闰  吴爱萍  肖玲  郑明辉  焦玉磊  白海林  任家烈YBCO 超导块材超导性能高温失超及恢复,清华大学学报, 2010, 50(2): 187-190.


59.      Guo Wei, Zou Guisheng, Wu  Aiping, Wang Yanjun, Bai Hailin, Ren Jialie, Superconducting joint of  Bi-2223/Ag superconducting tapes by diffusion bonding, Physica C, 2009, 469:  1898–1901.

60.      Guo Wei, Zou Guisheng, Wu  Aiping, Wang Yanjun, Bai Hailin,Ren Jialie, Study of air heat treatment on  Bi-2223/Ag superconducting tapes, Physica C, 2009, 469: 778–781.

61.      郭伟 邹贵生 吴爱萍 任家烈  直接扩散连接制备多芯Bi 系超导带材超导接头, 焊接学报,2009,302):125-128

62.      郭伟,赵熹华,冯吉才,Ti-6Al-4V/QAl10-3-1.5扩散连接工艺研究,材料科学与工艺,200917(增刊1):73-77


63.      Song MinxiaZhao Xihua, Huang Da, Guo Wei, Feng Jicai, Finite  element modeling of residual stresses in the diffusion bonding joints of  TC4/QA110-3-1.5Rare Mental Materials and Engeering,20073611):1938~1941

64.      郭伟,赵熹华,宋敏霞,冯吉才,杨飚. 装配间隙对膨胀压差法扩散连接压力的影响,吉林大学学报,2007,1):22~24

65.      Song Minxia, Zhao Xihua,  Guo Wei, Feng Jicai, Huang DaDiffusion bonding of  Ti26Al24V to ZQSn10210 in vacuumChina Welding,  2007, (1):1~5

66.      郭伟,邹贵生,王延军,白海林,吴爱萍,任家烈. Bi系多芯超导中间层不加中间层高温加压扩散连接,钢铁研究学报,200719(增刊1:201~204

67.      GuoWei, Zhao XihuaSong MinxiaFeng Jicai,  Yang biao, Diffusion bonding of Ti-6Al-4V to QAl 10-3-1.5 with Ni/Cu  interlayersJ Mater Sci Technol, 2006, 22 (6): 817~820

68.      郭伟,赵熹华,宋敏霞,冯吉才,杨飚. TC4/QAL10-3-1.5直接扩散连接形貌分析,吉林大学学报,2006, 36 (3):0285~0288

69.      宋敏霞,赵熹华,郭伟,冯吉才.Ti-6Al-4V/Ni/ZQSn10-10的扩散连接,吉林大学学报,2006361):42~45

70.      GuoWei, Zhao XihuaSong MinxiaFeng Jicai,  Yang biao. Diffusion bonded transition of TC4 to QAl10-3-1.5,China Welding, 2005,  14 (2)109~112

71.      郭伟,赵熹华,宋敏霞,冯吉才,杨飚.TC4/Ni/QAl10-3-1.5扩散连接研究,焊接学报,2005, 26 (7)63~66

72.      宋敏霞,赵熹华,郭伟,钛合金与非金属材料扩散连接研究现状与发展,焊接,200510):5~7

73.      宋敏霞,赵熹华,郭伟,钛合金与其它金属材料扩散连接研究现状与发展,焊接,2005(1)6~7


1.    郭伟   邹贵生 吴爱萍 任家烈 肖玲 郑明辉 焦玉磊 何家闰  使用添加Ag2OYBCO钎料钎焊法制备大尺寸钇系块材的方法,  ZL200910077863.8

2.    郭伟   邹贵生 吴爱萍 任家烈 肖玲 郑明辉 焦玉磊 何家闰  YBCO为钱料钎焊法制备大尺寸钇系块材的方法, ZL 200910077861.9

3.    郭伟 黄帅 朱颖 刁训刚 康慧 曲平  一种车载激光冲击强化设备, ZL 2013 1 0471048.6

4.    朱颖 黄帅 郭伟 刁训刚 康慧 曲平  彭鹏 一种处理吸收保护膜的系统,  ZL 201410668919.8

5.    朱颖 黄帅 郭伟 刁训刚 康慧 曲平  彭鹏 一种用于板材对接钎焊的装置ZL, 201410670461.X

6.        郭伟 刘方军 李飞  张伟 虞文军 李洪林 齐铂金 曲平 一种包含钛---镍的钎料, ZL 2015 10171241.7    




