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李勇 Yong LI

作者:       发布: 2020-12-08      来源:


李勇 Yong LI

基本信息 (Basic information)

李勇 (Yong Li)

教授 (Professor)    博士生导师 (Doctor supervisor)


电子邮件 (Email)       [email protected]


个人简介 (Summary)

李勇,北京航空航天大学准聘教授,博士生导师。于浙江大学机械工程成人直播 获得本科与硕士学位,英国帝国理工成人直播 获得博士学位,师从金属材料模拟与成形领域著名学者,英国皇家工程院院士林建国 (Jianguo Lin) 教授。主要研究方向为轻量化材料模拟及其精确成形技术研究。近年来在先进铝合金材料-成形-应用一体化模拟与预测以及大型壁板件精确成形工艺开发方面取得了系列成果,解决了多类航空航天用高强铝合金(第三代铝锂等)成形过程形性演变精确预测与控制的难题,并实现了其在工业生产中的应用,为巴西航空、中航工业集团、中车集团等提供关键技术支撑。

近五年发表论文 30 余篇,在轻质材料成形领域顶级期刊 Int. J. Plasticity, Int. J. Mach. Tool. Manu., Comp. Part A. 及材料表征模拟领域知名期刊 Mat. & Des., Mat. Sci. Eng. A 等有 20余篇 1 /通讯作者论文发表。获得第五届新成形技术国际会议(ICNFT 2018Germany)最佳论文奖。


Yong Li, Professor in Beihang University. I obtained my Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering at Zhejiang University (China), then qualified the PhD degree at Imperial College London, supervised by Professor Jianguo Lin (Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, UK), a famous expert in metals modelling and forming. My main research interests focus on: 1) characterisation and multi-scale modelling of advanced lightweight materials (aluminium, titanium, composite etc); 2) advanced forming technologies for the large thin-walled components with high performance in the aerospace industry.

More than 20 research papers have been published in the recent 5 years, including high impact papers in the top journals in forming and manufacturing field, such as Int. J. Plast., Int. J. Mach. Tools Manuf., and in the materials aspect, such as Mater Des, Mater Sci Eng A. The winner of the best paper prize in the 5th International Conference of New Forming Technologies (ICNFT, 2018), Germany.


教育及工作经历 (Background)

浙江大学            机械工程成人直播    本科              2007.09-2011.06

浙江大学            机械工程成人直播    硕士              2011.09-2014.03

英国帝国理工成人直播    机械工程成人直播    博士              2014.11-2018.02

英国帝国理工成人直播    机械工程成人直播    Research Assistant   2016.10-2018.01

英国帝国理工成人直播    机械工程成人直播    Research Associate   2018.02-2019.09

北京航空航天大学    机械工程成人直播    准聘副教授        2019.09-2020.11

北京航空航天大学    机械工程成人直播    准聘教授           2020.12-至今


Zhejiang University  Mechanical Engineering (ME)  Bachelor  2007.09-2011.06

Zhejiang University         ME    Master                2007.09-2011.06

Imperial College London     ME    PhD                  2014.11-2018.02

Imperial College London     ME    Research Assistant       2016.10-2018.01

Imperial College London     ME    Research Associate      2018.02-2019.09

Beihang University          ME    Associate Professor     2019.09-2020.11

Beihang University          ME    Professor              2020.12-至今



研究方向 (Research Fields)








  Advanced lightweigh materials forming processes and equipment

  Characterisation and multi-scale modelling of advanced lightweight materials (aluminium, titanium etc)

  Design and manufacture of advanced composite tooling

  Characterisation and analysis of residual stresses (for structural and forming processes)

  Analysis and modelling of plasticity of metal



1)      航空发动机制造工艺学

2)      工程热力学(中、英)

3)      科技英语


代表性学术论文 (Selected publications)

[1] Li, Y., Gan, W., Huang, X., Zhang, Y., Zhou, W., Li, D. and Zeng, Y., 2023. A quantitative study of machining induced residual stress and its effect on subsequent creep age forming of aluminium alloy panels. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, p.118147.

[2] Li, Y., Xiao, Y., Yu, L., Ji, K. and Li, D., 2022. A review on the tooling technologies for composites manufacturing of aerospace structures: materials, structures and processes. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 154, p.106762.

[3] Y. Li, Z. Shi, Q. Rong, W. Zhou and J. Lin. Effect of pin arrangement on formed shape with sparse multi-point flexible tool for creep age forming. Int J Mach Tools Manuf, 140 (2019): 48-61.

[4] Y. Li, Z. Shi, J. Lin, Y. L. Yang, P. Saillard and R. Said. Effect of machining-induced residual stress on springback of creep age formed AA2050 plates with asymmetric creep-ageing behaviour. Int J Mach Tools Manuf, 132 (2018): 113-122. .2020

[5] Y. Li, Z. Shi, J. Li, Y. L. Yang et al.. Modelling of asymmetric tension and compression creep-ageing behaviour of naturally aged Al-Cu-Li alloy. Int J Plasticity, 89 (2017): 130-149.