Name: Yang Weiqun
Male, Birth Date:Nov.22, 1964 , Eng.PhD ,Associate Professor
Email: [email protected]
Education experience
1983-1987: Bachelor Degree ,Material Science & Engineering College, Beihang University
1996-1999: Master Degree , Material Science & Engineering College, Beihang University
2004- 2011: PhD, Mechanical Engineering and Automation College, Beihang University
Work experience
1988-Date: Faculty member of Engineering Training Center , Beihang University
Mechanical Engieering Introduction,
Drone DIY and Flight Raicing
Research area
CAD/CAM/CNC Technology
Knowledge engineering and knowledge management
Additive manufacturing technology and Quality control
International higher occupation education and STEM Studies
Researching Publications
Patent CN95225012.8 Composite reinforced floor,
Patent CN97112581 Composite reinforced floor with high content fly ash
《3D design and 3D printing》, Tsinghua University press, Beijing. 2015-04
《Vericut NC Machining Simulation Technology 》(Second Edition), , Tsinghua University press, Beijing 2013-06
《Machining Center Operator for Technician / Senior Technician Training》, Chinese labour and Social Security Publishing House ,2008
《Numerical Control Technology Training Course (CNC milling) 》 second edition, Tsinghua University press, 2006-08
Yang Weiqun et al. Blade recommendation based on analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy evaluation, Proceedings of the eighth intelligent control and Automation World Conference [C], China, Ji'nan, July 2010,
Yang Weiqun et al. Intelligent Environment for CNC Machine Operator Training . Proceedings of 2010International Conference On Computer Design and Apllications[C],Qinhuangdao,China,2010:399-402 ,EI:20103413186083
Yang Weiqun et al. Building an E-learning System for Manufacture Training and Practicing[A],Proceedings of ICMEM2007,International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics[C], Wuxi,China,2007: 2182-2185.
Chaocheng Shao,Yang Weiqun. Fuzzy AHP Decision Making Method for Insert Grade Selection [A],Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE,International Conference on Information and Automation , June 20 - 23, Harbin, China
Teaching Achievement Award ,three grade,Beijing City,2005
Development of high temperature resistant ceramic coatings, the national patent award, 2007.8
National excellent engineer awarded by Autodesk, 2011
Professional affiliations
China chief experts of mechanical engineering design CAD project, Worldskills international, 2011—2017
Professional Committee of UAV speciality, National Aviation Industry Vocational Education Guidance Committee, the Ministry of Education
Experts of adcanced skill project development, the Ministry of Human Resource and Social Security
Chief expert on aviation CNC industry education , Siemens (China) Ltd.