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王巍 Wei Wang

作者:       发布: 2016-10-12      来源:


王巍 Wei Wang























[email protected]











1990.09~1994.07     尔滨工程大学机成人直播          本科/学士     机械设计及制造

1994.09~1997.04     尔滨工程大学机成人直播          研究生/   机械子工程

1997.09~2000.10    北京航空航天大学机器人研究所    研究生/博士   机械子工程




2001.03~2003.03    北京航空航天大学理成人直播         博士后        控制理论与控制工程

2003.05~2012.08    北京航空航天大学机器人研究所  讲师/副教授   机械电子工程

2008.09~2009.08    德国汉堡大学                  公派访问学者

2012.09~现在       北京航空航天大学机器人研究所  教授         机械电子工程
































[1]     WANG Wei & Wu Shilin, A Caterpillar Climbing Robot with Spine Claws and Compliant Structural Modules, ROBOTICA, (SCIE源刊,已录用)

[2]     WANG Wei & LEI Zhao, “Trajectory Planning for a Reconfigurable Mobile Robot in Mobile Manipulating Mode”, in Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Shenyang, China, June 29 - July 4 2014

[3]     Kun Wang, Wei Wang & Houxiang Zhang, Jiancheng Fang. Mechanical Property of Wall-climbing Caterpillar Robot: Analysis and Experiment. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2013, Vol.10, pp. 34:2013 1-11 (SCIE: IDS No. 110PJ)

[4]     Weina Cui, Wei Wang, Longchao Zhao & Houxiang Zhang, Flexible Structural Design for Side-Sliding Force Reduction for a Caterpillar Climbing Robot, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2012, Vol. 9, pp. 198:2012 1-8 SCIE: IDS No. 062FK

[5]     WANG Wei & XIE Dawei, “A New Design and Analysis of Compliant Spine Mechanism for Caterpillar Climbing Robot”, in Proceedings of 2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO 2102), December 11-14, 2012, Guangzhou, China, pp. 790-795 (EI: 20131716243904)

[6]     Kun Wang, Wei Wang, Houxiang Zhang, Jiancheng Fang, “Suction force of vibrating suction method based on pi theorem: Analysis and experiment”, Vacuum 86 (2012), pp. 1783-1788 (SCI: IDS No. 004HK)

[7]     WANG Wei & ZHAO Longchao, “A Method to Reduce the Sliding Force on Adhering Points of Caterpillar Climbing Robot”, in Proceedings of 2012 IEEE Conference on Information and Automation, 6-8 June 2012, Shenyang, China, pp. 715-720 (EI: 20123915478315)

[8]     Kun Wang, Wei Wang, Houxiang Zhang. Analysis of Gait and Mechanical Property of Wall-climbing Caterpillar Robot [J]. Journal of Computers 7 (2012) 706-715(EI: 20121414925769)

[9]     王巍,李雄峰,张新华,于文鹏. 机械式反操作负载模拟器优化设计与仿真. 北京航空航天大学学报, Vol.37, No.2, 2011, pp. 161-166 (EI: 20111613924245)

[10]  WANG Wei & ZHAN Chaoyue, A Novel Thrown Robot Based on Flexible Structures, in Proceedings of 2011 6th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2011), 21-23 June 2011, Beijing, China, pp. 1672-1677 (EI: 20113614295743, IDS : BXG37)

[11]  WANG Wei & TANG Huilin, “Reconfigurable Multi-robot System Kinematic Modeling and Motion Planning”, in Proceedings of 2011 6th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2011), 21-23 June 2011, Beijing, China, pp. 1666-1671 (EI: 20113614295724, IDS : BXG37)

[12]  Kun Wang, Wei Wang, Houxiang Zhang. Analysis and Design of Attachment Module Based on Sine Vibrating Suction Method for Wall-climbing Robot [J]. Procedia Engineering 12 (2011) 9-14 (EI: 20113914362455)

[13]  Wang, Kun; Wang, Wei; Zhang, HX; Development and Experiment of Wall-climbing Caterpillar Robot, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 308-310, 2011, pp.2031-2036, (ISTP: BAW78)

[14]  Wei Wang, Wenpeng Yu, Houxiang Zhang, “JL2: A Mobile Multi-robot System with Docking and Manipulating Capabilities”, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Vol. 7, No. 1, March, 2010, pp. 9-18 (EI: 20104213294603, SCI: IDS No. 698EH, Index No.:1, 被引次数2Impact factor: 2010-0.326)

[15]  Wei Wang, Kun Wang, Houxiang Zhang and Jianwei Zhang, “Internal Force Compensating Method for Wall-climbing Caterpillar Robot”, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2010), Anchorage, Alaska, USA, May 3-8, 2010, pp. 2816-2820 (EI: 20103413180700, ISTP IDS: BSD39)

[16]  Wei Wang, Kun Wang, Guanghua Zong, Dazhai Li, “Principle and experiment of vibrating suction method for wall-climbing robot”, Vacuum, vol. 85, No.1, 2010, pp107-112 (SCI: IDS No. 653GK, EI: 20103313153526, Impact factor: 2008-1.114, 2010-1.051)

[17]  Wei Wang, Boyan Tang, Houxiang Zhang, Guanghua Zong, “Robotic cleaning system for glass facade of high-rise airport control tower”, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol.37, No.5, 2010, pp. 469-478 (SCI: IDS No. 663VY, EI: 20103613219727, Impact factor: 2008-0.404, 2009-1.000)

[18]  王巍,于文鹏,李雄峰,唐慧霖,李宗良, 多维大偏差刚性对接研究及机构设计, 航空学报, Vol.31, No.9, 2010, pp. 1872-1879 ( EI: 20104313323758)

[19]  Wei Wang, Houxiang Zhang, Wenpeng Yu, “Design and Realization of Multimobile Robot System With Docking Manipulator”, Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 132, NOVEMBER 2010, pp. 114502-1~114502-8 (SCI: IDS No. 684IB, EI: 20104913457512, Impact factor: 2008-1.532, 2009-0.869)

[20]  于文鹏,王巍,宗光华,李雄峰,李宗良. 抓持式对接机构的设计及分析. 机器人. 2010(2)pp: 233-240 (EI:20101712896714).

[21]  王巍,王坤,李大寨,宗光华,爬壁蠕虫机器人构型初探,北京航空航天大学学报,Vol.35, No.2, Feb. 2009, pp: 251-255  (EI: 20091512029006)

[22]  Wei Wang, Houxiang Zhang, Jianwei Zhang and Guanghua Zong, “Valid joint workspace and self-aligning docking conditions of a reconfigurable mobile multi-robots system”, in Proceedings of 2009 ASME/IFToMM International conference on reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots (ReMAR 2009), London, UK, 22-24 June, 2009, pp. 609-616 (EI: 20094612456145, ISTP IDS: BSN02)

[23]  W. Wang, H.X. Zhang, K. Wang, J.W. Zhang and W.H. Chen, “Gait control of modular climbing caterpillar robot”, In Proceedings of 2009 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2009), Singapore, July14-17, 2009, pp. 957-962 (EI:  20094512425594, IDS No: BON35, Best paper award finalist)

[24]  Wei Wang, Houxiang Zhang, Wenpeng Yu and Jianwei Zhang, “Docking Manipulator for a Reconfigurable Mobile Robot System”, in Proceedings of 2009 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2009), St. Louis, MO, USA, October 11-15, 2009, pp. 1697-1702 (EI: 20100712704419 IDS : BSQ11)

[25]  Wei Wang, Houxiang Zhang and Jianwei Zhang, “Crawling Locomotion of Modular Climbing Caterpillar Robot with Changing Kinematic Chain”, in Proceedings of 2009 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2009), St. Louis, MO, USA, October 11-15, 2009, pp. 5021-5026 (EI: 20100712703915, IDS : BSQ11)

[26]  Wei Wang, Zongliang Li, Wenpeng Yu, Jianwei Zhang, “An autonomous docking method based on ultrasonic sensors for self-reconfigurable mobile robot”, in Proceedings of 2009 IEEE International conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO 2009), Guilin, China, Dec. 19-23, 2009, pp. 1744-1749 (EI: 20101712895072, ISTP: IDS No. BSR15)

[27]  Wei Wang, Kun Wang, Houxiang Zhang, Crawling gait realization of the mini-modular climbing caterpillar robot, Progress in Natural Science, Volume 19, Issue 12, 10 December 2009, pp. 1821-1829 (SCI: IDS No. 521EG, Impact factor: 2010-0.832, 2009-0.704,被引次数1)

[28]  Kun Wang, Wei Wang, Dazhai Li, Guanghua Zong, Houxiang Zhang, Jianwei Zhang and Zhicheng Deng, “Analysis of two vibrating suction methods”, in Proceedings of 2008 IEEE International conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO 2008), Bangkok, Thailand, February 21-26, 2009, pp. 1313-1318 (EI: 20093912336642, ISTP: IDS No. BME14)

[29]  李大寨,王巍,王莹莹,齐婧浩,仿生爬壁蠕虫运动步态控制算法,北京航空航天大学学报,Vol.35, No.2, Feb. 2009, pp: 256-260  (EI: 20091512029007)

[30]  Houxiang Zhang, Wei Wang, Juan Gonzalez-Gomez and Jianwei Zhang, “Design and Realization of a Novel Modular Climbing Caterpillar Using Low-Frequency Vibrating Passive Suckers”, Advanced Robotics, Vol. 23, No.7-8, 2009, pp. 889-906, (EI: 20092912200120, SCI: IDS No. 468LC)

[31]  Houxiang Zhang, Wei Wang and Jianwei Zhang, “A novel passive adhesion principle and application for an inspired climbing caterpillar robot”, in Proceedings of IEEE 2009 International Conference on Mechatronics, ICM 2009, Malaga, Spain, April 14, 2009 - April 17, 2009, pp. (EI: 20092912203288)

[32]  Wenpeng Yu, Wei Wang, Zongliang Li, Huilin Tang Guanghua Zong. Research and Design of Rigid Docking Mechanism Applied on Field Modular Self-reconfigurable Robot System. 2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO 2009) .Guilin, Guangxi, China, December 19-23, 2009, pp:747-752 (EI:20101712894899, ISTP: IDS No. BSR15).

[33]  Wei Wang, Houxiang Zhang, Wenpeng Yu, Guanghua Zong and Jianwei Zhang, “F&A Compensating Variable Bang-Bang Control Algorithm for Pneumatic Driving Glass-Wall Cleaning Robot”, in Proceedings of 2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2007), San Diego, U.S.A, Oct.29-Nov.02, 2007 (EI: 20083811550741, ISTP: IDS No. BHL44)

[34]  王巍,张厚祥,邓志诚,宗光华,傅华蕾,基于串并联机构的自重构移动机器人,机械工程学报,Vol.44, No.5, May, 2008, pp.92-101 (EI: 20082411312986)

[35]  王巍,李然,张厚祥,于文鹏,气动FA补偿变结构Bang-Bang位置伺服算法,航空学报,Vol.29, No.1, Jan., 2008, pp.209215 EI: 20081111146782

[36]  王巍,张厚祥,曲面幕墙清洁机器人攀爬技术,北京航空航天大学学报,Vol.34, No.1, Jan. 2008, pp: 17-21  (EI: 20081011135944)

[37]  Wei Wang, Yingying Wang, Jinghao Qi, Houxiang Zhang and Jianwei Zhang, “The CPG Control Algorithm for a Climbing Warm Robot”, in Proceedings of 2008 Third IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2008), Singapore, 3-5, June, 2008, pp:675-679 ISBN 978-1-4244-1718-6 Paper Code: TUE3-4 (IS-A2)-1 (EI: 20083911591083, ISTP: IDS No. BIC09)

[38]  Wei Wang, Yingying Wang, Kun Wang, Houxiang Zhang and Jianwei Zhang, “Analysis of the Kinematics of Module Climbing Caterpillar Robots”, in Proceeding of 2008 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM2008), Xi’an , China, 2-5 July, 2008, pp.84-89 (EI: 20084011617485, ISTP: IDS No. BIJ54, Best Conference Paper Award, Index No.:5).

[39]  Wei Wang, Jie Xia and Zhicheng Deng, “Design and Realization of Control System for Reconfigurable Multi-segment Robot”, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics (ICAL 2008), Qingdao, China September 2008, pp.123-128 (EI: 20084811743102, ISTP: IDS No. BIX25)

[40]  Wei Wang, Houxiang Zhang, Guanghua Zong and Jianwei Zhang, Force Cooperation in a Reconfigurable Field Multi-Robot System, Journal of Field Robotics, Vol. 25 (Issue 11-12), pp. 922-938 (Nov.-Dec., 2008)EI: 20085111798162, SCI: 000261579600004, IDS No. 382BK, Impact factor: 2008-2.684, 2010-3.593, Index No.:5

[41]  Zhicheng Deng and Wei Wang, “A distributed coordinate system for module reconfigurable robot”, in Proceedings of 6th Intl. Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks, WiOpt 2008, Berlin, Germany, March 31-April 4, 2008, pp: 668-672 (EI: 20083911591816)

[42]  H.X. Zhang, Wei Wang, J.W. Zhang and G.H. Zong, “Real time control realization of a new pneumatic climbing robot”, in Proceedings of 2008 Third IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, Singapore, 3-5, June, 2008, ISBN 978-1-4244-1718-6 (EI: 20083911591086)

[43]  Dazhai Li, Hualei Fu and Wei Wang, “Ultrasonic based autonomous docking on plane for mobile robot”, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics Qingdao, China September 2008, pp1396-1401 (EI: 20084811743335)

[44]  王巍,宗光华,“基于‘虚拟范围’的多机器人围捕算法”,航空学报,Vol.28, No.2, March, 2007, pp.508512 (EI: 20072310642970)

[45]  Wei Wang, Jinghao Qi, Houxiang Zhang and Guanghua Zong, “A Rapid Hunting Algorithm for Multi Mobile Robots System”, in Proceedings of 2007 Second IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2007), Haerbin, China, May, 2007, pp1023~1027 (EI: 20074210874495, ISTP: IDS No. BHC89)

[46]  Wei Wang, Houxiang Zhang, Hualei Fu, Jianwei Zhang and Guanghua Zong, “Drivable Workspace Analysis of The Reconfiguration Mechanism in A Mobile Robots System”, in Proceedings of 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO 2007), Sanya, China, Dec. 15-18, 2007, pp: 496-501 (EI: 20083411464185, ISTP: IDS NO. BHW67)

[47]  Wei Wang, Houxiang Zhang, Wenpeng Yu, Guanghua Zong and Jianwei Zhang, “F&A Compensating Variable Bang-Bang Control Algorithm for Pneumatic Driving Glass-Wall Cleaning Robot”, in Proceedings of 2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2007), San Diego, U.S.A, Oct.29-Nov.02, 2007 (EI: 20083811550741, ISTP: IDS No. BHL44)

[48]  宗光华,邓鲁华,王巍,“一种鲁棒的室外移动机器人定位方法”,Vol.33, No.4, April, 2007, pp: 454-458, (EI: 20072510662903)

[49]  Houxiang Zhang, Wei Wang, Rong Liu, Jinwei Zhang and Guanghua Zong, “Locomotion Realization of an Autonomous Climbing Robot for Elliptic Half-shell Cleaning”, in Proceedings of 2007 Second IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, Haerbin, China, May, 2007, pp: 1220~1225 (EI: 20074210874498)

[50]  Houxiang Zhang, Jianwei Zhang, Wei Wang, Rong Liu and Guanghua Zong, “A Series of Pneumatics Glass-wall Cleaning Robots for High-rise Buildings”, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol.34, No.2, pp: 150-160, 2007. (EI: 20071110490764, SCI: IDS No. 154RC)

[51]  Houxiang Zhang, Juan Gonzalez-Gomez, Shengyong Chen, Wei Wang, Rong Liu, Dazhai Li and Jianwei Zhang, “A novel modular climbing caterpillar using low-frequency vibrating passive suckers”, in Proceeding of 2007 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, ETH Zurich , Switzerland, 4 - 7 Sept. 2007. (EI: 20083311448410)

[52]  Houxiang Zhang, Shengyong Chen, Wei Wang, Jianwei Zhang and Guanghua Zong, “Runtime reconfiguration of a modular mobile robot with serial and parallel mechanisms”, in Proceedings of 2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2007, San Diego, U.S.A, Oct.29-Nov.02, 2007 (EI: 20083811550830)

[53]  Houxiang Zhang, Weining Zheng, Shengyong Chen, Jianwei Zhang, Wei Wang and Guanghua Zong, “Flexible educational robotic system for a practical course”, in Proceeding of 2007 IEEE International Conference on Integration Technology, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, 20 - 24 March, pp.691-696, 2007. (EI: 20082811367760)

[54]  Na Shun Bu He, Rong Liu, Wei Wang, Hao Yang and Xudong Wang, “A mini multi-joint wall climbing robot based on the vibrating suction method”, in Proceedings of 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, Sanya, China, Dec. 15-18, 2007, pp: 1861-1865 (EI: 20083411464411)

[55]  宗光华,邓鲁华,王巍,“基于激光扫描的移动机器人实时轨迹测量系统”,航空学报,Vol. 28, No. 4, July 2007, pp: 981-987 (EI:073410777265)

[56]  王巍,唐伯雁,“倒锥面高层玻璃幕墙清洗机器人设计”,北京航空航天大学学报,Vol.32, No.6, June 2006, pp: 738~741EI: 20063410082496

[57]  Wei Wang, Houxiang Zhang, Guanghua Zong and Jianwei Zhang, “Design and Realization of a Novel Reconfigurable Robot with Serial and Parallel Mechanisms”, in Proceedings of 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO 2006), Kunming, China, Dec., 2006, pp 697-702 (EI: 20082811359709, ISTP: IDS No. BGB31)

[58]  Zong Guanghua, Deng Zhicheng and Wang wei, "Realization of a Modular Reconfigurable Robot for Rough Terrain", in Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, Luoyang, China, 2006, pp.289-294. (EI: 20071710567277, ISTP: IDS BFE23)

[59]  Houxiang Zhang, Wei Wang, Jianwei Zhang and Guanghua Zong, “Control Hierarchy Realization and Cleaning Trajectory Evaluation of a Wall Cleaning Robot”, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation RAM&CIS 2006, Bangkok, Thailand, 7 - 9 June, pp. 285-289, 2006 (EI: 20073110732790)

[60]  Houxiang Zhang, Wei Wang, Zhicheng Deng and Guanghua Zong, “A Novel Reconfigurable Robot for Urban Search and Rescue”, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Vol.3 No.4, 2006, pp259~366. (EI: 20070210353039)

[61]  Houxiang Zhang, Wei Wang, Zhicheng Deng and Jianwei Zhang, “A reconfigurable robot with serial and parallel mechanisms’, in Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and their Supporting Technologies for Mobile Machines, CLAWAR 2006, Brussels, Belgium, September 12-14, 2006.

[62]  Houxiang Zhang, Zhicheng Deng, Wei Wang, Jianwei Zhang and Guanghua Zong, “Locomotion Capabilities of a Novel Reconfigurable Robot with 3 DOF Active Joints for Rugged Terrain”, in Proceedings of 2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2006, Beijing, China, Oct.10-15, 2006 (EI: 20072510665530)

[63]  邓志诚,王巍,宗光华,“一种用于可重构地面移动机器人的主动球铰”,北京航空航天大学学报,Vol.32, No.12, Dec. 2006, pp: 1455~1458. (EI: 20070710427471)

[64]  邓志诚,宗光华,王巍,“模块化自重构机器人的分布式任务协同实现”,材料科学与工艺,Vol. 14, Dec. 2006, pp: 51-55  (EI: 20071210502955)

[65]  邓鲁华,宗光华,王巍,“室外多机器人协作系统”,材料科学与工艺,Vol. 14, Dec. 2006, pp: 47-50 (EI: 20071210502954)

[66]  Wei Wang and Guanghua Zong, “Design and Safety Analysis of a Light Deformable Mobile Robot on Glass-Wall”, the Proceeding of 11th IEEE International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics, Mi?dzyzdroje, Poland, August 2005, pp:322~326

[67]  Houxiang Zhang, Jianwei Zhang, Wei Wang, Rong Liu and Guanghua Zong “Sky Cleaner 3-A Real Pneumatic Climbing Robot for Glass-Wall Cleaning”, IEEE Robotic & Automation Magazine,Vol.13, No.1 pp: 32-41, March 2006. (EI: 2006109751636, SCI: IDS No. 016QH)

[68]  Zong Guanghua, Deng Zhicheng and Wang Wei, “Realization of a Modular Reconfigurable Robot for Rough Terrain”, in Proceedings of 2006 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, ICMA 2006, Luoyang, China, pp: 289-294, June, 2006. (EI: 20071710567277)

[69]  Houxiang Zhang, Jianwei Zhang, Rong Liu, Wei Wang and Guanghua Zong, “Design of a climbing robot for cleaning spherical surfaces”, in Proceedings of 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, ROBIO, 2005, pp: 375-380 (EI: 20071410525158)

[70]  李保国,王巍,张阳天,“利用可编程超声阵列准确定位目标点位置”,北京航空航天大学学报,Vol. 31, No. 7, August, 2005, pp: 819-822 (EI: 2005389374839)

[71]  爬壁机器人气动位置伺服控制研究”,北京航空航天大学学报,Vol. 30, No. 8, August, 2004, pp: 705-708 (EI: 2004518733853)

[72]  王巍,崔维娜,“一种新结构的智能化六维腕力传感器”,微计算机信息,Vol.19, No.1, 2003, pp:38~40

[73]  王巍、宗光华,“基于总线的多机器人楼宇幕墙自动化清洁系统”,制造业自动化,Vol25, No.1, 2003, pp:33~35

[74]  王巍、崔维娜,“一种电风机低负压装置控制系统的实现”,计算机测量与控制,Vol.11, No.7, Jul. 2003, pp:505~507

[75]  王巍、宗光华,“灵巧壁面移动机器人运动学和动力学研究”,北京航空航天大学学报,Vol.29, No.9, Sept. 2003, pp:763~766 (EI: 2004118060578)

[76]  王巍、宗光华,“玻璃幕墙清洗机器人路径规划研究”,计算机科学,第29卷,200210月专刊,pp: 84~87

[77]  王巍、崔维娜、宗光华,“基于CAN总线的壁面移动机器人分布式控制器研究”,微计算机信息,Vol. 90, Jan, 2002, pp: 4~6

[78]  王巍、崔维娜、宗光华,“基于CAN总线的壁面移动机器人分布式控制器软件设计研究”,计算机自动测量与控制,Vol. 10, Jan, 2002, pp: 65~67

[79]  张厚祥、王巍、宗光华、刘荣,“高层建筑玻璃幕墙擦窗机器人设计”,计算机科学,Vol.29, No.10, 2002, pp:152~154

[80]  王巍、宗光华,“气动擦窗机器人的控制和环境检测”,液压与气动,20011期,pp: 4~7

[81]  崔维娜、王巍,“一种新型水下机器人用六维腕力传感器”,仪器仪表学报,Vol22, No.4, 2001, pp: 388~390

[82]  王巍、宗光华,“随动保护系统在擦窗机器人中的应用”,机器人,Vol.22, No.7, Nov, 2000,pp: 632~634

[83]  王巍、宗光华,“一种新型擦窗机器人的机构及稳定性分析”,机器人,Vol.21, No.7, Nov., 1999pp: 642-648

[84]  王巍、周延武、李华斌,“擦窗机器人控制和检测策略”,中南工业大学学报,19985月,第29卷专辑,pp: 301-305



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[4]       一种基于形封闭的对接抓持一体化机构  ZL 200810222678.9

[5]       一种变振幅正弦振动吸附机构   ZL 200910081833.4

[6]       一种具有可调偏心轮的振动吸附机构  ZL200910081832.X

[7]       一种旋臂式振动吸附机构   ZL200910081831.5

[8]       一种模块化可重构蠕虫式爬壁机器人   ZL200910082198.1

[9]       一种模块化可重构履带式爬壁机器人   ZL200910082199.6

[10]    一种测爬壁蠕虫式机器人关节内力的测试系统   ZL200910082200.5

[11]    多关节爬壁蠕虫式机器人   ZL 200810117473.4

[12]    采用方波振动的吸附机构   ZL200810240901.2

[13]    一种可对接的履带式移动机器人   ZL 200610089313.4





Industrial Robot: An International JournalEditor

Journal of Advanced Robotics and systemEditor


 Curriculum Vitae (CV)

  Education experience

1990/09- 1994/07bachelor's degree , Haerbin engineering university

1994/09- 1997/04master's degree, Haerbin engineering university

1997/09- 2000/10 PH.D, Beihang university 


  Work experience:

2001/03- 2003/03Postdoctoral Fellow at the School of Science, Beihang University (BUAA), China.

2003/05- 2012/08Lecturer and Associate Professor at the Institute of Robotics, the School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Beihang University (BUAA), China.

2008/09- 2009/08Visiting Scholar at University of Hamburg, Germany.

2012/09- PresentFull Professor at the Institute of Robotics, the School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Beihang University (BUAA), China.



   For Bachelor Student:

Mechanical Theory, Project of Mechanical Design

   For Master Student:

Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robot




    Research field

   Reconfigurable Mobile Robot System

   Wall Climbing Robot

   Application of Mechatronics System


    Research experience

   01/2011-12/2013, as Leader of the project

“Research on biological-inspired climbing caterpillar robot with flexible structure” funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. No. 51075015

   10/2010-10/2011, as Leader of the project

“Development of the test equipment for detecting the servo stiffness of electromechanical Actuators”

   12/2007-12/2011, as Leader of the project

“Outstanding Young Research Fellow foundation” funded by the Beijing Science and Technology Community, Beijing, China.

   01/2007-12/2009, as Leader of the project

“Research on Mechanism of Vibrating Sucker and Climbing-Wall Worm Robot” funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, No. 50605001

   12/2006-12/2008, as Leader of the project

“Research for reconfigurable mechanism of mobile robot” funded by the National High Technology R&D Project of China, No. 2006AA04Z241

   04/2004-04/2006, as Technical Director of the project

“Development of a reconfigurable and multi mobile robot system” funded by the 985 project of China.

   9/2000-9/2001, as Technical Director of the project

“Glass-wall Cleaning Robots for High-rise Buildings”

   2/2000-9/2001, 7/1999-2/2000, as Technical Director of the project

“Window-cleaning gondola robot for Super High-rise Buildings” (I, II).



Best conference paper award of 2008 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics



[1]       Wei Wang, Houxiang Zhang, Guanghua Zong and Jianwei Zhang, “Force Cooperation in a Reconfigurable Field Multi-Robot System”, Journal of Field Robotics, Vol. 25 (Issue 11-12), pp. 922-938 (Nov.-Dec., 2008) (SCI: IDS No. 382BK)

[2]       Wei Wang, Kun Wang, Houxiang Zhang, Crawling gait realization of the mini-modular climbing caterpillar robot, Progress in Natural Science, Volume 19, Issue 12, 10 December 2009, pp. 1821-1829 (SCI: IDS No. 521EG)

[3]       Wei Wang, Wenpeng Yu, Houxiang Zhang, “JL2: A Mobile Multi-robot System with Docking and Manipulating Capabilities”, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Vol. 7, No. 1, March, 2010, pp. 9-18 (SCI: IDS No. 698EH)

[4]       Wei Wang, Kun Wang, Guanghua Zong, Dazhai Li, “Principle and experiment of vibrating suction method for wall-climbing robot”, Vacuum, vol. 85, No.1, 2010, pp107-112 (SCI: IDS No. 653GK)

[5]       Wei Wang, Boyan Tang, Houxiang Zhang, Guanghua Zong, “Robotic cleaning system for glass facade of high-rise airport control tower”, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol.37, No.5, 2010, pp. 469-478 (SCI: IDS No. 663VY)

[6]       Wei Wang, Houxiang Zhang, Wenpeng Yu, “Design and Realization of Multimobile Robot System With Docking Manipulator”, Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 132, NOVEMBER 2010, pp. 114502-1~114502-8 (SCI: IDS No. 684IB)

[7]       Wei Wang, Yingying Wang, Kun Wang, Houxiang Zhang, Jianwei Zhang, Analysis of the Kinematics of Module Climbing Caterpillar Robots, Proceeding of 2008 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM2008), Xi’an , China, 2-5 July, 2008, pp.84-89 (EI: 20084011617485, Best Conference Paper Award)

[8]       W. Wang, H.X. Zhang, K. Wang, J.W. Zhang and W.H. Chen, “Gait control of modular climbing caterpillar robot”, In Proceedings of 2009 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2009), Singapore, July14-17, 2009, pp. 957-962 (EI:  20094512425594, Best paper award finalist)

[9]       Wei Wang, Jinghao Qi, Houxiang Zhang and Guanghua Zong, “A Rapid Hunting Algorithm for Multi Mobile Robots System”, in Proceedings of 2007 Second IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2007), Haerbin, China, May, 2007, pp1023~1027 (EI: 20074210874495)

[10]    Wei Wang, Kun Wang, Houxiang Zhang and Jianwei Zhang, “Internal Force Compensating Method for Wall-climbing Caterpillar Robot”, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2010), Anchorage, Alaska, USA, May 3-8, 2010, pp. 2816-2820 (EI: 20103413180700)

[11]    Wei Wang, Houxiang Zhang, Wenpeng Yu and Jianwei Zhang, Docking Manipulator for a Reconfigurable Mobile Robot System, 2009 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2009), St. Louis, MO, USA, October 11-15, 2009, pp. 1697-1702 (EI: 20100712704419)

[12]    Wei Wang, Houxiang Zhang and Jianwei Zhang, “Crawling Locomotion of Modular Climbing Caterpillar Robot with Changing Kinematic Chain”, in Proceedings of 2009 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2009), St. Louis, MO, USA, October 11-15, 2009, pp. 5021-5026 (EI: 20100712703915)