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张玉茹 Yuru ZHANG

作者:       发布: 2015-09-16      来源:


张玉茹     Yuru ZHANG



籍  贯


职  称


学  历


电  话



系  别


职  务



[email protected]

传  真





1978.03-1982.02            大连理工大学机械工程系,学士

1982.03-1984.08            北京航空航天大学成人直播 ,硕士,导师:张启先院士

1984.09-1987.09     北京航空航天大学成人直播 ,博士,导师:张启先院士




1.    2014年,教育部技术发明一等奖

2.   2011年, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation最佳论文提名奖(Best Manipulation Paper Award-Finalist

3.   2008年,国家科学技术进步二等奖

4.   2008年,中国机械工业科学技术一等奖

5.   2008年,第18届“冯如杯”优秀指导教师

6.   2003年,教育部跨世纪优秀人才

7.   2002年,第12届“冯如杯”优秀指导教师

8.   1999年,航空工业总公司科技进步二等奖

9.   1998年,北京市高校青年学科带头人

10.  1998年,第四届北京青年优秀科技论文二等奖

11.  1996年,中国航空工业总公司“做出突出贡献的中国博士学位获得者”

12.  1994年,北京市科技进步三等奖

13.   1993年,北京市优秀青年骨干教师






1.   指导本科生陈中元获冯如杯一等奖(北航“小神童”),并获大学生科技明星称号

2.   指导博士生刘军传获北航优秀博士论文(脑外科机器人系统定位精度研究),并获2006 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications最佳学生论文奖

3.   指导博士生吴俊获全国研究生数学建模竞赛二等奖,北航研究生优秀论文奖

4.   指导硕士生周人歌获北航优秀硕士论文

5.   指导硕士生王瑜获校优秀硕士毕业生称号

6.   指导硕士生郭玲、王瑜获校优秀研究生称号

7.   指导硕士刘慕利获研究生学术科技创新优秀奖





1.         D. Wang, S. Liu, X. Zhang, Y. Zhang and J. Xiao, Configuration-based Optimization for Six Degree-of-Freedom Haptic Rendering for Fine Manipulation, IEEE Transaction on Haptics , 6(2), pp 167-180, 2013/6APR-JUN.

2.         D. Wang, J. Guo, C. Sun, M. Xu, and Y. Zhang, A Flexible Concept for Designing Multi-Axis Force/Torque Sensors using Force Closure Theorem, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 62(7), pp 1951-1959, 2013/7.

3.         Liu, Guanyang; Lu, Keke; Zhang, Yuru, Haptic-Based Training for Tank Gunnery Using Decoupled Motion Control , IEEE COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND APPLICATIONS, 33(2), pp 73-79, 2013/4MAR-APR

4.         Liu, Guanyang; Lu, Keke; Zhang, Yuru; Liu, Lingzhi, Networked Haptic Interaction to Implement "Hand in Hand" Human Motor Skill Training for Tank Gunnery, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED ROBOTIC SYSTEMS, V10, 2013/2/19. 

5.         Dangxiao Wang, Yuru Zhang, Jianxia Hou, Yong Wang, Peijun Lv, Yonggang Chen Hui Zhao, iDental: A haptic-based dental simulator and its preliminary evaluation, IEEE Transaction on Haptics, Volume: 5, Issue: 4, Oct. –Dec., 2012, pp. 332-343

6.         LI Jiting; WANG Shuang; WANG Ju; ZHENG Ruoyin; ZHANG Yuru; CHEN Zhongyuan, Development of a Hand Exoskeleton System for Index Finger Rehabilitation, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering. Vol.25, No.2, March 2012, 223-233..

7.         Dangxiao Wang, Yuru Zhang, Wanlin Zhou, Hui Zhao, Zhongyuan Chen, "Collocation Accuracy of Visuo-Haptic System: Metrics and Calibration," IEEE Transactions on Haptics , Vol. 4, No. 4, Oct. –Dec., 2011, pp. 321-326

8.         Dangxiao WANG, Yuru ZHANG, Chong YAO, Jun WU, Huimin JIAO and Muli LIU, “Toward force-based signature verification: a pen-type sensor and preliminary validation,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Volume 59, Number 4, April 2010, pp: 752-762

9.         Dangxiao Wang, Yuru Zhang, Jun Wu, “A hierarchical model of motor skill for haptic-assisted virtual reality training,” The International Journal of Virtual Reality, 2010, 9(3):75-81

10.     Jun Wu, Dangxiao Wang, Charlie C.L. Wang, and Yuru Zhang. “Toward stable and realistic haptic interaction for tooth preparation simulation,” ASME Transactions - Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, vol.10, no.2, June 2010

11.     Jun Wu, Yuen-Shan Leung, Charlie C.L. Wang, Dangxiao Wang, and Yuru Zhang, “Smooth force rendering on coarse polygonal meshes,” Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, Special Issue of 23rd International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents,  Saint-Malo, France, May 31 - June 2, 2010, vo.21, no.3-4, pp.235-244

12.     DangXiao Wang , YuRu Zhang, Yong Wang, PeiJun Lü, RenGe Zhou and WanLin Zhou, “Haptic rendering for dental training system,” Science in China Series F: Information Sciences, Volume 52, Number 3, MAR 2009, pp: 529-546 (王党校,张玉茹等,面向牙科手术培训的力觉合成技术, 中国科学[F]2009年第39卷第1期:159~174)

13.     Guanyang Liu,Yuru Zhang, Dangxiao Wang, Townsend, “Stable haptic interaction using a damping model to implement a realistic tooth-cutting simulation for dental training,” Springer Virtual Reality Journal , Springer London 2008.3

14.     Guanyang Liu,Yuru Zhang,Townsend, Force Modelling for Tooth Preparation in Dental Training System ,Virtual Reality[J],Springer London 2008.6

15.     Liu, Junchuan; Zhang, Yuru; Li, Zhen, Improving the positioning accuracy of a neurosurgical robot system, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, v 12, n 5, October, 2007, p 527-533

16.     D. Wang, Y. Zhang et al., “Strokes-based modeling and haptic skill display for Chinese calligraphy simulation system,” Springer Virtual Reality Journal, (2006) 9: 118-132

17.     Liu, Guanyang; Zhang, Yuru , Stable haptic interaction using damping model for dental training, Proceedings - VRCIA 2006ACM International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and its Applications, v 2006, Proceedings - VRCIA 2006: ACM International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and its Applications, 2006, p 409-412

18.     D. Wang, Y. Zhang et al., “Cutting on Triangle Mesh Local Model based haptic display for dental preparation surgery simulation,” IEEE Transaction on Visualization and Computer Graphics, No. 6, 2005, p671-683

19.     Yuru Zhang and W. A. Gruver, Jiting Li and Qixian Zhang, "Classification of Grasps," IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B, Vol. 31, No. 3, 2001, 436-444

20.     Yuru Zhang and William A. Gruver, “A Method for Simplifying Dynamics of Manipulators with Closed Chains”, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 28, No. 4, 1999, 261-269


  1. G. Yu, D. Wang, Y. Zhang, Accelerating Optimization-based Haptic Rendering by Parallel Quadratic Programming Method, 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2013). Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 03-08, 2013.
  2. L. Wang, D. Wang, L. Ma, Y. Zhang, F. Yuan, Y. Sun, Preliminary experiments of a miniature robotic system for tooth ablation using ultra-short pulsed lasers, 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2013). Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 03-08, 2013.
  3. D. Wang, C. Yang, Y. Zhang, J. Xiao, Y. Dong, T. Wang, A novel design of a wearable device for measuring force and torque in vascular surgery, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2013, May 6 - 10, 2013, Karlsruhe, Germany.
  4. D. Wang, M. Xu, Y. Zhang, J. Xiao, Preliminary study on haptics-stimulation based brainwave entrainment, IEEE World Haptics Conference 2013, The 5th Joint Eurohaptics Conference and IEEE Haptics Symposium, April 14~17, 2013, Daejeon, Korea. .
  5. D. Wang, Y. Shi, S. Liu, Y. Zhang, J. Xiao, The influence of master-slave mapping uncertainty on force/torque fidelity of 6-DOF haptic rendering, IEEE World Haptics Conference 2013, The 5th Joint Eurohaptics Conference and IEEE Haptics Symposium, April 14~17, 2013, Daejeon, Korea.
  6. Lingzhi Liu,Guanyang Liu,Yuru Zhang.A novel haptic training method through skill decomposition. World Haptics Conference 2013, 5th Joint Eurohaptics Conference and IEEE Haptics Symposium, Daejeon, Korea, April 14-18, 2013.
  7. D. Wang, S. Liu, J. Xiao, J. Hou, Y. Zhang. Six Degree-of-Freedom Haptic Simulation of Pathological Changes in Periodontal Operations. 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2012). Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal October 7-12, 2012.
  8. G. Yu, D. Wang, Y. Zhang, X. Zhang, Six Degree-of-Freedom Haptic Simulation of Sharp Geometric Features using a Hybrid Sphere-tree Model, 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2012), Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal October 7-12, 2012.
  9. D. Wang, S. Liu, X. Zhang, Y. Zhang and J. Xiao, Six-degree-of-freedom Haptic Simulation of Organ Deformation in Dental Operations, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2012, May 14-18, 2012, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, pp. 1050-1056.
  10. Yi Yang; Yuru Zhang; Zhu Hou; ZhongYuan Chen; Lemaire-Semail, B. FingViewer: A new multi-touch force feedback touch screen, Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 2011 IEEE International Conference on, pp.837-838, 9-12 Jan. 2011
  11. Yi Yang, Yuru Zhang, Zhu Hou, Betty Lemair-Semail, Adding Haptic Feedback to Touch Screens at the Right Time, the 2011 International Conference on Multimodal interfaces (ICMI 2011), November 14-18, 2011, Alicante, Spain.
  12. D. Wang, X. Zhang, Y. Zhang and J. Xiao, Configuration-based Optimization for Six Degree-of-Freedom Haptic Rendering for Fine Manipulation, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2011, May 9-13, Shanghai, China (Best Manipulation Paper Award - Finalist)
  13. Zhixiang Wang, Dangxiao Wang, Yuru Zhang and Ming C. Lin, Analysis on Increasing Transparency for Penalty-based Six Degree-of-Freedom Haptic Rendering, Proc. of the World Haptics Conference 2011, Istanbul, Turkey, Jun. 21-24, 2011
  14. Xin Zhang, Dangxiao Wang, Yuru Zhang and Jing Xiao, Con?guration-based Optimization for Six Degree-of-Freedom Haptic Rendering Using Sphere-trees, Proc. of the IEEE International conference on Intelligent robot and systems, IROS 2011, September 25-30, 2011, San Francisco, California, U.S.
  15. Yi Yang, Yuru Zhang, Betty Lemaire-Semail. A New Planar 4-DOF Spring and Cable Driven Force Feedback Device. Eurohaptics Conference 2010, July 7-10, Amsterdam,Netherland
  16. Muli Liu, Dangxiao Wang, Yuru Zhang, A Novel Haptic Rendering Algorithm for Stable and Precise 6-DOF Virtual Assembly, ASME 2010 World Conference on Innovative Virtual Reality (WINVR2010), May 12-14, 2010, Ames, Iowa, U.S.
  17. Hao Li, Yuru Zhang, Yi Yang, SINGULARITY-FREE TASKSPACE OPTIMIZATION OF 6-RSS MECHANISMS, ASME2009/IDETC, San Diego, 2009.8, v 7, n PART B, p 1237-1244
  18. Ju Wang, Jiting Li, Yuru Zhang, Shuang Wang, Design of an Exoskeleton for Index Finger Rehabilitation, Proceedings of the 31st Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference,2009, Minneapolis, MN, USA, pp: 5957 - 5960
  19. Jun Wu, Ge Yu, Dangxiao Wang, Yuru Zhang, Charlie C.L. Wang. Voxel-based Interactive Haptic Simulation of Dental Drilling. In Proceedings of ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. August 30-September 2, 2009, San Diego, USA
  20. Xiaowei Dai, Yuru Zhang, Dangxiao Wang, Maximum Virtual Stiffness Distribution Analysis and Measurement for Haptic Device, 2009 ASME/IDETC, Proceeding of ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE), 2009,San Diego, CA,USA


1.   张玉茹、刘博、郭卫东,“机器人灵巧手机构”,ZL02155646.62006.11.15

2.   张玉茹、王田苗、丑武胜、刘军传等,“医疗机器人视觉注册方法”,ZL200310122495.72006.11.29

3.   张玉茹、郭卫东、张世清、姜俊杰、曹永刚,“三自由度力觉交互装置”,ZL200510115907.32007.12.19

4.   张玉茹、曹永刚、王党校、马运忠,“六自由度力觉人机交互装置”,ZL 200710062916.X2008.11.12

5.   张玉茹、张耀军、戴晓伟、刘冠阳,“可重构式柔索驱动并联机器人及其驱动装置”,ZL200910088558.92011.06.22

6.   张玉茹、杨毅,“一种具有抓持力反馈的四自由度柔索驱动人机交互装置”,ZL 2009 1 0238686.72011.09.28

7.         张玉茹,李朝斌,陈中元、刘军传,“一种能实现快速重构的绳驱动并联机器人”ZL 2011 1 0026500.92012.5.9

8.   张玉茹、陈中元,“一种适用于毛笔汉字书写的五自由度运动装置”,ZL2009 1 0089158.X2012.5.23  

9.         王党校,张玉茹,吕培军,王勇,陈永刚,王治翔,虚拟现实牙科手术触感训练支撑平台ZL 200910242042.5201154

10.     王党校,张玉茹,姚冲,吴俊,面向签名防伪的多维力觉信息测量数字笔(专利号:ZL 200710064434.8),201016

11.     王党校,张玉茹,王瑜, 周万琳,吴俊,面向手眼协调操作的力觉视觉融合显示平台(专利号:ZL200810056484.6),2009819

12.     王党校,张玉茹,吴俊,姚冲,书写训练设备及处理方法(专利号:ZL 200710303776.0),201098

13.     王党校,张玉茹,刘冠阳,虚拟空间的触觉力觉反馈人机拔河系统,(专利号:ZL200810055892.X),2010421

14.  王党校,方磊,徐牧,于佳琦, 张玉茹. 2013,一种能够实现六维空间力测量的力矩传感器,ZL 201110190280.3

15.  郭卫东、刘博、张玉茹、李久振、刘军传、李继婷,“仿人机器手机构”,ZL200410102702.7, 2006.11.08

16.  李继婷,王举,张玉茹,王爽,“手指运动功能康复机器人”, ZL 2009 1 0081170.6, 2011.6.1

17.  李继婷,王举,张玉茹,王爽. 2012,外骨骼式手指运动功能康复机器人,ZL200910238175.5

18.  李继婷,郑若隐,张玉茹. 2013,外骨骼式拇指运动功能康复机器人,ZL201110215592.5

刘冠阳,周墨渊,张玉茹,郭卫东,卢可可. 2012,两自由度力觉交互设备,ZL200910237798.0


1.   教育部教学指导委员会委员

2.   IEEE高级会员

3.   ASME会员

4.   中国机械工程学会机械传动分会常务委员

5.   中国机械工程学会机构学专业委员会委员

6.   中国机械工程学会外事工作委员会委员

7.   中国自动化学会《机器人》编委会委员

8.   IEEE ICRA国际会议组织委员会委员(2015

9.   Eurohaptics国际会议奖励委员会委员(2014

10. IEEE IROS国际会议程序委员会委员(2005, 2006)