
成人直播 > 研究生培养 > 硕导介绍 > 正文

齐海涛 Qi Haitao

作者:       发布: 2015-09-17      来源:


齐海涛 Qi Haitao























[email protected]











2008.09~2009.02法国国立应用科学成人直播 ,机械电子工程,联合培养博士


2000.09~2004.07沈阳航空工业成人直播 ,自动化,获学士学位




2012.11~今,北京航空航天大学,成人直播 ,硕士生导师;工程训练中心,讲师



2009.12~2011.12,北京航空航天大学,成人直播 ,博士后






























[1] 一种双余度电动静液作动器,发明专利,ZL201510043571.8,已授权

[2] 液压串联弹性驱动器,发明专利,ZL201410280277.4,已授权

[3] 机电作动器直线输出执行机构的故障隔离装置,发明专利,ZL200910088127.2,已授权

[4] 一种抑制压力脉动的油滤,发明专利,ZL201010168356.8,已授权

[5] 一种液压装置,发明专利,ZL201010196189.8,已授权

[6] 智能型柱塞式液压泵的电动伺服变量机构,实用新型专利,201620753371.1,已授权


[1] 付永领、齐海涛,LMS Imagine. Lab AMESim系统建模和仿真实例教程,北京航空航天大学出版社,20117


[1] 齐海涛, 滕雅婷. 双余度电静液作动器力均衡控制[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2017, 43(2): 270-276(EI检索,检索号: 20171303506426).

[2] 周国哲, 付永领, 齐海涛, 杨荣荣, 范殿梁. 基于力的电动静液作动器阻抗控制[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2017, 43(1): 93-99(EI检索,检索号: 20170603325743).

[3] Qi Haitao, Liu Shicheng, Yang Le. Research on the Control-on-Demand of Intelligent Pump[A], Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Fluid Power Transmission and Control (ICFP2017), Hangzhou, 2017: 31-35.

[4] 齐海涛, 刘士成, 刘子龙. 基于AMESimLabVIEWVC++联合仿真的机电液系统控制算法验证平台设计[J]. 液压与气动, 2017,5: 62-68(中文核心).

[5] Qi Haitao, Liu Zilong, Lang Yan. Symmetrical Valve Controlled Asymmetrical Cylinder Based on Wavelet Neural Network[A], Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computing and Precision Engineering 2016(ICCPE2016). 2016, 4-274.

[6] 纪铁铃, 齐海涛, 滕雅婷. 基于AMESimMATLAB联合仿真的EHA滑模变结构控制分析[J]. 液压与气动, 2016, 3: 19-24(中文核心).

[7] Qi Haitao, Teng Yating, Liu Zilong, Xiao Xi, Lei Tigao. Modelling and Simulation of a Novel Dual-Redundancy Electro-Hydrostatic Actuator[A]. Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Fluid Power and Mechatronics, 2015: 270-275(EI检索,检索号: 20161302149085).

[8] 齐海涛, 付永领, 郎燕. 基于AMESim的电动伺服变量柱塞泵建模与仿真[J]. 机床与液压, 2015, 43(5): 115-118, 31(中文核心).

[9] 纪铁铃, 齐海涛, 刘子龙. 基于AMESimMATLAB联合仿真的双变量EHA性能分析[J]. 液压与气动, 2015, 5: 51-57(中文核心).

[10] 付永领, 邵云斌, 齐海涛, 祁晓野. 集成电动静液作动系统理论与技术[J]. 液压与气动, 2015, 5: 1-8(中文核心).

[11] Qi Haitao, Fu Yongling, Lang Yan. Variable Displacement Characteristics of Electrical Servo Variable Displacement Piston Pump[J]. Hydromechatronics Engineering, 2014, 42(24): 9-12, 29(中文核心).

[12] 齐海涛, 付永领, 祁晓野. 一体化数字液压作动系统的建模仿真和控制[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2014, 40(1): 44-47( EI检索,检索号: 20141017422382).

[13] 齐海涛, 付永领, 郎燕. 大型客机飞控作动系统配置方案设计[J]. 液压与气动, 2014, 4: 19-24, 27(中文核心).

[14] 齐海涛, 王亮, 陈博, 马鹏举. 控制工程技术训练的研究与实践[A]. 2014年华北地区金工学术年会, 2014.

[15] Qi Haitao, Lang Yan, Fu Yongling. Modelling and Simulation of Dissimilar Triplex Redundant Hybrid Actuation System[J]. Journal of Applied Sciences, 2013, 13(9): 1564-1569 (EI检索,检索号: 20134316895147).

[16] Guo Yanqing, Fu Yongling, Zhang Peng, Yang Rongrong, Qi Haitao. Compound Control on Electro-hydraulic Servo Loading Test Bench[A]. Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, 2013, 516-520(EI检索,检索号: 20140917372511).

[17] Fu Yongling, Qi Haitao, Lu Yueliang, Guo Rongsheng, Li Zhufeng, Xue Jing, Yang Qi. A Novel Electrical Servo Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump Used for Integrated Actuator in MEA[A]. Proceedings of the 28th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences 2012(ICAS2012), 2012: 3907-3912 (EI检索,检索号: 20132516434117).

[18] 付永领, 李祝锋, 安高成, 张猛, 齐海涛, 薛晶. 电液泵发展现状与关键技术综述[J]. 机床与液压, 2012, 40(1): 143-149, 160.

[19] Qi Haitao, Fu Yongling, Qi Xiaoye, Lang Yan. Architecture Optimization of More Electric Aircraft Actuation System[A]. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2011, 24(4): 506-513 (SCI检索,检索号: WOS 000294990600013EI检索,检索号: 20113614297420).

[20] Fu Yongling, Yang Bin, Qi Haitao, Zhang Ye. Optimization of the control strategy for EHA-VPVM System[A]. Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Electronic & Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology (EMEIT 2011)[C]. Harbin, 2011, V4: 1856-1859(EI检索,检索号: 20114014403434).

[21] Fu Yongling, Zhang Meng, Qi Haitao, An Gaocheng. Application of Heat Pipe Technology in the Design of Hydraulic Motor Pump[A]. Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Electronic & Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology (EMEIT 2011)[C]. Harbin, 2011, V2: 1033-1036(EI检索,检索号: 20114014403087).

[22] Fu Yongling, Fan Dianliang, Qi Haitao, Wang Weihong. The Application of Co-Simulation Based on AMESim and Matlab in Electro-hydraulic Servo System[A]. Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Electronic & Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology (EMEIT 2011)[C]. Harbin, 2011, V7: 3547-3550(EI检索,检索号: 20114014403854).

[23] Xing Dong, Zhang Xiaoning, Fu Yongling, Qi Haitao. The simulation of six phase PMSM taking iron loss into account [A]. Advanced Materials Research, Materials Science and Information Technology, MSIT2011, 2012, 433-440: 7535-7540 (EI检索,检索号: 20120414713386).

[24] Wang Lijian, Jean-Charles MARE, Fu Yongling, Qi Haitao. Force Equalization for Redundant Active/Active Position Control System Involving Dissimilar Technology Actuators[A]. Proceedings of the 8th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power[C]. Okinawa, 2011: 136-143.

[25] 付永领, 齐海涛, 王利剑, 刘和松. 混合作动系统的工作模式研究[J]. 航空学报, 2010, 31(6): 1177-1184 (EI检索,检索号: 20102813068057).

[26] Qi Haitao, Fu Yongling, Qi Xiaoye, Li Zhanshui, Qin Cheng. Allocated Decoupling Control of the Dual-Variable Electro-Hydrostatic Actuator[A]. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Recent advances in Aerospace Actuation Systems and Components (R3ASC' 2010) [C]. Toulouse, 2010: 88-94.

[27] 付永领, 王利剑, 齐海涛, 刘和松. 电动静液作动器故障诊断与管理[J]. 机床与液压, 2010, 38(9): 120-124.

[28] 付永领, 王利剑, 齐海涛, 刘和松. 基于DSPCPLD的电动静液作动器双余度控制器设计[J]. 测控技术, 2010, 1: 39-43.

[29] 付永领, 肖琳琳, 刘和松, 齐海涛. 航空高速双绕组无刷直流电机的建模与仿真[J]. 电机与控制应用, 2010, 37(3): 7-12.

[30] Qi Haitao, Fu Yongling, Jean-Charles Mare, Lang Yan. Investigation in Hybrid Actuation for Duplex Actuators Operating in Active/No-load Modes [A], Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM2009) [C], Singapore, 2009: 993-997 (EI检索,检索号: 20094512425600ISTP检索,检索号: BON35).

[31] Qi Haitao, Jean-Charles MARE, Fu Yongling. Force Equalization in Hybrid Actuation Systems [A]. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Fluid Power Transmission and Control (ICFP2009) [C]. Hangzhou: World Publishing Corporation, 2009: 342-347 (ISTP检索,检索号: BKR10).

[32] Li Yunhua, Lang Yan, Qi Haitao, Zheng Qi. Characteristics Analysis of Total Pressure Control Valve for Pump-Controlled Hydraulic System of Airborne Control Surfaces Actuation [J]. Journal of Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2009, 30(6): 443-454 (SCI检索,检索号: 540HBEI检索,检索号: 20102913085594).

[33] 肖琳琳, 付永领, 齐海涛, 刘和松. 航空大功率双绕组无刷直流电机的建模仿真[J]. 伺服控制, 2009, 10: 27-31.

[34] Fu Yongling, Liu Hesong, Pang Yao, Qi Haitao. Active Disturbance Rejection Control for the Airborne PMSM in Direct Drive EMA Application [A], Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Electronic Measurement & Instruments (ICEMI’2009) [C]. Beijing, 2009: 2-346 - 2-351(EI检索,检索号: 20095112549486).

[35] 齐海涛, 付永领, 王占林. 泵阀协调控制电动静液作动器方案分析[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,200834(2)131-134 (EI检索,检索号: 20081311170563).

[36] Qi Haitao, Fu Yongling, Wang Zhanlin. Scheme Analysis of Electro- Hydrostatic Actuator with Control Valve [A]. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Fluid Power Transmission and Control (ISFP' 2007) [C]. Beidaihe: International Academic Publishers Ltd., 2007: 277-281.

[37] 齐海涛, 付永领. 基于AMESim的电动静液作动器的仿真分析[J]. 机床与液压, 2007, 35(3): 184-186.

[38] Lang Yan, Li Yunhua, Qi Haitao. Dual-level Multi-objective Genetic Optimization Design for Electro-Hydraulic Compound Actuator (EHCA) [A]. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Fluid Power Transmission and Control (ISFP' 2007) [C]. Beidaihe: International Academic Publishers Ltd., 2007: 733-738.

[39] 高波, 付永领, 裴忠才, 齐海涛. 伺服泵的电动变量机构[J]. 机械工程学报, 2006, 42(3): 184-187 (EI检索,检索号: 2006269966177).

[40] 付永领, 祁晓野, 王锴, 齐海涛. 多电飞机的关键技术[A]. 中国航空学会液压气动专业2005年学术讨论会论文集 [C], 中国航空学会液压气动专业委员会, 2006: 212-218.

[41] 齐海涛, 裴卫斌, 王征. 彩票发行方案的合理性分析[J]. 沈阳航空工业成人直播 学报, 2003, 20(1): 81-83.


[1] 20161~201812月,大功率柔顺驱动器的设计方法及能量优化和交互安全机理研究(51505016),国家自然科学基金,25.2万元;

[2] 201510~20179月,基于压力流量复合控制的智能泵控制方法研究(20152851020),航空科学基金,10万元;

[3] 20143~12月,基于变刚度控制的液压串联弹性驱动器研究,教育部基本科研业务费,5万元;

[4] 20143~20153月,转弯作动系统仿真分析,北京华力创通科技股份有限公司,8万元;

[5] 20134~12月,非相似余度作动系统的工作模式研究,教育部基本科研业务费,20万元;

[6] 201310~20159月,双余度电静液作动器(EHA)原理结构方案技术研究(20132851033),航空科学基金,10万元;

[7] 20139~12月,国外航空作动系统产品体系研究,航空工业信息中心,25万元;

[8] 201312~201512月,XX发电装置液压数值仿真平台开发,中国华能集团清洁能源技术研究院有限公司,16万元;

[9] 20128~20131月,大惯量负载液压位置伺服系统提高动态技术分析,中国航天科技集团公司北京精密机电控制设备研究所,3.5万元;

[10] 20127~201212月,航空作动系统关键技术研究,航空工业信息中心,18万元;

[11] 20116~12月,大型飞机混合作动系统工作模式研究,中国博士后科学基金,3万元;

[12] 20116~12月,大型飞机混合作动系统工作模式研究(YWF-11-03-Q-265),基本科研业务费,1万元;

[13] 201111~20135月,液压气动仿真系统,中国航空工业集团公司沈阳飞机设计研究所,36万元;

[14] 20109~20117月,XXXX装置及液压控制系统联合仿真技术服务,中国船舶重工集团公司第七一九研究所,25万元;

[15] 20101~201212月,EHA用主驱动直流无刷电机驱动控制器研制,中国航天科工集团公司南京晨光集团有限责任公司,20万元。











 Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Education Background                                                   

[1] 09/2004~12/2009, Doctor with Prof. Yongling FU focus on Electro-Hydraulic Servo System, Department of Mechatronics Engineering, School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing, China.

[2] 09/2008~03/2009, Joint PhD student with Prof. Jean-Charles MARE focus on EHA, Financed by China Scholarship Council, Department of Mechanical Engineering, INSA (Institut National des Sciences Appliquées), Toulouse, France.

[3] 09/2000~07/2004, Bachelor of Engineering, Division of Automation, Shenyang Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, Shenyang, China.

Work Experience                                                        

[1] 12/2011~Present, Lecturer and Master Tutor, School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation and Engineering Training Center, Beihang University, Beijing, China.

[2] 07/2016~07/2017, Visiting Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada.

[3] 12/2009~12/2011, Post-doctor, School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Beihang University, Beijing, China.

Research Interests                                                    

Research interests are in the areas of airborne hydraulic and actuation systems, compliant actuator, pneumatic actuator and mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, control integrated systems. Chaired the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Aviation Science Fund, the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities Project, the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, and more than 10 other projects from companies.

Professional Affiliations                                                 

[1] Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, Senior Member

[2] Chinese Society of Aeronautics, Member


[1] Qi Haitao, Fu Yongling, Qi Xiaoye, Lang Yan. Architecture Optimization of More Electric Aircraft Actuation System[J]. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2011, 24(4): 506-513 (SCI: WOS: 000294990600013, EI: 20113614297420).

[2] Qi Haitao, Teng Yating. Force Equalization Control for Dual-Redundancy Electro-hydrostatic Actuator[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2017, 43(2): 270-276 (EI: 20171303506426).

[3] Qi Haitao, Liu Shicheng, Yang Le. Research on the Control-on-Demand of Intelligent Pump[A], Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Fluid Power Transmission and Control (ICFP2017), Hangzhou, 2017: 31-35.

[4] Qi Haitao, Liu Shicheng, Liu Zilong. Control Algorithm Verification Platform Design for Mechanical-electrical Hydraulic Systems by Co-simulation of AMESim and LabVIEW and VC++[J]. Chinese Hydraulics & Pneumatics, 2017, 5: 62-68.

[5] Qi Haitao, Teng Yating, Liu Zilong, Xiao Xi, Lei Tigao. Modelling and Simulation of a Novel Dual-redundancy Electro-hydrostatic Actuator[A]. Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Fluid Power and Mechatronics, 2015: 270-275 (EI: 20161302149085).

[6] Qi Haitao, Fu Yongling, Qi Xiaoye. Modelling, Simulation and Control of Integrated Digital Hydraulic Actuation System[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2014, 40(1): 44-47 (EI: 20141017422382).

[7] Qi Haitao, Lang Yan, Fu Yongling. Modelling and Simulation of Dissimilar Triplex Redundant Hybrid Actuation System[J]. Journal of Applied Sciences, 2013, 13(9): 1564-1569 (EI: 20134316895147).

[8] Qi Haitao, Fu Yongling, Jean-Charles Mare, Lang Yan. Investigation in Hybrid Actuation for Duplex Actuators Operating in Active/No-load Modes [A], Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM2009) [C]. Singapore, 2009: 993-997 (EI: 20094512425600).

[9] Qi Haitao, Fu Yongling, Wang Zhanlin. Scheme Analysis of Pump-valve Coordinated Control Electro-hydrostatic Actuator[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2008, 34(2): 131-134 (EI: 081311170563).

[10] Qi Haitao, Jean-Charles MARE, Fu Yongling. Force Equalization in Hybrid Actuation Systems [A]. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Fluid Power Transmission and Control (ICFP2009) [C]. Hangzhou: World Publishing Corporation, 2009: 342-347 (ISTP ISI: 000268994000086).

[11] Qi Haitao, Fu Yongling, Lang Yan. Modelling and Simulation of Electrical Servo Variable Displacement Piston Pump Based on AMESim[J]. Machine Tool & Hydraulics, 2015, 43(5): 115-118, 31.

[12] Qi Haitao, Fu Yongling, Lang Yan. Variable Displacement Characteristics of Electrical Servo Variable Displacement Piston Pump[J]. Hydromechatronics Engineering, 2014, 42(24): 9-12, 29.

[13] Qi Haitao, Fu Yongling, Lang Yan. Configuration Design of Flight Control Actuation Systems for Trunk Line Aircrafts[J]. Chinese Hydraulics & Pneumatics, 2014, 4: 19-24, 27.

[14] Qi Haitao, Fu Yongling, Lang Yan. Research on the Variable Displacement Characteristics of Electrical Servo Variable Displacement Piston Pump[A], Proceedings of the 8th Fluid Power Transmission & Control Conference of China[C]. Taiyuan, 2014.

[15] Qi Haitao, Fu Yongling, Qi Xiaoye, Li Zhanshui, Qin Cheng. Allocated Decoupling Control of the Dual-Variable Electro-Hydrostatic Actuator[A]. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Recent advances in Aerospace Actuation Systems and Components (R3ASC' 2010) [C]. Toulouse, 2010: 88-94.

[16] Qi Haitao, Fu Yongling, Wang Zhanlin. Scheme Analysis of Electro- Hydrostatic Actuator with Control Valve [A]. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Fluid Power Transmission and Control (ISFP' 2007) [C]. Beidaihe: International Academic Publishers Ltd., 2007: 277-281.

[17] Qi Haitao, Fu Yongling. Simulation of Electro-hydrostatic Actuator Based on AMESim[J]. Machine Tool & Hydraulics, 2007, 35(3): 184-186.

[18] Fu Yongling, Qi Haitao, Lu Yueliang, Guo Rongsheng, Li Zhufeng, Xue Jing, Yang Qi. A Novel Electrical Servo Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump Used for Integrated Actuator in MEA[A]. Proceedings of the 28th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences 2012(ICAS2012), 2012: 3907-3912 (EI: 20132516434117).

[19] Fu Yongling, Qi Haitao, Wang Lijian, Liu Hesong. Research on Operating Modes in Hybrid Actuation Systems[J]. Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica, 2010, 31(6): 1177-1184 (EI: 20102813068057).

[20] Ji Tieling, Qi Haitao, Teng Yating. Analysis of Sliding-mode Control for EHA Based on AMESim and MATLAB Co-Simulation[J]. Chinese Hydraulics & Pneumatics, 2016, 3: 19-24.

[21] Ji Tieling, Qi Haitao, Liu Zilong. Performance Analysis Based on AMESim and MATLAB Co-simulation for Dual-variable Electro-hydrostatic Actuator[J]. Chinese Hydraulics & Pneumatics, 2015, 5: 51-57.

[22] Li Yunhua, Lang Yan, Qi Haitao, Zheng Qi. Characteristics Analysis of Total Pressure Control Valve for Pump-Controlled Hydraulic System of Airborne Control Surfaces Actuation [J]. Journal of Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2009, 30(6): 443-454 (SCI: ISI: 000273321000001).

[23] Zhou Guozhe, Fu Yongling, Qi Haitao, Yang Rongrong, Fan Dianliang. Force Based Impedance Control of Electro-Hydrostatic Actuator[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2017, 43(1): 93-99(EI: 20170603325743).

[24] Fu Yongling, Fan Dianliang, Qi Haitao, Wang Weihong. The Application of Co-Simulation Based on AMESim and Matlab in Electro-hydraulic Servo System[A]. Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Electronic & Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology (EMEIT 2011)[C]. Harbin, 2011, V7: 3547-3550(EI: 20114014403854).

[25] Fu Yongling, Yang Bin, Qi Haitao, Zhang Ye. Optimization of the Control Strategy for EHA-VPVM System[A]. Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Electronic & Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology (EMEIT 2011)[C]. Harbin, 2011, V4: 1856-1859(EI: 20114014403434).

[26] Fu Yongling, Zhang Meng, Qi Haitao, An Gaocheng. Application of Heat Pipe Technology in the Design of Hydraulic Motor Pump[A]. Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Electronic & Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology (EMEIT 2011)[C]. Harbin, 2011, V2: 1033-1036(EI: 20114014403087).

[27] Fu Yongling, Shao Yunbin, Qi Haitao, Qi Xiaoye. Integrated Electro-hydrostatic Actuator System: Theory and Technology[J]. Chinese Hydraulics & Pneumatics, 2015, 5: 1-8.

[28] Fu Yongling, Wang Lijian, Qi Haitao, Liu Hesong. Design of Dual-redundancy Control System for Electro-hydrostatic Actuator Based on DSP and CPLD[J]. Measurement & Control Technology, 2010, 29(1): 39-43.

[29] Fu Yongling, Wang Lijian, Qi Haitao, Liu Hesong. Fault Diagnosis and Management of Electro-hydrostatic Actuator[J]. Machine Tool & Hydraulics, 2010, 38(9): 120-124.

[30] Fu Yongling, Xiao Linlin, Qi Haitao, Liu Hesong. Modeling and Simulation of Aviation High-speed Dual-winding Brushless DC Motor[J]. Electric Machines & Control Application, 2010, 37(3): 7-12.

[31] Xiao Linlin, Fu Yongling, Qi Haitao, Liu Hesong. Modelling and Simulation of Aerial High Power Dual-winding Brushless DC Motor[J]. Servo Control, 2009, 10: 27-31.

[32] Lang Yan, Li Yunhua, Qi Haitao. Dual-level Multi-objective Genetic Optimization Design for Electro-Hydraulic Compound Actuator (EHCA) [A]. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Fluid Power Transmission and Control (ISFP' 2007) [C]. Beidaihe: International Academic Publishers Ltd., 2007: 733-738.

[33] Xing Dong, Zhang Xiaoning, Fu Yongling, Qi Haitao. The Simulation of Six Phase PMSM Taking Iron Loss into Account [A]. Advanced Materials Research, Materials Science and Information Technology, MSIT2011, 2012, 433-440: 7535-7540 (EI: 20120414713386).

[34] Fu Yongling, Liu Hesong, Pang Yao, Qi Haitao. Active Disturbance Rejection Control for the Airborne PMSM in Direct Drive EMA Application [A], Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Electronic Measurement & Instruments (ICEMI'2009) [C]. Beijing, 2009: 2-346 - 2-351(EI: 20095112549486).

[35] Gao Bo, Fu Yongling, Pei Zhongcai, Qi Haitao. Servo Pump’s Electrically Driven Variable Displacement Mechanism[J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2006, 42(3): 184-187 (EI: 06269966177).

[36] Wang Lijian, Mare Jean-Charles, Fu Yongling, Qi Haitao. Force Equalization for Redundant Active/Active Position Control System Involving Dissimilar Technology Actuators[A]. Proceedings of the 8th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power[C]. Okinawa, 2011: 136-143.

[37] Guo Yanqing, Fu Yongling, Zhang Peng, Yang Rongrong, Qi Haitao. Compound Control on Electro-hydraulic Servo Loading Test Bench[A]. Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, 2013, 516-520( EI: 20140917372511).

[38] Fu Yongling, Li Zhufeng, An Gaocheng, Zhang Meng, Qi Haitao, Xue Jing. State of the Art and Core Techniques of Edropump[J]. Machine Tool & Hydraulics, 2012, 40(1): 143-149, 160.

[39] Fu Yongling, Qi Haitao. LMS Imagine. Lab AMESim System Modeling and Simulation Tutorial, Beihang University Press, 2011, 07.


[1] Qi Haitao, Teng Yating, Han Xu, Liu Zilong. “A Kind of Dual-redundancy Electro-hydrostatic Actuator”, Chinese Invention Patent, Granted No. ZL 201510043571.8, Granted on September, 2016.

[2] Qi Haitao, Shi Chengkun, Wang Liang. “Hydraulic Series Elastic Actuators”, Chinese Invention Patent, Granted No. ZL 201410280277.4, Granted on August, 2016.

[3] Qi Haitao, Liu Shicheng. “Intelligent Hydraulic Piston Pump’s Electrically Driven Variable Displacement Mechanism”, Chinese Utility Model Patent, Granted No. ZL 201620753371.1, Granted on November, 2016.

[4] Fu Yongling, Qi Haitao, Lang Yan. “Fault isolation device of the electromechanical actuator linear output”, Chinese Invention Patent, Granted No. ZL 200910088127.2, Granted on May, 2011.