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王爱增 WANG Aizeng

作者:       发布: 2017-09-11      来源:


王爱增     WANG Aizeng























 [email protected]











2009.09-2012.06    北京航空航天大学       航空宇航制造工程        博士

2006.09-2009.01    河北工业大学         计算数学                硕士

2002.09-2006.07    河北工业大学         应用数学                学士




2017.03-至今          北京航空航天大学                     副教授、博士生导师

2014.11-2017.02     Nanyang Technological University        Research Fellow

2012.07-2014.10     北京航空航天大学                       博士后   











2017年,北京航空航天大学 “卓越百人”  









1    2017-2019   “双一流”专项    卓越百人-王爱增     50      主持

2    2015-2017   Singapore      Isogeometric Design and Simulation Using T-NURCC        50   主要参加

3    2012-2015   国家自然科学基金   基于多分辨技术的T 样条曲面数控加工理论及应用研究  55   主要参加

4    2016-2019   国家自然科学基金   面向CAD/CAET样条实体建模理论与应用研究     77   主要参加

5    2009-2011   国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)   大型飞机i-Plane研制关键技术     3000    参加


[1]Aizeng Wang, Gang Zhao. An algorithm for multi-resolution analysis of NURBS surfaces [J], Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 72: 642-652, 2016 (SCI)

[2]Aizeng Wang, Gang Zhao, Yong-Dong Li. Fairness Degree-Based Fairness Criteria and Fairing Algorithm [J], Applied Mathematics and Computation, 253: 184-192, 2015 (SCI)

[3]Aizeng Wang, Gang Zhao. Wavelets based Quantitative Design of B-spline Curves [J], Expert Systems with Applications, 41: 6871-6875, 2014 (SCI)

[4]Aizeng Wang, Gang Zhao, Yong-Dong Li. An influence-knot set based new local refinement algorithm for T-spline surfaces [J], Expert Systems with Applications, 41: 3915-3921, 2014 (SCI)

[5]Aizeng Wang, Gang Zhao, Yong-Dong Li. Wavelet based local fairing algorithm for surfaces with data compression [J], International Journal of Wavelets Multiresolution and Information Processing, 13(5): 1-11, 2015 (SCI)

[6]Aizeng Wang, Gang Zhao, Yong-Dong Li. Linear independence of the blending functions of T-splines without multiple knots [J], Expert Systems with Applications, 41: 3634-3639, 2014 (SCI)

[7]Aizeng Wang, Gang Zhao. An algorithm of determining T-spline classification [J], Expert Systems with Applications, 40: 7280-7284, 2013 (SCI)

[8]Aizeng Wang, Gang Zhao. Curvature variation factor and its application [J], International Journal of Wavelets Multiresolution and Information Processing, 15(2): 1-10, 2017 (SCI)

[9]Aizeng Wang, Gang Zhao. Wavelet based surface decomposition with boundary continuity [J], Computer Aided Design and Applications, 12(4): 452-456, 2015 (EI)

[10]Aizeng Wang, Gang Zhao. The Analysis of T-spline Fairness [J], Computer Aided Design and Applications, 10(5): 817-825, 2013 (EI)

[11]Aizeng Wang, Gang Zhao. The Analysis of T-spline Blending Functions Linear Independence [J], Computer Aided Design and Applications, 8(5): 735-745, 2011 ( EI)

[12]Aizeng Wang, Gang Zhao. Filtering technique based curve fairing algorithm, Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition, 161-164, 2011 ( EI)

[13]王爱增, 赵罡. 虚拟制造中的曲线曲面光顺性分析及其建模仿真算法[J], 系统仿真学报, 24(8): 1567-1569, 2012

[14]王爱增, 赵罡, 穆国旺. 基于数字化光顺性指标的NURBS曲线自适应光顺[J], 计算机学报, 34(8): 1548-1555, 2011 ( EI)

[15]王爱增, 赵罡. 曲线曲面的定量变分造型, 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报[J], 23(10): 1719-1724, 2011 ( EI)

[16]王爱增, 赵罡. T样条调配函数线性无关性的判定算法[J], 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 23(8): 1319-1323, 2011 ( EI)





Asia Graphics (AG) membership;




 Curriculum Vitae (CV)

WANG Aizeng (Dr)

Associate Professor, Doctoral Supervisor

Email: [email protected]  


Research Interests

Geometric modeling, CAD, Digital manufacturing


Recent Publications

[1]Aizeng Wang, Gang Zhao. An algorithm for multi-resolution analysis of NURBS surfaces [J], Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 72: 642-652, 2016

[2]Aizeng Wang, Gang Zhao, Yong-Dong Li. Fairness Degree-Based Fairness Criteria and Fairing Algorithm [J], Applied Mathematics and Computation, 253: 184-192, 2015

[3]Aizeng Wang, Gang Zhao. Wavelets based Quantitative Design of B-spline Curves [J], Expert Systems with Applications, 41: 6871-6875, 2014

[4]Aizeng Wang, Gang Zhao, Yong-Dong Li. An influence-knot set based new local refinement algorithm for T-spline surfaces [J], Expert Systems with Applications, 41: 3915-3921, 2014

[5]Aizeng Wang, Gang Zhao, Yong-Dong Li. Wavelet based local fairing algorithm for surfaces with data compression [J], International Journal of Wavelets Multiresolution and Information Processing, 13(5): 1-11, 2015

[6]Aizeng Wang, Gang Zhao, Yong-Dong Li. Linear independence of the blending functions of T-splines without multiple knots [J], Expert Systems with Applications, 41: 3634-3639, 2014

[7]Aizeng Wang, Gang Zhao. An algorithm of determining T-spline classification [J], Expert Systems with Applications, 40: 7280-7284, 2013

[8]Aizeng Wang, Gang Zhao. Curvature variation factor and its application [J], International Journal of Wavelets Multiresolution and Information Processing, 15(2): 1-10, 2017

[9]Aizeng Wang, Gang Zhao. Wavelet based surface decomposition with boundary continuity [J], Computer Aided Design and Applications, 12(4): 452-456, 2015

[10]Aizeng Wang, Gang Zhao. The Analysis of T-spline Fairness [J], Computer Aided Design and Applications, 10(5): 817-825, 2013

[11]Aizeng Wang, Gang Zhao. The Analysis of T-spline Blending Functions Linear Independence [J], Computer Aided Design and Applications, 8(5): 735-745, 2011

[12]Aizeng Wang, Gang Zhao. Filtering technique based curve fairing algorithm, Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition, 161-164, 2011