Yang Mingxuan
Lecturer/Assistant Professor
Department of Materials Processing, School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation,
Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (BUAA)
No.37 Xueyuan Road, Beijing 100191, China
Email: yangmingxuan@18crzb.com
Date of birth: Feb. 1985 Nationality: Chinese
Fax: +86-010-82339961 Address: Room 213, No.1 Hall
Ph.D. in Material Science and Engineering, Material Processing, 2009-2013
School of Mechanical Engineering & Automation (SMEA)
of Aeronautics and Astronautics (BUAA)
Supervisor: Prof. Qi Bojin
Master student in Material Processing, SMEA BUAA 2008-2009
Supervisor: Prof. Qi Bojin (recommended as a Ph. D. student in 2009)
B.S. in Material Forming and Control Engineering, SMEA BUAA 2004-2008
Project Experience
National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.51405007) Jan. 2015-present
The effect on molten behavior and microstructure of titanium alloys with
high frequency pulsed welding arc plasma Project in charge
studied arc and molten behavior with high frequency pulsed arc plasma
Ø analyzed arc force mechanism with electromagnetic force and plasma jet force
Ø used FLUENT VOF model for the surface depression of molten pool
Ø produced user defined function (UDF) for boundary conditions and source terms
Ø programmed UDF & UDS with C language
established experimental methods with ultra speed camera and infrared imager
published 5 papers on SCI journals and 1 on EI journal, applied 1 Chinese patent, and attended international conference at Osaka University, Japan
High light: The achievements will be benefit for the research on arc plasma, fluid in molten pool and crystallization process. It will support the arc welding process, industrial application of titanium alloys with pulsed arc plasma.
Talent Supporting Foundation of BUAA Jan. 2015-Dec. 2015
Study on arc physics and molten fluid of titanium alloy with
high frequency pulsed welding arc plasma in charge
explored the correlation between arc behavior and particle momentum
designed observation experiments for arc constriction
conducted theoretical study on molten surface
High light: The research job tried to explore the mechanisms of some physical phenomenon with micro-level at first time
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (YWF-12-JXXY-008)
Jan. 2014-Dec. 2014
Thermal & mechanical dynamic behavior with high frequency pulsed plasma in charge
used thermal imager & ultra speed camera system for dynamic arc behavior observation
discussed the results for studying dynamic behavior with pulsed arc welding
Ø analyzed the arc physics with arc shape, force, and temperature
Ø improved the mechanism study on molten fluid
improved the arc force measurement method with relative channel for welding current and force transfer
High light: The innovative arc force measurement method was proposed as a patent.
National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.50975015) Jan. 2009 - Dec. 2012
Optimized theory of microstructure & properties by ultrahigh frequency
pulsed gas tungsten arc welding (UHFP-GTAW) process Key member
supervised by Prof. Qi Bojin
arc plasma and welding techniques for stainless steel & titanium alloys
developed the research on the effect of arc behavior on weld geometry and fluid movement of molten pool
carried out simulation and checked the temperature distribution of stainless steel
conducted Ti-6Al-4V microstructure observe & joints' property test
experienced with several technologies, such as X-Ray detection, metallographic microscope, Digital Vickers hardness test, mechanical properties test and fluid simulation
National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51005011) Jan. 2011 - Dec. 2013
Theory for welding control of ultrafast-convert hybrid ultrasonic pulse variable
polarity TIG welding (HPVP-TIG) process by high strength aluminum alloys Key member
developed welding process with aluminum alloys
experienced with hardness and mechanical properties test
produced concluding reports
Foundation project (including two projects) Jan. 2011 - Dec. 2015
Optimization mechanism for microstructure and properties by ultrahigh frequency
pulsed gas tungsten arc welding (UHFP-GTAW) process Key member
scheduled project annual plan and assigned the graduates
managed the project and lab schedule
reported annual and final progresses
Research experience
Experimental Research
designed the welding and carried out the actual welding or to be assistant
conducted the experimental or surveillance platform or structural with mechanical knowledge
produced the observation for arc plasma and molten fluid with ultra speed camera
analyzed the welds microstructure and joints’ mechanical properties
Relevant: Mechanical design, Materials processing, Welding process, Arc plasma, Heat process, Observation technology, Mechanical properties
Mathematical calculation & simulation
established the arc force model with electromagnetic force and plasma jet force
calculated the force balance at the interface between liquid and gas
analyzed the temperature distribution in molten fluid
studied the molten fluid convections and checked the correlation between molten and welds
Relevant: CFD software FLUENT, C programming, Multi-phases, Modeling, Magnetic field, Arc plasma, Heat spray, Temperature distribution, Fluid
10/2016 Mingxuan YANG, Hao ZHENG, Bojin QI and Zhou YANG, 2016. Microstructure and fatigue property of Ti-6Al-4V by ultra high frequency pulse welding [J]. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering-ASME. (in press)
11/2015 Yang Mingxuan, Yang Zhou, et al. Effect of fluid in molten pool on the welds with Ti-6Al-4V during pulsed arc welding [J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2015, 81(5):1007-1016.
11/2015 Mingxuan Yang, Zhou Yang, et al. The effect of pulsed frequency on the plasma jet force with ultra high frequency pulsed arc welding [J]. Welding in the World, 2015, 59(6): 875-882.
08/2015 Yang Mingxuan, Yang Zhou, et al. Study on surface depression of Ti-6Al-4V with ultra high frequency pulsed GTAW [J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B-Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, 2015, 46(4): 1935-1941.
06/2015 Mingxuan Yang, Zhou Yang, et al. How ultra high frequency of pulsed gas tungsten arc welding affects weld porosity of Ti-6Al-4V alloy [J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2015, 76(6):955-960.
04/2015 Yang Mingxuan, Yang Zhou, et al. Molten behavior with ultra high frequency pulsed arc welding [J], Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2015, 41(4):589-593.
11/2014 Mingxuan Yang, Zhou Yang, et al. Fluid and arc behavior with ultra high frequency pulsed arc welding [C], The International Symposium on Visualization in Joining & Welding Science through Advanced Measurements and Simulation, 2014, Japan.
08/2014 M.X. Yang, Z.Yang, et al. Study on surface depression of molten pool with pulsed welding [J]. Welding Journal, 2014, 93(8): 312s-319s.
09/2013 M.X. Yang, B.J.Qi, et al. Study on electromagnetic force in arc plasma with UHFP-GTAW of Ti-6Al-4V [J]. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2013, 41(9): 2561-2568.
09/2013 M.X. Yang, B.J.Qi, et al. Effect of pulse frequency on microstructure and properties of Ti-6Al-4V by ultrahigh frequency pulse gas tungsten arc welding [J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2013, 68 (1): 19-31.
06/2013 B.J.Qi, M.X. Yang, et al. The effect of arc behavior on weld geometry by high frequency pulse GTAW process with 0Cr18Ni9Ti stainless steel [J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2013, 66 (10):1545-1553.
11/2012 Yang Mingxuan, Qi Bojin, et al. Weld appearance behavior in welding pool of stainless steel by ultrahigh frequency pulse GTAW process [J]. Transactions of the China Welding Institution, 2012, 33(11):31-34.
10/2012 Yang Mingxuan, Cong Baoqiang, et al. The influence of pulse current parameters on arc behavior by austenite stainless steel [J]. Transactions of the China Welding Institution, 2012, 33(10): 67-70.
06/2012 Yang Mingxuan, Qi Bojin, et al. Microstructures and properties of titanium alloys welds using ultrasonic frequency pulse GTAW [J]. Transactions of the China Welding Institution, 2012, 33(6): 39-42.
06/2012 Yang Mingxuan, Qi Bojin, et al. Fast-convert ultrasonic frequency pulse GTAW arc behavior [J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2012, 38(4): 468-472.
02/2012 Qi Bojin, Yang Mingxuan, et al. Study on fast-convert ultrasonic frequency pulse TIG welding arc characteristic [J]. Material Science Forum / Physical and Numerical Simulation of Material Processing VI, 704-705: 745-751.
Co-author (more than 20 papers):
02/2015 Microstructure, tensile properties of Ti-6Al-4V by ultra high pulse frequency GTAW with low duty cycle, Journal of Materials Processing Technology.
Chinese patent:
08/2016 Yang Mingxuan, Zheng Hao, et al. An equipment for welding arc force measurement (201610626094.2)
08/2016 Yang Mingxuan, Qi Bojin, Yang Zhou. Surveillance method for the surface temperature of Ti-6-Al-4V with arc welding (ZL201510512612.3)
11/2013 Qi Bojin, Yang Mingxuan, et al. Technical solution on eliminating porosity of Ti-6Al-4V with pulsed arc welding (201410079091.2)
07/2012 Yang Mingxuan, Qi Bojin, et al. Measurement equipment for arc force by ultrasonic pulse frequency arc welding (ZL201210052256.8)
Honors & Awards 'Frontrunner 5000' Top articles in outstanding science & technology journals of China