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刘源源 LIU Yuanyuan

作者:       发布: 2021-07-07      来源:




基本信息 | Basic information

刘源源 | Yuanyuan LIU

副教授 | Associate Professor    博士生导师 | PhD Supervisor

出生年月 | Date of Birth:1990.08

电子邮件 | Email: yuanyuanliu@18crzb.com


个人简介 | Summary

刘源源,北京航空航天大学副教授,博士生导师,小米青年学者;京津冀国家技术创新中心创新师;入选2023-2025年北京科协青年人才托举工程。英国剑桥大学工学博士,师从机械工程设计和包容性设计等领域著名学者、英国皇家工程院院士 P John Clarkson 教授。

2007年考入中南大学建筑与艺术成人直播 ,攻读设计学学士学位;2011年以专业总成绩第一名毕业并保送至清华大学,攻读设计学硕士学位;2014年以专业总成绩第一名毕业,获得全额奖学金赴英国剑桥大学工程系,攻读工学博士学位(2015-2018),博士研究成果获得剑桥大学博士生应用研究奖(全校仅12人)。博士毕业后,先后于英国剑桥大学工程系担任研究助理(2018)和于英国伦敦玛丽女王成人直播 担任博士后研究员(2019-2020)。

5年,主持多项交叉领域课题,如国家自然科学青年基金、重点研发计划和英国国家医疗研究所子课题,执行并参与多项国际科研课题,如英国国家艺术与人文科学基金项目;在设计、医工、电子等交叉领域发表论文10余篇,如人因工程知名期刊Applied Ergonomics和医学期刊 The International Journal of COPD

目前为止,刘源源有10余年的产学研的实践积累,参与多项国内外企业科研项目,比如美国波音、韩国LG等。设计作品获得国际知名设计比赛大奖10余次和受邀参加国际展览4次,如2013 IF Concept Design AwardTop 10/12000; 2016 Dubai Global Grad Show(仅有2个中国大陆的设计师作品受邀);为企业设计的多项方案已转化投产。

曾担任清华大学美术成人直播 研究生会主席、研工组学术助理等,获得清华大学学生干部标兵(全校4人);主持国际学术会议分论坛,受邀作为国际设计工作坊2018UXCambridge主讲嘉宾为企业培训员工等。

Dr Yuanyuan Liu is an Associate Professor, PhD Supervisor, and Xiaomi Young Scholar at Beihang University. She is also an Innovator at the Jing-Jin-Ji National Technology Innovation Centre and has been selected for the Beijing Association for Science and Technology Youth Talent Support Project (2023-2025). She qualified for her PhD degree at the University of Cambridge, supervised by Professor P John Clarkson (Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, UK), a renowned expert in Mechanical Engineering and Inclusive Design.

Yuanyuan completed her bachelor’s degree (top 1%) in industrial design at Central South University, China and her master’s degree (top 1%) in design management at Tsinghua University, China. She obtained her PhD from the Engineering Design Centre, University of Cambridge, UK. Her PhD research focused on exploring the application of Inclusive Design to the improvement of healthcare services, especially in community-based rehabilitation. Subsequently, she served as a Research Assistant at the Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, and as a Postdoctoral Researcher at Queen Mary University of London.

Over the past five years, she has led several interdisciplinary research projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the UK National Institute for Health Research, and the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council. She has published extensively in journals such as Applied Ergonomics and The International Journal of COPD, contributing over ten papers across various fields, including design, biomedical engineering, and electronics.

Yuanyuan has ten years of experience conducting international industry-university based research, for example, collaborating with international companies such as Boeing and LG. She also has published numerous peer-reviewed papers (see CV for details). Her design works have won a lot of prizes both domestically and internationally, and some of her designs have been put into mass production and market.

She was the president of the Graduate Student Union of the Academy of Art & Design, Tsinghua University, where she organised more than 20 university-wide events and activities. She also actively chairs international conferences and provides training on design thinking and methods for companies.


 研究兴趣 | Research Interests


My primary research focus is on the forefront of design-driven interdisciplinary fields, particularly at the intersection of medical engineering (Inclusive Healthcare Engineering) and aerospace technology (Human-Computer Interaction Design). I am dedicated to integrating engineering, technology, and design to conduct cross-disciplinary integrated system design and related design education. The specific research interests include but are not limited to:

        包容性人因工程 | Inclusive Human Factors Engineering

        人机交互设计 | Human-Computer Interaction

        用户体验 | User Experience

        医疗服务设计 | Healthcare Service Design

        老龄化设计创新 | Ageing Design Innovation


科研机会 | Research Opportunities


We are open to receiving applications from high-quality candidates for PhD, master’s research and graduation designs of undergraduates in Design. Welcome to get in touch and join us!


 代表性学术论文 | Selected Publications

[1] Liu, Y*., Dickerson, T., Waddingham, P., & Clarkson, P. J. (2019). Improving people’s access to community-based back pain treatment through an inclusive design approach. Applied Ergonomics, 81. //doi.org/10.1016/j.apergo.2019.102876

[2] Liu, Y*., Dickerson, T., Early, F., Fuld, J., & Clarkson, P. J. (2018). Understanding influences on the uptake of pulmonary rehabilitation in the East of England: an Inclusive Design/mixed-methods study protocol. BMJ open, 8(4), e020750.

[3] Liu, Y*., Dickerson, T., Early, F., Fuld, J., Jiang, C., & Clarkson, P. J. (2021). Understanding the Influences of COPD Patient’s Capability on the Uptake of Pulmonary Rehabilitation in the UK Through an Inclusive Design Approach. International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 16, 1717.

[4] Yin, H., Zhang, Z., & Liu, Y*. (2023). The Exploration of Integrating the Midjourney Artificial Intelligence Generated Content Tool into Design Systems to Direct Designers towards Future-Oriented Innovation. Systems, 11(12), 566.

[5] 刘源源.*, ,孙童心,郑址洪.“招募老年用户的方法研究——以探寻如何招募北京地区老年用户参与产品设计调研为例[J].装饰,2022(11):76-81. DOI: 10.16272/j.cnki.cn11-1392/j.2022.11.021.

[6]尹虎, 刘源源.*, .工科类工业设计专业的产品设计课程教学实践与思考[J].装饰,2022(12):107-112. DOI: 10.16272/j.cnki.cn11-1392/j.2022.12.035.