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冯仰刚 FENG Yanggang

作者:       发布: 2021-08-27      来源:



冯仰刚,北航成人直播 机器人所助理教授,博士生导师,20197月博士毕业于北京大学,同年9月加入东京大学,20215月加入北航成人直播 机器人所。主要研究方向为穿戴式机器人、医疗器械和人工智能。在IEEE TRO(一作长文,机器人领域Top期刊,2020年全球仅收录长文79)IEEE TMECH等共发表文章SCI/EI论文15篇。获日本科学技术振兴机构(JST)的两项个人资助。学术成果曾获得2015CLAWAR最佳学术论文,2018军委科技委主办神经义肢技术创新竞赛一等奖,2019日本科学技术振兴机构年度最佳海报奖。


基本信息|Basic Info

冯仰刚|FENG Yanggang

电子邮件|Email: [email protected]

个人网站|Personal Webwww.feng-robot.com


研究领域|Research Areas

穿戴式机器人(Wearable robot

医疗器械(Medical device




2010/09-2014/07 长安大学 学士(Chang'an University, B.Eng.

2014/09-2019/07 北京大学 博士(Peking University, Ph.D.



2019/09-2021/03 东京大学 博士后(The University of Tokyo, Postdoc.

2021/05-Present  北京航空航天大学 助理教授(Beihang University, Assistant Professor

代表性学术论文|Selected Publications

1.             Y. Feng, J. Mai, S. Agrawal, Q. Wang, Energy regeneration from electromagnetic induction by human dynamics for lower-extremity robotic prostheses, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 36, no. 5, 2020.

2.             Y. Feng, Q. Wang, Combining push-off power and nonlinear damping behaviors for a lightweight motor-driven transtibial prosthesis, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 2512-2523, 2017.

3.          Y. Feng, Q. Wang, Adjusting ankle angle measurement based on a strain gauge bridge for powered

transtibial prosthesis, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control-Transactions of the ASME, vol. 142, no. 7, pp. 1-10, 2020.

4.             Y. Feng, B. Chen, K. Yuan, Q. Wang, Robotic transtibial prosthesis with damping control improves amputee's level-ground walking at different speeds, Proc. of the 18th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots, Hangzhou, China, 2015, pp. 19-26. (Best Technical Paper Award, First Prize)



 Poster Award For JST CREST Research Area Meeting 2019

Top 10 Excellent Academic Student 2019, College of Engineering, Peking University

National Neuroprosthetic Technology Innovation Competition, 2018. (1st Prize)

Suzhou Industrial Park Scholarship 2018, Peking University

Guanghua Scholarship 2016, Peking University

Best Technical Paper Award (CLAWAR) 2015. (1st Author, 1st Prize)



Best poster award proposal for JST CREST, Japan, 2019 (个人研究型1,000千円)

AIP challenge program for JST CREST, Japan, 2020 (个人研究型1,000千円)


科研机会|Research Opportunities


We are currently seeking highly qualified graduate and undergraduate students to join us.