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学术报告:Shape Engineering for Design and Manufacturing

作者: </span><span>发布: 2016-11-09</span></p> <p class="news_r_con"> &nbsp;<b><s       发布: 2016-11-09      来源:


 讲座Dr. Nabil Anwer 



Shape Engineering for Design and Manufacturing


Shape engineering aims at defining new methodologies for shape and its underlying variability modeling and processing during the whole product life cycle. The modeling of product shapes and dimensions is now largely supported by geometric modeling tools. However, the underlying geometrical variations cannot be addressed efficiently when covering the overall product life cycle. The fundamental concept of Skin model and its representation through Skin Model Shapes have been developed as an extension to the nominal solid model and covers geometric deviations and errors that are expected, predicted or already observed in real manufacturing processes.

This talk investigates the fundamentals of shape engineering at a conceptual, geometric and computational level. New developed concepts and their applications for product engineering, digital manufacturing and computational metrology are presented, and challenges and future researches are highlighted. 


时间  20161110 星期四 上午1000-1130

地点 新主楼B506



Dr. Nabil Anwer received the M.Sc. degree in manufacturing and automation engineering in 1996, the PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2000 and the Habilitation to supervise research (highest academic degree in France) in 2015 from Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan in France. Dr. Nabil Anwer is Senior Researcher at the University Research Laboratory in Automated Production (LURPA) of Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay.

Dr. Nabil Anwer is the French director of the Sino-French PLM Innovation Center at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China. He is also the deputy director in charge of international cooperation for the French Network in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (AIP-PRIMECA) and the Factory of the Future Group of the French Society of Mechanical Engineering. He has been an invited professor at Beihang University since 2010 and has been developing and teaching an international master course on Geometrical Product Specifications.

Dr. Nabil Anwer is also very active in science and technology strategy and cooperation between China and France. He was the scientific coordinator for “ICT, Nanotechnologies, and Materials” thematic fields within the steering committee “China Group” of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. He also evaluated and reviewed European Projects on the topics of Science and Technology in China and participated to European Union – China Joint Strategic Agenda on Research and Innovation. He is also a member of the French Association of Science Diplomacy (AVRIST).       

Dr. Nabil Anwer is a member of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (EUSPEN).  He has special research interests in Robust Design, Geometric Modeling, Tolerancing and Assembly; Multi-Sensor Metrology, data mining and Reverse Engineering in Manufacturing; Computer-Aided Process Planning, Knowledge-based Engineering and Design for Additive Manufacturing. He leaded and participated in a number of research projects funded by major French companies, French Inter-ministerial Fund (FUI), French National Research Agency (ANR), and the European Metrology Research Program. He has published over 120 journals and conference papers.

Since 2016, Dr. Nabil Anwer is a technical expert at Standardization Office of the French standardization system in mechanical engineering (UNM 08 – GPS/Specification) and a committee member of ISO TC 213 (GPS).