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学术报告:Origami Structures for Energy Absorption

作者: 供稿/丁希仑、吕胜男 编辑/富晓凇</span><span>发布: 2016-12-22</span></p> <p class="news_r_con       发布: 2016-12-22      来源:


报告题目:Origami Structures for Energy Absorption

报告人:Prof. Zhong You

                Department of Engineering Science

                University of Oxford

时间:20161226 周一,1400 - 1530




Many objects, such as honeycombs to mosaic tiles, involve patterns. Among them, there are a family of patterns that can lead to geometrical transformations of the objects. Origami pattern is one example. The shape change has inspired many artists and also resulted in creation of novel deployable structures which are both mathematically interesting and have direct engineering applications.

In this talk, I shall focus on utilising origami to create energy absorption structures. I shall show that pre-folded origami patterns can be used to induce particular failure modes that lead to higher energy absorption capability.

I hope that the talk could generate some common interests in these fascinating research fields and I am looking forward to possible collaborations on one or all of the areas introduced in this talk and beyond.



Zhong You received bachelor degrees from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1982, the master degree from Dalian University of Technology in 1988, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Cambridge in 1994. Since 1998, he has been on the faculty of the Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford and Fellow of Magdalen College, University of Oxford. His research interests include Origami structures, Deployable structures and mechanisms, and Medical devices for minimum invasive surgery. Prof. Zhong You has been invited to give keynote speeches at various prestigious conferences. Science has introduced him and his work in their “Profile” Section.