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名古屋大学Fumihito Arai教授微纳机器人技术学术报告

作者:       发布: 2016-04-26      来源:


报告题目:Micro and Nano Robotics on a Chip for Biomedical Innovations

Micro and Nano Robot is one of the promising tools for measurement and manipulation of biological cell with high throughput and high repeatability. Integration of the microfluidic chip and robotics based on MEMS and nanotechnology is key challenge for biomedical innovations. In addition to the advantage of environmental control by microfluidic chip, robot enables physical operation with high throughput. This talk introduces recent and essential developments in advanced micro-nano robotics on a chip for biomedical applications, such as single cell sensing and high speed separation of rare cell.

Fumihito Arai, Professor, Department of Micro-Nano Systems engineering, Nagoya University. Dr. of Eng. from Nagoya University in 1993. Assistant Professor of Nagoya University in 1994. Associate Professor of Nagoya University in 1998. Professor of Tohoku University in 2005. Professor of Nagoya University since 2010. Director of Center for Micro-nano Mechatronics, Nagoya University since 2013. Vice President for Technical Activities, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society since 2014.
