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萨格勒布大学Zdravko Terze教授多体系统动力学中计算几何方法学术报告

作者:       发布: 2016-05-09      来源:



报告题目:Computational Geometric Methods in Multibody System Dynamics


In the field of multibody system dynamics, there are several reasons for adopting a geometric point of view within the synthesis of mathematical models. Some important issues of classical mechanics that certainly lie in-the-heart of multibody system dynamics, namely modeling of rigid body motions and numerical treatment of kinematical constraints, call naturally for a geometric framework. These and other geometric computational issues will be addressed, and selected research results pertinent to the field will be briefly presented.


Zdravko Terze,Professor,University of Zagreb. Member of EC SST Committee and EC SST Expert Group. Reviewer of the international scientific projects for number of EU national scientific agencies/foundations in the field of computational dynamics.Reviewer of distinguished scientific journals, published by Springer, Elsevier, Wiley. Associate Editor of ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics. Member of Advisory Board of the journal Multibody System Dynamics.Vice-President of Croatian Academy of Engineering Sciences.