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学术报告预告:The Road of STEP-NC towards Supporting Intelligent Manufacturing

作者:       发布: 2015-07-26      来源:


报告时间:7月29日(周三) 09:00-10:30
报告题目:《The Road of STEP-NC towards Supporting Intelligent Manufacturing》
报告人:徐旬 教授 新西兰奥克兰大学

The talk will be focused on STEP-NC (ISO 10303-238 and ISO 14649 standard) that is the result of a fifteen year international effort to replace the RS274D (ISO 6983) G and M code standard. STEP-NC builds on the STEP neutral data standard for CAD data, and uses the modern geometric constructs in that standard to specify device independent tool paths, and CAM independent volume removal features. STEP-Manufacturing, Team 24 in Working Group 3 of ISO TC184/SC4, is developing and validating the STEP-NC standard in liaison with Working Group 7 of ISO TC184/SC1. This talk reviews the demonstrations carried out by STEP-Manufacturing team over the past fifteen years. These demonstrations have been international collaborations between industry, academia and research agencies. Each demonstration focused on extending the STEP-NC data model for a different application.

  徐旬教授从事Intelligent Manufacturing Technologies相关的研究已经30余年,在STEP-NC、Cloud Manufacturing等方面进行了大量前沿性的研究,在国内外享有盛誉。总计发表了250余篇论文,其中STEP-NC相关的SCI文章数十篇。2011年在《Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing》上发表的文章“From cloud computing to cloud manufacturing”长期处于该期刊下载量和引用量排行榜中的第一位。徐旬教授是《Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing》和《International Journal of Automation and Computing》的副主编,《Robotics & Computer Integrated Manufacturing》、《International Journal of Production Research》、《International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》、《International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing》、《International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services》、《International Journal of Manufacturing Research》等优秀期刊的编委。

Professor Xun Xu has a PhD degree from the University of Manchester and has been working in the field of intelligent manufacturing technologies for some 30 years. Professor Xu is an internationally recognized expert in smart machining systems and cloud manufacturing. Over the years, Professor Xu has been actively engaged in various industrial consultancy works both locally and internationally. Professor Xu serves as Associate Editors and Editorial Board members for a number of elite international journals and has published over 250 research papers. He is the inaugural programme leader of the University of Auckland “Innovative Manufacturing and Materials” Programme, which draws expertise and experts from the Faculties of Engineering, Business and Science of the University of Auckland. Dr. Xu is the Fellow of American Society for Mechanical Engineers (ASME), and the Fellow of Institute of Professional Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ).