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作者:       发布: 2015-03-05      来源:




报告题目1:Manipulation of Oocytes by Magnetically Driven Microrobot on a Chip

报告人:Dr. Lin Feng


In the study of oocytes/embryos, manipulation is used for the enucleation, microinjection, and investigation of the characteristics of oocytes. We propose an innovative driving method for a microrobot. By using acoustic levitation, the microrobot can be levitated from the glass substrate. We are able to achieve positioning accuracy of less than 1 μm, and the response speed and output force are also significantly improved. Meanwhile, image processing helps detect the nucleus of a bovine oocyte in real time. Silicon-based microrobots can be made into diverse shapes using deep reactive-ion etching (DRIE). Using custom-designed microrobots allows for the 3-D rotational control of a single bovine oocyte. Orientation with an accuracy of 1° and an average rotation velocity of 3 rad/s are achieved. By using this approach, it becomes much easier to manipulate the cell to investigate the characteristics of the single cell and analyze its mechanical properties.


Dr. Lin FENG,日本名古屋大学博士(2014),日本东北大学硕士(2011),日本学术振兴会研究员(JSPS Fellow,2013-2015)。IEEE International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics 2010 (ICAM 2010), Young Fellow Prize (青年学者奖);IEEE International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Science 2011 (MHS 2011), Best Paper Award (最优秀论文奖)。

报告题目2:Piezoresistive Microresonator and Carbon Nanotubes-Metal Composite Thin Film

报告人:Dr. Zhonglie An


1. Piezoresistivemicroresonator for mass sensing

This report presents a resonant silicon mass sensor for detecting an adsorbed hydrogen mass in carbon nanotubes (CNTs) to show thepotential ability of the measurements of hydrogen storagecapacity. The piezoresistive detection is implemented into the resonant sensor for mass detection at vacuum and room temperatureenvironment, to clarify its capability and applicationfor conventional use at various environments.

2. Synthesis of CNTs-Cu composite thin film for microsystem applications

This part discribes a new synthesis method of a CNTs-Cu composite thin film on a silicon substrate using combination of supercritical fluid deposition (SCFD) and electrochemical plating (ECP) process. The thermal resistance of the composite was evaluated. The CNTs-Cu composite thin film shows ability applicable to many microelectronics applications as thermal interface material.


Dr. Zhonglie AN,日本东北大学博士(2015年)。2008-2012年在ALPS ELECTRIC CO., LTD担任高级研发工程师,主持触摸屏传感器设计。多篇文章发表于Carbon, JMM等杂志。