报告题目: Designand Development of Multi-Scaled Metal Forming Products Aided by Finite ElementSimulation
There is anincreasingly urgent need to improve product quality, reduce product cost,enhance productivity and shorten time-to-market in metal forming industries. Inthese demands, the improvement and control of product quality is the first andmost critical. Regarding the product quality from defect-free perspective,flow-induced and stress-induced defects are two main deformation defects informing processes. The former is caused by the irrational flow pattern, whilethe latter is generated by the working stress exceeding the strength limit ofmaterials. The most common defect of the latter is the ductile fractureoccurring in forming process. In this talk, the flow-induced defects areextensively articulated, discussed, and analyzed in terms of flow behavior,formation mechanism, and avoidance methods in multiscaled deformation processesfrom macro-, meso- to microscale by using experiments and simulations. Thesimulation-enabled methodology and feature-based method are proposed to aid thedesign of defect-free metal formed part, forming process, sequence, and diestructure. Through case studies, the presented design framework and thefeature-based approach for defect-free forming sequence design are validatedand verified by both experiment and simulation. The prediction and analysis offracture behaviors and occurrence in macro- and micro-scaled deformation aregiven. Using the physical experiments in multiscaled deformation, thesimulation-enabled methodologies are corroborated by experiments, and thus providean efficient tool for metal forming product development in industries.
Dr.Mingwang Fu is a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, TheHong Kong Polytechnic University. He received his B.Eng and M.Eng degrees fromthe Northwestern Polytechnical University, China, and PhD from the NationalUniversity of Singapore. Before he went to Singapore for his careerdevelopment, he had worked in China as a professor and conducted many projectsfunded by governmental agencies and industries. In 1997, he joined theSingapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology as a Senior Research Engineer.In Aug 2006, he joined the Hong Kong Polytechnic University as a facultymember. Prof Fu is quite active in exploring advanced materials processing, numerical modeling and simulation,product design and development, and micro-mechanics by using state-of-the-arttechnologies to seek for the epistemological understanding of the sciencebehind these explorations, advancing knowledge in these areas, and successfullyaddressing a plethora of challenges and bottleneck issues the explorationsface. His research findings have benefited the development of the technologiesin the above-described arenas and academic disciplines, and led to about 180SCI journal papers and a number of monographs published top-notched publishersincluding Marcel Dekker (New York), Springer-Verlag London Ltd, CRC Press,Taylor & Francis Group, and Elsevier. Prof Fu is also sitting in theeditorial board of a number of prestigious SCI journals, which include Int. J.of Plasticity, Materials and Design, Int. J. of Damage Mechanics, Int. J. ofAdv. Manu. Tech., and Chinese J. of Mechanical Engineering, etc. He is ofteninvited to give keynote or plenary talk in many well-known internationalconferences in different countries including Germany, Russia, United Kingdom,USA, Australia etc. and talk/lecture in some top universities worldwide.
联系人:孟宝([email protected])