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学术报告:多组分液相混合物的相分离 (Phase behavior and morphologyof multicomponent liquid mixtures)

作者:       发布: 2019-02-26      来源:




多组分液相混合物的相分离 (Phase behavior and morphologyof multicomponent liquid mixtures)

时间: 2019227日(星期三)上午11:00

地点:  柏彦大厦19层(1912





Multicomponentsystems are ubiquitous in nature and industry. While the physics of binary andternary liquid mixtures is well-understood, the thermodynamic and kineticproperties of N-component mixtures with N>3 have remained relativelyunexplored. Inspired by recent examples of intracellular phase separation, weinvestigate equilibrium phase behavior and morphology of N-component liquidmixtures within the Flory-Huggins theory of regular solutions. In order todetermine the number of coexisting phases and their compositions, we developeda new algorithm for constructing complete phase diagrams, based on numericalconvexification of the discretized free energy landscape. Together with aCahn-Hilliard approach for kinetics, we employ this method to study mixtureswith N=4 and 5 components. We report on both the coarsening behavior of suchsystems, as well as the resulting morphologies in 3D. We discuss how the numberof coexisting phases and their compositions can be extracted with PrincipalComponent Analysis (PCA) and K-Means clustering algorithms. Finally, we discusshow one can reverse engineer the interaction parameters and volume fractions ofcomponents in order to achieve a range of desired packing structures, such asnested ‘Russian dolls’ and encapsulated ‘Janus’ droplets.


   毛晟博士2007年于北京大学工成人直播 理论与应用力学专业毕业;2016年于宾夕法尼亚大学机械工程与应用力学系取得博士学位;20169月至今任普林斯顿大学机械工程与航空航天系博士后研究员。科研方向包括固体力学、生物力学及软物质力学。