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学术报告:Photosymbiotic giant clams are transformersof solar flux

作者:       发布: 2019-04-15      来源:




Photosymbiotic giant clams are transformersof solar flux

时间: 2019416日(星期二)上午10:30

地点:  柏彦大厦19层(1912

报告人:蔡静博士,美国哈佛大学医成人直播 、麻省总医院博士后研究员



Unicellularalgae are attractive as a source of biofuels, since they are capable of highphotonic efficiency and grow in liquid culture, making it possible to harvestthem in bioreactors. However, any reactor with optical mean free paths longerthan that of a single cell will suffer from efficiency losses due to internalabsorbance and the fact that single cells are readily photodamaged at highflux.

Thenatural photo-symbiosis between algae and giant clams is extremely efficientand may show a path toward efficient bioreactor technology. In contrast toneighboring corals, the  clam system absorbs almost all incident lightwith little or no fluorescence or waste. This efficiency seems largely due toforward-scattering cells in the clam called iridocytes. Intriguingly, thesurface distribution of iridocytes may be arbitrary and disordered, making ittrivial to mimic this function in technology.  Inside the clam tissue,irradiance measurements showed that photons at ~ 600 nm are enhanced topenetrate the surface of the clam mantle.  Therefore, the iridocytes areserving as solar energy transformers that provided a relativelyevenly-distributed-light environment in depth to maximize the energy usage foralgae at various positions.


   蔡静,美国宾夕法尼亚大学物理学博士,现为麻省总医院、哈佛大学医成人直播 博士后研究员,科研领域主要集中在神经科学、海洋生物光学性质以及生物系统的自组装结构。其主要科研成果被Science杂志以第一作者的身份接收,并多次受到海内外科研机构邀请并曾在AmericanPhysical Society March Meeting等国际会议进行学术交流和科研报告,受到广泛好评。因此,多次受邀参与包括PhysicalReview Letters等国际知名期刊的评审工作。另外,她曾在摩根大通银行从事信用卡核心建模,作为重要成员参与制作美联储ComprehensiveCapital Analysis and Review 的年度报告。