

成人直播 > 学术咨询 > 正文


作者:       发布: 2019-05-27      来源:










Laserannealing and laser ablation method show great advantage in synthesis andconstruction of low dimension materials, such graphene sponge, metalnanoparticles, nanoflakes of metal oxide and etc. Besides controlling the rapidthermal uptake in laser process, the bottom-up precursor design also plays akey role in designing product phase and mesoscale structure. In this talk, afew examples will be discussed, including laser induced graphene-carbidecomposite starting from metallo-hydrogel, carbon network from naturalcarbonaceous materials and hierarchical porous two-dimensional transition metalcarbide with applications in flexible electronics and clean energy. Devicesmade from chemically synthesized nanomaterials require further lithographysteps; instead, the direct patterning method would enable roll-to-rollmanufacturing of host of potential applications sensing, electrocatalysis,energy storage and etc.


   DrXining Zang is a postdoc researcher in Department of Materials Science andEngineering in Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dr. Zang got her PhD fromUniversity of California Berkeley in 2017 August. During PhD she worked on 2Dmaterials synthesis and assembly to nanostructured device, which span fromwafer scale manufacturing and integration of 2D materials including transitionmetal chalcogenide and transition metal carbides for electronics and energyrelated applications (catalyst, battery and supercapacitors). Currently, she isworking on laser ablating and doping natural carbonaceous materials (coal, tar,and etc) for electronics devices.