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学术报告:Advances in MusculoskeletalModeling and Their Applications to Physical Human-Robot Interaction

作者:       发布: 2019-06-24      来源:


报告题目:Advances in MusculoskeletalModeling and Their Applications to Physical Human-Robot Interaction

报告人:Dr. Cheng Fang

              Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute

              University of Southern Denmark

时间:2019627      周四14:30 – 16:00




Human-robotinteraction has been identified as an important enabling technology forrevolutionizing the production systems towards a smart factory in the contextof industry 4.0. In the future factories, collaborative robots (Cobots) are supposedto work closely together with humans in a shared workspace with physicalinteractions. On one hand, humans' significant cognitive abilities in learningand adaptation to various task demands and disturbances, and the Cobots'superior physical capabilities can be combined to make the manufacturingsystems sufficiently flexible and adaptive. On the other hand, the behaviors ofthe Cobots can be regulated adaptively by considering the physical states ofthe human partners in order to have them alleviate possible fatigue, stress,and injuries in a collaboration process towards an ergonomic human-robotcollaboration. The role of human workers will be therefore redefined in afuture factory. To seamlessly integrate human workers with Cobots, the biomechanicalinformation of human worker has to be exploited. This talk will presentresearch outcome of musculoskeletal modeling of human body, online estimationof biomechanical properties, and their applications to human-robot interaction.



Dr. Cheng Fang receivedhis Ph.D. degree in mechanical design and theory from the Robotics ResearchInstitute, Beihang University, Beijing, China, in 2013. During his Ph.D period,he conducted researches on motion planning, control and skill transfer forredundant anthropomorphic arms based on movement primitives. He was awardedNational Scholarship for Graduate Students and Outstanding DoctoralDissertation Award of Beihang University. Afterwards, He joined the Humanoidsand Human Centered Mechatronics Lab in Italian Institute of Technology as aPostdoctoral Researcher in 2014. During his Postdoctoral period, he wasinvolved in a couple of European projects, i.e., SAPHARI (FP7-ICT-2011-7),WALK-MAN (FP7-ICT-2013-10) and CENTAURO (H2020 ICT-23-2014), working on the developmentof algorithms and software for improving the manipulation skills (especiallythe skills which require interactions or contracts among humans, robots andenvironment) of humanoid robots by utilizing the kinematic and dynamicmusculoskeletal modelling of human body. He is currently an assistant professorin the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute at University of Southern Denmark. Hiscurrent research interests include physical human-robot-environmentinteractions (in the context of Industry 4.0), kinematic and dynamicmusculoskeletal modelling of human body, safety issue on the human-robotcollaboration.