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学术报告:“Digital Reality”, a Challenging Way Towards the Smart Manufacturing of the future

作者:       发布: 2019-10-22      来源:



讲座时间2019.10.23 下午3:30


讲座题目“DigitalReality”, a Challenging Way Towards the Smart Manufacturing of the future

演讲者ProfDimitris Mourtzis  


Professor Dimitris Mourtzis is currentlythe Deputy Head of theDepartment of MechanicalEngineering andAeronautics atthe University of Patras,Greece. He is a fellow of CIRP and a member of ASME, IFAC and IFIP. Hisresearch interests are focused on the field of design, planning and control of manufacturingsystems and networks, advanced manufacturing processes modelling and automationin manufacturing, flexibility and complexity in manufacturing systems. He isalso involved in digital transformation and implementation of Industry 4.0practices. He is a guest editor in 7 international scientific journals. He hasmore than 200 publications reaching a total number of unique citations thatexceeds 3000.  


Inthe world of data, academia in conjunction with industry are in the forefrontof integrating digital technologies into physical assets. Augmented Reality(AR) is a cutting-edge digital technology, based on the superimposition ofvirtual information on the physical environment of the users. As such modernmanufacturing systems can be benefited from the integration of AR in a varietyof application, namely the remote maintenance and repair assistance for complexequipment, product and equipment customization, production planning andscheduling, frugal innovation etc. Therefore, this Academic Report presentssome of the latest trends in the topic of AR. Also, results are presented anddiscussed from the real-life scenarios implementation of the presentedframeworks in various laboratory and real-life industrial use cases. Finally,This Academic Report concludes with the presentation of the impact of ARintegration in the education process of young engineers through the adoption ofthe Teaching Factory paradigm.